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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. Superbowl winning QB Drew Brees shoulder was destroyed in his last game in SD and no one but NO took a chance on him because of his shoulder? How did that workout for Miami that passed on him and NO that took the chance? BTW Same outstanding surgeon that did Brees' arm did Bradfords and he says bradford is going to be just fine. Oh and a torn labrum/ Rotator cuff (brees) is worse than a Grade III Shoulder sepreration with no Rotator cuff damage (Bradford). Bradford is not injury prone and his arm is going to be just fine. Someone is going to get a hell of a QB
  2. Bull ****. The writer is a flat out idiot and anyone who buys his bull **** is an idiot as well. Nix is a damn good fit for this or any other team. I wish we had a time machine and could go back and insert him in as GM the minute Butler left and AJ Smith with him. As for as Gailey is concerned, Jummuh Jones has said it was a MISTAKE to let him go. When have you EVER heard him admit he made a mistake? Both bring a very solid background, respect from their peers around the league, and fire and passion to make the BUFFALO BILLS a great team again. Both WANT TO BE HERE!!!!!!! As for as the assistant coaches, I have heard nothing but positives from anyone that has ever been coached by them or been around them. As for as being cheap with these hires, Ralph offered up the bank to both Shanahan and Cowher and both said no. So what is Ralph to do, pay Gailey 10 mill per year to satisfy some pussys that are going to whine and B word at every move he makes? Look I have been in Ralph's ass as much as anyone, but these are damn good hires. 'But but but he didn't interview outside the org for a GM'. WTF would he? The RIGHT GUY is sitting right there in the Building. This one time promoting from within was the RIGHT Move. As for as ticket prices, folks get used to it. If you want the BUFFALO Bills to stay the BUFFALO Bills it is going to cost fans a lot more than it does now. Either deal with it or line up and waive good bye as the truck move away. It is what it is, that is business in the NFL these days. Lastly, if you support the views of the writer of this piece of **** article, I suggest you go find a new team. Ralph is damned if it does, damed if he doesn't and apperantly nothing is going to satisfy some of you fans. Either get on board and give these guys a legitimate shot, or move on and save yourself a lot of stress.
  3. I ended the article right there. The three combined can't make one quality starter.
  4. Answer the question, why is marty still sitting out there if he is so damn good? No one is beating the guys door down to hire him. Marty is a 'Name' that fans wanted because they know the NAME.
  5. Yeah Marty ball has really been a success in the playoffs. BTW he is such a great HC no one else has offered him a job either. I love the Nix hire, I really like the Gailey hire and am really liking the additional moves in the front office and with the coaches.
  6. Well he IS a good prospect and should be there in the 3rd round for us.
  7. Ok so you proved my point! If you have a great QB then you can get away with a lesser pick at LT. Thanks for proving my point
  8. And again, for most of the season who played? Who played in the playoffs, who played in the Superbowl? Apperantly the guys are good enough or their QB's would be dead and neither team in the Superbowl. Bottom line, you don't need a first round LT.
  9. And some team would have paid dearly, Locker is NOT worth a first rounder by any step of the imagination.
  10. That bolded part just ended any credibility right there. Locker can't hold eithers jock.
  11. There it is in a nutshell. When kitty errr Edwards came out against NE you could hear the boos clearly on TV. It is well past time to move on from this clown
  12. And it isn't going to improve except the rest of the QB's from next year sucks. here is the updated for 2011, sorry I got a year ahead with the OP http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/prospec...ngs/TSX/2011_QB
  13. Ok you got me...lets try again... I mean LEFT TACKLES. My Bad
  14. Well lets see. You leave your current job for a simillar one. Where the company chooses you determines your salary. Would you want to be picked higher or just go wherever making less money?
  15. Name for me the rounds that the LT's for the two SUPERBOWL teams were drafted in. And where are they from college wise.
  16. Its in a thread that states we have a new coach
  17. See my other post. I say Rodger Saffold will end up being our new LT. Just wait and see
  18. This kid is better than Hicks and being a 3.5 year starter you can bet Nix has his eye on him. Esp with the new asst line coach being the kids OL coach for a while.
  19. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/players/1243668 Read the report on our new Asst OL coach, look at the kids career and how well he did in the Shrine game. Just the type of player Nix is looking for!
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