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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. Marv needs to STFU. HE sat this franchise back YEARS with his horrible signing of Jaruon as HC, Forcing a Tampon 2 on us because he liked seeing it in Chicago (where he lives btw....NOT Buffalo...), his horrible Drafts and FA picks. As for as I am concened, he needs to stay out of Bills business.
  2. http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/933417.html
  3. No. The guy just doesn't have it in the NFL and I wish the Trent lovers would give it up already
  4. Hell no. Are you serious are just trying to start ****?
  5. I haven't seen any of our WR's run consistant routes worth a damn since Andre Reed and company left. Tolbert imho did NOTHING for our WR's. Bad Hire by Carolina but then again, Hurney and Fox are still there and they were dumb enough to keep Delhomme around so what do you expect?
  6. Exactly. Gailey said it would be YEARS before he handed play calling over to someone if he ever did. This is just a title for a guy to assist him in game planning
  7. The Vikings have one of the best OL's in the NFL and the best RB. They didn't get to the NFC Championship game and become a superbowl contender till they got a real QB. That says it all right there. It is ALL ABOUT THE QB. Quit !@#$ing around and get one in here.
  8. Chan could turn Bradford into a pure stud in this league.
  9. Thanks for posting John Guy, you are still fired.
  10. Two things, first off it is well past time for this franchise to find a Franchise QB even if he is a top talent and we develop him. Enough of passing off scrubs as our starter. Secondly, if Smithers wants to really bring back the fan base and Gailey/ Nix want to get the fans hyped, then go QB with the 9th pick. Yeah there will be some idiots bitching and moaning, but QB needs to be the pick for more reasons than one with this draft.
  11. This guy.... http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2009/01/27/arizona...time-to-get-to/
  12. That's his wife. LOL we need her to slap the **** out of most of our guys
  13. Vikes all the way to the superbowl win
  14. I hear he is with Arizona but who cares? Offer the guy the right money, a bigger title and lets get this guy in here!
  15. Bingo. and Winfield, Pat Williams etc...
  16. Alecia is getting my vote!
  17. Bottom line you can have the best line in the world, if you don't have a QB worth a **** it doesn't matter. We go into 2010 with these same losers as our QB corp and it will be ANOTHER losing season.
  18. 90 min or 2000 miles take your pick.
  19. Yeah great DC but I want the 3-4 here
  20. and I don't just mean because of our new people and us finally getting rid of that assclown Guy. I mean the top 8 teams (playoff teams) can't add a FA unless they lose one. Un restricted FA goes from 4 years to 6 I believe. Everyone gets a Transition tag back and can use BOTH it and the Franchise tag now. Things like that along with no cap are going to make things interesting.
  21. He was exposed for the Fraud he was and is now in hiding.
  22. they would have praised Shanahan or Cowher as well. Is that them reinforcing the good ol boys network as well?
  23. Good....Bad....I'm the one with the Gun.
  24. Exactly. That must have been Guy or a family member of his posting. The guy is worthless in evaluating and finding FA's worth a damn. Epic Fail more often than not.
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