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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. He lost the chance because when healthy he can't beat out Flacco.
  2. No cap THIS year, but teams overpaying this year will feel it when the cap comes back. Ok so lets talk high priced FA's. All I listed above are bad fits for what WE are doing. So who is out there worth the money that fits our systems? No one, at least not yet.
  3. So far I have seen addition by subtraction. Guys that were overpaid for the production they had....or should I say lack there of. BTW I missed the season kickoff, who won opening weekend? Oh wait...that is MONTHS away. Draft, undrafted Free agents, June first cuts, guys on the open market because they think too highly of themselfs that will be there for us come July....Lots of time left to fill in that roster.
  4. Bolden is oft injured and isn't worth the money he is after. Dansby is a good ILB, not great, Good and again not worth the money. BTW EVERY team has a guy that 'led the team in tackes' and more often than not its the ILB so that stat is worthless.
  5. Here is the knock on Jones, he is a backup, but he and his camp have it in their heads he is a starter and he wants top starter money.
  6. You answered your own question. They dont' feel anyone in the initial rounds of FA is worth the money they will be paid (and honestly none of them have been) and they are going to wait for mid tier guys that fit our system and will take realistic paychecks. BTW the Carolina Panthers and other teams are doing the same, so its not just the Bills playing the wait and see game. This FA crop really isn't that good due to the uncapped rules.
  7. Exactly. The fans here that want him maybe saw him play once or twice and he is a 'name' because he won a heisman. The guy hasn't ammounted to **** in the pros and if baltimore is willing to ship him, I don't want him.
  8. So who should we have signed already? Instead of just whining and bitching like a malnourished school girl, tell us who all is out there you would have signed to drastically help this team.
  9. Finally huh? :-) BTW one of the 2nd set of people you mention has a post right above yours...
  10. What? You mean have that thing all the good teams have called Quality DEPTH? How dare you speak such common sense here!
  11. They are doing it right. You know for all the Nix bashing, Whaley is the guy that runs Free agency to a majoritive extent. He scouts potential FA's then makes recomendations to Nix on who to bring in....which has been pretty much no one so far and I agree. Peppers? Overhyped. Takes many plays off and is in it for the money only. He was going to the highest bidder which was Chicago. Funny, Washington didn't go after him....hummm.... Dansby? A 'good' ILB that doesn't rush the passer. He is so good Arizona just flat out let him walk. Nuff said. Vanden bosch (sp). Pure 4-3 DE and he was going to play with his old DC so no one else had a shot. Kampman? Sucked in the 3-4 in Green Bay, a pure 4-3 DE. Went straight to Jacksonville who sucks as well. So tell me again, who was it exactly we were supposed to go out and get? I may be wrong but hasn't Buffalo signed a FA on the first day of FA every year from 04-09? What is our record over that time again? So not only Nix doesn't feel there are any FA's that are going to make a drastic difference, Whaley who has spent a decade with one of the best teams in the NFL when it comes to finding talent, doesn't think so either. Bottom line no matter how much Bills fans and local media B word and whine and complain, they are doing it right. They are cutting the underproducing fat, and they are not going to go out and just sign someone to appease the fanbase and I love it. I love the fact Nix and company are saying screw the whining fans and worthless media, we have a plan and are sticking to it! If there isn't anyone out there that can really help your team in FA then dont' sign anyone. I feel when things calm down and some of these guys finally understand their true market value, we will sign a couple guys. But in the end this team is going to be built through the DRAFT first and formost.
  12. I am convinced they know nothing about the Bills whatso ever. Locinfora or whatever the !@#$ his name is has to be one of the most worthless clowns around. YES even worse than Mort!
  13. I would love to see porter here. I love his confidence and his attitude. If we had a QB and some others with the same fight in them, we might be a hell of a team again.
  14. Well lets see, Clady from the Broncos is a probowl LT and they did nothing this year. Indy and NO had scrubs at LT and made the superbowl. Don't the Browns have one of the best LT's in football? Hummmm.... T jackson with the Vikes had a great OL, Best RB in football and a great defense opposite him and he still sucked. Vikes get whipped in first round of the playoffs in 08. Add Favre and they are in the NFC championship (superbowl if the RB's and WR dont' fumble) It's all about the QB.
  15. The folks on NFLN were talking last week about how this is a pure QB driven league and how it is so much so, several GM's and HC had said to them they are thinking of doing away with Safety's and instead putting 4 CB's on the field. The only exception would be a guy like Troy P etal that can hit and cover really well. They also said the old philosophy of 'run and stop the run' is pretty much gone from this game. It is all about QB play, getting to the QB and defending the pass. With 10 guys all throwing for more than 4000 yards last year, and the rules protecting QB's and limiting the DB's I agree.
  16. I say for a 4th or lower then I get him, if they want a 1-3 forget it
  17. Sounds like you are one of his homies smokin weed with him.
  18. You can't stop what someone else does nor can you react to it. Have YOUR plan and stick to it and that is what Nix and company are doing.
  19. And that leaves **** for the most important position QB. So we will still suck
  20. Until we have the QB in place we need (and that QB sure as hell isn't on this roster) then the team will suck. You can have the best OL in the world, it doesn't matter if the QB doesn't have 'it'.
  21. So we only expect to win 1-2 games next year?
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