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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. Bull ****. It is illegal as hell. Quit trying to be internet tough guy.
  2. the people who should STFU are the FANS. They are the ones bitching and whining about perfect seasons. !@#$ that. BOTH Teams that rested starters are now in the superbowl. Coaches don't coach for perfect regular seasons, they coach for superbowls. I hope Bill Polian sticks it in their face.
  3. I am using what the league does apparently... I guarantee though at a neutral sight, if the Aints think they will get away with that **** hitting Manning like that, they have another thing coming.
  4. Sigh...Nothing changes till Ralph passes on. He won't sell, he wont' change his ways. Nothing else left to say.
  5. Going into the game anyone with a brain knew they couldn't get pressure with the front 4 but Frazier went ahead and didn't blitz the LB's. Bottom line his gameplan sucked. The guy runs the tampon 2 and it bit him in the ass yesterday.
  6. Again are they penalties currently? Would they call those hits on Brady? Then !@#$ing call them when they cheap shot favre. Bottom line it was home cooking all the way and the refs did all they could to get NO the win. I hope Indy blows them off the !@#$ing planet.
  7. Frazier showed yesterday why he hasn't been hired.
  8. The guy dove intentionally at the back of his knee. Hell our guys get flagged if we legitimately tackle a QB at the friggin thigh! They intentionally tried to injure him and that is chicken ****. Hitting a guy 3 steps after he hands off the ball for a run play? I mean come on...
  9. Troy Aikmans hate for the Vikes has been apparent the last two weeks.
  10. Those players would have been flagged, fined and ejected. Dirty ass shots on farve all day and only one of them called. I have lost all respect for the Aints. I hope Peyton beats the **** out of them
  11. My Son's team hands down with no 2nd thought
  12. Exactly we need a QB. Since 1996 we haven't any anyone worth a damn out there.
  13. What injury issues does Bradford have? He has had the shoulder and that is about it. Instead of getting it fixed he came back again and landed on the same shoulder so its all about the same injury. Before the one shoulder injury he was a GOD that everyone wanted.
  14. What does this have to do with the Bills? Can this be moved to the correct board please?
  15. Baluga, when was the last great OL man from Iowa come out? I keep hearing about Kirk Ferentz being this great coach with the OL, but the last one he put out sucked ass in Oakland. Who says Baluga won't suck ass as well?
  16. The OL is fine. We need better conditioning to they aren't on IR. We have a damn solid OL if they have a better QUARTERBACK behind them that can deliver the damn ball
  17. What I wouldn't give to ahve a Brett Favre here in Buffalo.
  18. Don't we have a sabres board that this can be posted on?
  19. Pure stupidity. Does mommy and daddy know you are on the PC again?
  20. God knows it is going to take lots of work wasting about 5 years of first rounders
  21. Thank you! Every !@#$ing year they !@#$ up the first round and miss on guys that became studs in the NFL. And its not like these were long shots either. They were right there, you KNEW these kids would play well in the NFL and they just passed on them
  22. Bull ****. Injuries or no this team is filled with what would be other teams backups. Are you kidding me? Williams instead of McKinney? Whitner instead of Ngata? Maybin aka 'the stick' instead of Orakpo? Trading back up for friggin JP loserman and McCargo? Come on man...
  23. LMAO I love it. I love the guy, he is the best DE in the league right now. Peppers plays IF he wants to and that is inconsistant as hell so Allen is tops in my book. MULLET RULES!!!
  24. Any Coincidence That 3 out of 4 have stud QB's? Two of which have future HOF signal callers? The 4th has a young stud with an inspiring HC? Nah...its gotta be the domes...
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