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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. Ok Being all technical and a former Gymnast....those are back handsprings, NOT back flips. Thank you, please continue with your regularly scheduled programming...
  2. LMAO and to think many here were on suicide watch when we didn't sign him.
  3. Yeah the guy is DEPTH. I dont get the problem.
  4. Actually we would. We went to 4 straight superbowls with an average D and a great offense.
  5. Neither of which are worth a damn....
  6. !@#$ no! One of the best OL's, best RB in the game, good WR's and the assclown STILL isn't worth a ****??? come on guys THINK!!!!!
  7. Why the hell pay a first and third? All of you screaming for a LT at #9 where was this guy DRAFTED?? 'The Ravens acquired Gaither with a fifth-round pick in the 2007 supplemental draft. Gaither started 11 games in 2009.' Why can't Nix find a guy in the 2nd round or later that can be a stud at LT?
  8. f He would be good to add in say the 4th round or so. AFTER QB. LT and NT are addressed
  9. No more Safetys. Address QB and the Lines first.
  10. The only way I sign cody is to a bare minimum contract with tons of incentives including weight.
  11. Look at who his mentor is. An over rated, overhyped assclown that was out of the NFL in a short time.
  12. IMHO PSU has nothing to do with it, I love Joe Pa and the program. The thing is the guy got on the field because another guy got suspended. the guy was a one hit wonder and the Bills were fools for drafting the guy. Man I am glad we got Nix and company. I just wish we had him here years ago
  13. LMAO I don't think the Maybin lovers are going to like hearing it. BTW Fewell says the guy wasn't that good? Wow. And Poz is saying the guy needs to step it up? Double wow. In a non cap year I would honestly just cut his ass and move on. The guy never should have been drafted in the first round esp where he was drafted.
  14. Trade up. So let me ask this....when do we get that Franchise QB? You expect us to have a top 2 pick next year? If we are even worse than this year and have say the 7th pick next year, it still isn't enough to get a 'franchise' QB. So at one point do you pull the trigger and trade UP and get one?
  15. Ok again....Dallas got the QB first and built around him....they won 3 superbowls. Get the QB.
  16. I don't see anything incorrect about the article at all. Buffalo is "an old broken-down city,". Until they boot most of the politicians, cut taxes, and do whatever it takes to attract new, big businesses to provide not only jobs, but higher paying ones, it is going to stay that way.
  17. Yeah about that....we are the only in the AFCE not set at QUARTERBACK either....a greater need than LT.
  18. With Free agency starting on Friday it will be interesting who we try to sign. I love the fact we have our new guy running the Pro player personnel. We might not sign 'names' but with the guys we have running the show now I can see the guys we get being real contributers
  19. Denver had a probowl LT, did they make the playoffs? The teams with top QB's made the playoffs, the two best went to the superbowl.
  20. Prove it. Show me anything that says Ralph won't pay. Show me where Nix won't pull the trigger and move up.
  21. 15-20 lbs and he is our backup NT. We need a backup at that position.
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