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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. Edwards can NOT be a Good QB. He is what he is, a coward that is oft injured. The guy will not throw with anticipation, will not throw into tight coverage and has a horrible release. He also doesn't have the arm we need. He short hops throws and his deep ball wobbles more often than not. he holds the ball WAY too long then dumps off. He also is not a leader. We need a leader, someone this team can rally around, Trent isn't that. We need a guy that is a gunslinger with a cannon strapped to his shoulder that can also be taught to read defenses at the NFL level. Trent just isn't a starting calibre QB in this league. We cut him and he will never start for another team unless their real starter gets hurt.
  2. Again, I don't get why Bills fans hang on to scrubs like Edwards
  3. The guy is not a leader. The thing that had me questioning the guy was an article I read where he said right after getting drafted he wasn't going to play that long. I can't remember the article but it really torqued me. This guy is not a leader, he has flat said he isn't a Bills fan. He is just collecting a paycheck while he can. If Edwards had been drafted by anyone else, he NEVER would have seen the field. He is a backup at best, he is NOT a starter in this league.
  4. Maybe its because we haven't had a real QB talent here in so long they think a staff should be able to polish a turd. I bring this up because we still have fans, even after all the proof on the field to the contrairy' that think Edwards is going to be the QB we need. Edwards sucks. NO staff is going to be able to change what he is. Captain checkdown, oft injured, won't throw with anticipation or into tight coverage, ****ty throwing motion....in college and pros! You can't change what he is. Just like Collins, Hobart, JR, Flutie, Bledsoe (really going downhill when we got him), JP and now Edwards....ALL were nothing but BACKUP talent that the 'brain trust' at OBD though was starter quality. But no matter what the proof, no matter how they failed its always 'the coaching' that is the problem. Well those guys listed went on to other teams and started a short while before teams (much quicker than the Bills) figured out they are nothing but backups at best and put them there. And still we had fans screaming that this guy or that guy just needs more time blah blah blah. NO THEY DONT! You will know in about 30 games or so if a guy has it or not IF that long. But we still have fans that fought like hell for this guy or that for some reason. I am praying that Nix pulls the trigger and gets us some damn good talent in here to develop so we can put the QB issue (THE most important issue on a team) to rest finally.
  5. I did. The guy sucks. Dont' compare Trent the puss to Favre and young. Both had more fire, more leadership, willing to take more chances and flat threw the ball better than Trent. AND BOTH were less injured.
  6. !@#$ Edwards. Sucked ass in College and sucked ass here. He was a Jauron pick because he was exactly what Jauron wanted in a QB. The clown has no business ever starting in the NFL.
  7. Ah so that proves they were out to intentionally cheap shot and injure Favre. Well grego guess what? This is payton manning, the NFL is gonna protect his ass even more than Marcia Brady. And now that you have announced your plans, your guys even get close to manning it is 15 yards and possibly an ejection
  8. I love the guy and this article further shows why. He doesn't give a damn what 'experts' or some hyper depressive fans have to say about his hire. So he didn't beat Georgia, you don't fire a coach with a winning record and 6 bowl apperances because of that. As for as KC is concerned, their HC wanted to run his offense and call his plays. To do so he had to fire Gailey. And lets see isn't KC drafting ahead of us? Yeah that offense really lit it up after Gailey was fired I just wish we had Nix running the show way back instead of Donahoe. I am convinced we would be contenders by now.
  9. I am throwing my full support behind Nix and Gailey. I am going to give these guys time before I make any rash judgments. Personally I like BOTH hires. I feel if we had these two years ago we would have been a serious contender by now. I liked Gailey's no nonsense approach in Dallas. I felt he got a raw deal as does many Cowboys fans, even JJ himself said he was wrong to fire him. I love the way Nix flat B word slaps the worthless media. I like the way he says he is going to evaluate players. I really think this guy can get us the talent we need. So I ask you my Fellow Bills fans to not go the way of normalcy and keep bashing the guys before they have had a chance to do anything. I ask that you join me in supporting them to the fullest and hope that they will field and coach up a team we can be proud of.
  10. He sucked in College and was captain checkdown/ oft injured there. His 'handling' in the pros doesn't change what he is and has always been.
  11. Fortunately Nix, Modrak and Gailey say they are all on the same page. I think this draft might end up being our best one in years.
  12. "It's based on a body of work," Nix said. "If you get a guy who's always done it, I think he'll continue to do it. These one-year wonders who you think nobody else has found? They're probably going to get you in trouble. Hummm and what did maybin do before his last year in College? Oh yeah he wouldn't have even been on the field if not for the guy in front of him having issues. Maybin = the classic example Nix is talking about.
  13. Fair enough, the man has yet to coach a game and Nix has yet to add or subtract any players. How about we let that play out before bitching and whining?
  14. We have our #2 WR...Evans. We need a true #1 that knows how to run routes, demands respect of opposing DB's. Evans is a guy that runs 2-3 routes and if he can't get deep on a 9 route, he isn't worth a damn.
  15. If we get mcNabb then Owens is gone and OT will be our first pick in the draft. If not...then it's a QB
  16. Gailey has said HE CALLS HIS OWN PLAYS. He said it would be YEARS before he would think of handing it over so whomever the OC is , just has a title and nothing else.
  17. Well he sucked at throwing the ball Before he was sick, so his performance so far is par for course. also isn't it funny all of a sudden these reports come out he is sick AFTER two days of him sucking ass in practice? Hummmm....
  18. !@#$ McClain, we dont' need a god damn LB when we need QB, and both lines first. Getting a LB with the 9th pick = a dumb ass move Donahoe or Marv would pull
  19. Bottom line we have ONE 3-4 lineman right now and that is Stroud to play LDE. We need a RDE and a NT (plus big enough backups). You don't play skinny ass 225-260lb guys on the line of a 3-4
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