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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. I said it before, I'll say it again....there is no way in hell he gained the type of weight he did in as short a time as he did without being on the Juice. Sorry, that is just how it is. Anyone thinking otherwise is out of touch with reality.
  2. LMAO funny how the NFLPA is against it. Of course they are, it is the last thing they can put in their bodies and not lose tons of money through suspensions over. I hope they implement it.
  3. I gotta say those pics are interesting. To me he looks like a Jamie Nails/ Mike Williams lazy fat slob, but I guess we will have to wait and see.
  4. You can't be serious. Edwards isn't a wart on Campbells jock. You edwards lovers really need to give it a break already
  5. Pass. The guy had to drop from over 400lbs to get down to that disgusting shape. Pass majorly
  6. What did he write that wasn't correct? In all the time there Myer never taught Tebow how to throw the ball correctly and now Tebow has to PAY coaches to help him. That is pathetic and if my son were a QB there is no way in hell I let him go there.
  7. Because he sucks. We cut him and no one picked him up, even to be a 3rd stringer. Doesn't that say something to you?
  8. He has been quoted as saying he only wants to play for a Superbowl contender now, so we can forget it.
  9. As a guy that has watched every game the Panthers have played and follows that team as well I can say....HELL NO! Whomever is dumb enough to pay him the big bucks is going to get bit in the ass. Un motivated as hell, only goes half ass most of the time. He plays when it's a contract year. Let someone else make the mistake of signing this guy.
  10. So I see fans think if the best player available is a CB then we take him regardless of need...brilliant.
  11. Lynch is nothing but an overhyped punk. Another waste of a first round pick by the moronic regime.
  12. Yeah idiot teams like the guy in the article mentioned. No way in hell is a 225lb DE worth a first round pick esp with only having one year of starting experience.
  13. Maybin should never have been a first round pick, ONLY Buffalo's old staff goes and pulls that stupid ****. Well we are stuck with his overpaid, holdout ass now. We better hope this new DC can make him a decent pass rushing OLB.
  14. Get er' done Buddy??? http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4936783
  15. Yeah, he can change what he has done his whole life in just a couple months.... Pass!
  16. I have watched him and he is going to be a damn good one. It seems to me Carolina is going to clean house this year. Richardson doesn't seem interested in signing any of his own free agents. To me this says we are closer to a lockout in 2011 than fans would like to admit.
  17. It sure as hell sounds just like Nix. As for the last part, Nix is more well respected around the league than Bills fans and local media give him credit for. That said, you can bet Nix believes the same way whomever made that comment does.
  18. He wont be there but if he is, then you must take him. If not, I trade DOWN and pick up a NT or LT later in the first.
  19. Exactly. You go on a guys body of work, not the combine. In fact working out at the combine would mean nothing to me as a GM. Why? Because all these guys do from Jan 1 - The Combine is practice the combine events. They become good at testing which has NOTHING to do with football.
  20. I am torn. I saw orton make some huge strides this year esp for his first time in a new system. He actually had some Zip on the ball as well.
  21. Yes, that is what they drafted Kolb for, to take over for McNabb.
  22. Exactly. Fans want to point to he was his teams MVP of the Sr bowl or some crap while ignoring he had a horrible week of practice overall. The guy is messageboard hype.
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