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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. They look like ****. Both home and Away. We need to can them to finally get the Donahoe stink off this franchise
  2. humm so the braintrust of DJ and Brandon A. got rid of a probowl LT and B. failed to draft a guy that could have been a probowler? Please God...let the entire thing be turned over to Nix and senile old Ralph and his buddy Russ Smithers stay the hell out of it!
  3. They haven't hired one yet? Just a thought.
  4. They want to stay here because up to this point, we were the only ones stupid enough to keep them around AND pay them as much as we do. Only the Bills pay a #2 WR #1 WR money
  5. NCAA needs to step in and put an end to this stupid ****.
  6. Funny we aledgedly have talent on Defense? Ok then why did we never have a top quality rated defense with Fewell? Bottom line IMHO Caughlin just sealed his fate as NYG coach hiring fewell.
  7. So we offered 10 mill per to Shanahan and maybe Cowher and they both said no, so now what? Who is out there you would pay 10 mill for? So you are saying we should have paid Chan 10 mill or should we be happy a quality coach took the job when we have assistants turning us down for interviews? What if Chan turns this thing around? You guys gonna B word because he is JUST making 3 mill per? Bottom line you girls are gonna B word and whine no matter what. There will always be something about the team etc that you guys will B word about. Had Shanahan or Cowher taken the job you would B word they got paid too much, their assistants suck etc.
  8. Yeah I don't like those
  9. I love how Nix was at the Gailey Pc. It is about time someone B word slaps the friggin media. They were WRONG and he called their asses on it. I love the fact he told EVERYONE, Fans included, he doesn't give a **** if you don't like his moves or how he does things. I wish more GM's had his balls. It is a breath of fresh air.
  10. How have they regressed? We haven't taken one worth a damn since Kelly. You can't regress if you suck in the first place. Try to understand this, Edwards was NOT good in College. You guys act like he was a heisman trophy contender or national champion. The guy SUCKED in College. Come on folks...
  11. http://www.espnshop.com/catalog/productdet...etP/#sku=720809
  12. Edwards !@#$ing sucks.
  13. Sure some of them aren't 'names' but they look really qualified. Add to it they have brought back three really good coaches including an old one that should have never been let go in the past. Pretty damn good in my opinion.
  14. Hummm helped develop TWO Pro bowl calibre QB's? We have never had that. So we are getting a guy who along with Gailey could develop a top level talent at QB if we got one in here. I still say trade up in the draft and get the QB you want and let these two have at him.
  15. Flutie was a gimick QB. He got figured out his first go around in the NFL and had to leave. We bring him back, teams figure him out. He goes to SD, gets figured out there and made the backup that he always was. Flutie was nothing more than a gimick QB that was a solid backup, but once teams figured him out, he was done.
  16. There isn't anyone on this roster worth Franchising outside of our friggin punter In fact we need to cut some of this dead weight loose and replace it with guys we would worry about keeping a few years down the road
  17. I wonder if he can get Parrish to STFU and just be a special teamer? IMHO all his problems this last year are because he was pissed about not being a WR. Hopefully we can either trade Roscoe for something good or turn him back into a premier return man.
  18. Logic dictates he has already been approached and essentially taken the position. I mean surely these moves for DB coaches, LB coaches etal have also been ran by the new DC and he has approved? I mean one would think.
  19. Ah you may be correct. My bad.
  20. Ahh so that is it. The Football Gods have been punishing us for a great wrong we have committed. Good to see we are making the Gods happy once again!
  21. EXACTLY!!! He was wrongly fired.
  22. It sets the franchise back ANOTHER year staying with a ****ty QB. Look the guy SUCKS! time for the last stragglers to finally understand this clown needs to go. If not for Dick Jauron he NEVER would have started in this league. I swear to God there is something about Bills fans that they must cling to any hope these ****ty QB's they keep putting out there are the next great QB for us. The guy sucks. Sucked in College, sucks in the pros and has no business starting in the NFL. Punt kick his ass and get some real talent in here for a change.
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