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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. They drafted him for a reason, and that was to take over the franchise. In his starts this year he showed he most likely can do that. McNabb and Vick will both be gone IMHO, but fans can quit fantasizing about Kolb, not gonna happen.
  2. The only reason Edwards is on this roster is they don't want to tip their hand on what they are going to do at QB. After the draft I can see him gone and maybe Brohm as well.
  3. This guy is an idiot. We need a NT to even START the 3-4 defense with. Zac Robinson? Are you !@#$ing kidding me? The kid flat SUCKS.
  4. JP lived in Buffalo how did that work out? Screw this 'he has to live in Buffalo' BS. Just win! I don't care if he is on the first flight out each offseason if we are in the playoffs, AFC championship games and or superbowls to his house somewhere else.
  5. I don't do any RFA's this year. We need to keep all of our picks and hopefully find a way to pick up more that Nix can use
  6. did you not get with the Bledsoe trade that no one trades away anyone worth a **** in division to each other? Light isn't coming here. But I can see NE trading maroney (sp) for AC.
  7. You do realize we have just hired an assistant for just about every coach we have right? That isn't cheap. Also did you not read where Nix says we need more scouts and plans to do something about it?
  8. BTW....if you take the two outside guys and move them back about 3 yards....what does that defense resemble now?
  9. Overall it is a run defense. The only issue is if the LB's are stupid and don't follow assignment they can get caught up 'In the wash' and then its pretty much the RB vs Safetys which = at least a 7+ yard run. Now if TNT does their job and the LB's can shoot their gap and wrap up, it is a real B word to run against.
  10. Yeah there is a reason you dont' see a lot of it. You will see it in college a lot against option teams because it makes it hell to get to the boundry for an offense. You normally have a 1 technique, a 'Shade' and a 3 Technique in the middle with two stand up guys that can be 'tweeners' (DE or LB) on the outsides. These guys are the 'Core' of your Defense and are refered to as 'TNT' (tackle, nose, Tackle). For blitzes from those guys you call 'NUT' (Nose over tackle) or 'TUN' (Tackle over Nose). The only true LB's are Sam and Mike in the middle. The LB's read and react. The saying is 'Flow away I got A' 'Flow to me I got B' A and B refreing to the A or B gaps. The two standup guys got C gaps and anything else further outside. It is very common to play a cover 3 Shell with the SS being a 'floater' so he can further solidify the run defense. His responsibilty is to read the TE and react accordingly.
  11. the 5-2 is used mostly in Jr High, Highschool and some Colleges. The upside is it is usually all gap control. You take care of your gap no matter what. The problem is, if someone breaks the LOS (a RB that is) and its off to the races.
  12. Um didn't Cleveland have a probowl LT for the last two years and a pretty solid line? How good are their QB's? Didn't Denver have a probowler at LT? I'm sorry I didn't see Orton's name on the probowl roster. One more time for those that can't get it, only TWO of the LT's in the playoffs were first round talents. Drop the OL **** already, Edwards sucks and we need a QB worth a **** for the first time since 1996
  13. Levy and Walsh. Ok right, well Levy sucked as a GM. The only reason he is in the HOF is he had a team full of probowlers and HOF'er that he just had to get the way out of. Guess what? Walsh was WRONG about Edwards. No one hits 100% and this is one time Walsh was flat out wrong.
  14. Common sense? Fans that want Edwards to start lack common football sense. Oft injured, sucked in College and the pros both. Line or no line, he is a coward. He refuses to throw with anticipation, won't make the hard throws, has a weak arm and crappy release. He bounces more 15 yard outs than he completes. He can't read a defense to save his ass even if he has time. The reality is this, the ONLY reason this clown got one stap as a starter in the NFL is he was exactly the wimpy, ultra conservitive QB that Dick Jauron wanted. I guarantee you we release him and he won't ever start again in the NFL except in mop up time or due to a starters injury.
  15. To this day fans right here on this board still want his worthless ass to start.
  16. Well they PREDICT that many will go. If you listen to Gil Brandt he doesn't feel anyone besides Okung is worth being picked that high and I agree. IMHO Damn good tackle talent can be found later. Teams have been taking LT's in the higher parts of the round and they haven't been all pro calibre. I don't like Baluga. Short arms, seems more of a run blocker than passblocker which signals RT to me. And I feel Iowa Linemen have reached thier potential and can't grow much more. For example, Robert Gallery who was MUCH Better than Baluga and was touted as "the best lineman to come out of college in years" and was taken 2nd over all, lost his Tackle job and is now a decent guard. Not a probowl guard, not one of the best in the game guards, just a guard that got 2nd overall pick money. Trade down, get a solid guy to play tackle for us further down in the draft.
  17. Exactly. and I feel that Nix can find us good players that can be really good in rounds 2-7
  18. Some will say no one wants to trade up to #9 and that is BS. It all depends on what is offered which determines if it is worth the trade down. Why trade down? Well Unless Bradford is there, No other QB is worth #9. There are no NT's worth taking till round 2 at best and as for as LT is concerned, there are none that are worth a top 10 pick. 'But we need a LT'. Ok I will agree with that, but we don't REACH for a guy at #9 out of need. That is how you screw up your draft. There are guys that can come in and do very well for us that can be had late first, into the 2nd and maybe even 3rd rounds. I will ask again, look at the playoff teams and where their LT's were drafted. Only TWO of them were first round picks. Look at the LT that is damn good in Sandiego that Nix had a direct hand in drafting, he was a 2nd round pick. Unless there is a clear cut Ogden, Pace, Boscelli etc, no LT is worth a top 10 pick and there aren't ANY of those type guys in this draft. To me Okung should even go later than 10 but it won't happen. So with Nix being as good as he is, I would hope we trade down and gain some picks. I don't care if its 3rd, or 4th rounders. To me I think Nix can find better players in the 3rd round than Donahoe, Levy and Brandon could find in the first! We have several holes to fill, here is hoping we can get Nix more picks in which to fill them.
  19. A frind of mine who is a big Alabama fan (went to college there) said Fat ass cody dropped from over 400lbs to where he is now. That screams red flag to me
  20. No. Jesus guys how much longer are you guys going to champion other teams **** to be our starter?
  21. You just described whitner. The guy has to go, never should have been the #8 pick
  22. At least the Strength and conditioning coach
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