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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. Wow, you guys have no clue do you? So let me ask, does this team have ANY talent at all? Well from the whining and bitching you guys do when we lose one of our own FA's I guess we do. Well the Bills suck, so why aren't you guys saying anything about X team getting a player from us a 'crappy team'? Oh wait, you mean that since the TEAM sucks that doesn't mean every single player on that team sucks? NO WAY!!! 'But but but....the Raiders FANS said this guy sucks'. If anyone in the world is actually listening to what any Raider fan says, you are a moron. that org is WAY worse than ours.
  2. A trade down is exactly what it sounds like. Good move IMHO we have multiple needs and more draft picks are exactly what we need
  3. Name for me how many GREAT DE pass rushers play the left end spot. Few to none would be the answer. Oh and btw I guess teams have never thought about giving a Tackle help say by a TE chipping a guy before going into a route or keeping a RB in to block? Nah...they all keep their Tackles on an island every play regardless of the DE they face...
  4. Actually Anderson got his 5 mill bonus LAST year. there was a ton of talk about it at the time. That said, I too call BS on the 'sources'
  5. You mean this Greg Ellis with all the sacks? http://www.nfl.com/players/gregellis/profile?id=ELL500479 At 265 the guy could play OLB and rush the passer.
  6. Worst in the NFL? Well NFL.com says we were 28th as for as offensive line play and that is with all the injuries. Now I am not a math major but 28th out of 32 isn't the 'worst', I am pretty sure. http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?arc...e&Submit=Go
  7. Lets see...Polian rips the OL for being crappy in the Superbowl, then this guy gets cut....and you guys want to sign him.... Wow
  8. So don't average them, Poz is putting up just as good stats in comparison. He stays healthy and we have our own Dansby for MUCH less.
  9. He is a GOOD backer, not a great one. We have the same thing in Poz if he can keep from breaking his arm.
  10. Really? Well lets look at some stats shall we? Dansby 46 games played over the last 3 years. 325 takles (average 7.06 per game) 6 Ints 7 Forced fumbles 8.5 sacks. Poz 31 games played in 3 years. 241 takles (average 7.96 per year) 4 ints 4 forced fumbles 1 sack. Um I don't really see how Dansby is that much better than Poz. If you average Poz numbers over 46 games (adding back in for those lost due to injury) his stats look like this... 366 Tackles 6 Ints 6 forced fumbles What did Dansby get paid again? Dansby wouldn't have been a big upgrade for us.
  11. This guy is nothing more than depth. 3 mill per year is NOTHING these days.
  12. So he PLAYED the game at one time, so what? He isn't a QB, isnt a QB coach etc. His entire career he had a HOF throwing him the ball. He is not qualified to say Trent should start.
  13. Um how about Drew brees this year? Elway, Marino and others never had 'great' OL's they just got rid of the ball fast which was due to great decision making.
  14. So a good WR and a good ILB makes us a ton better? Not at the salaries they are being paid. Any ILB in rounds 2-5 can have the same impact as Dansby. As for as Bolden is concerned, we have a guy who has talent and oft injured sitting on our roster right now.
  15. How is he more qualified? Is he a HOF QB? No? Did he play QB? No? Is he a QB coach, OC, HC, GM or even a scout? No he is a former player that by his own admission hasn't watched many games at all. So in reality many here on this board that have watched every game Edwards has sucked at, are more qualified to make an opinion.
  16. the game is won by the play of the QB. Great QB's can still perform with weak lines. As for as that kitty edwards is concerned, he had his shot, he sucks, time to move on.
  17. Gained 6lbs this week? BULL ****! Sorry but that is pure and absolute bull ****. Maybe it is some water weight from the roids he is taking, but he didn't put on 6lbs of muscle in one week that is for sure. God this guy is full of ****. He is going to go down as an Eric Flowers/ Mike williams pick, just wait and see.
  18. LOL no ****. If Andre was on this team he would tear Edwards to shreds.
  19. Um we were 12th in salary paid last year so I doubt we will have an issue. Ralph has only been cheap with coaches. We have always spent to or near the cap. the problem has been morons like Donahoe, Levy and Brandon giving huge contracts to the WRONG guys as well as drafting the wrong guys in the first round and paying those high picks.
  20. I see. Reed played with a HOF QB, Trent wouldn't be a Highschool All stater. Reed on this one subject STFU. You admit you don't watch a lot of games and your HOF QB himself says Trent isn't the answer. Do we need to put a QB in there and leave him alone? YES, but only after we have a quality talent which we don't have.
  21. Well the Rochester paper is the end all of football knowledge And for those that can't get it...they ARE doing something. They are cutting the fat off the roster, they have evaluated the FA class and know who they want to bring in WHEN the time is right and for the right money. they are further evaluating the talent for the upcoming draft and preparing their draft board. Too many fans are caught up in the Madden mindset. Sometimes doing nothing IS doing something. If there isn't anyone there that can drastically help your team while fitting your system, then you don't sign anyone. I love the fact Nix is flipping off the whiny fanbase and the moronic press. You do not go out and sign someone JUST to sign someone and appease the fanbase and media. Tom Donahoe did that each year, how did that work out?
  22. Ok so make up your mind. Uncapped year and they let both walk and this is a 'Successful' team to you. So are they worth it or not? The Cardinals the 'successful' team you refer to says NO they aren't worth it. Neither player is worth the money given them and neither is that great of a player. Bolden is oft injured and not anywhere near the threat he used to be. Dansby is a good ILB, something you can find in the 2nd-5th rounds of the upcoming draft.
  23. And see that is the deal, we have tried to 're-tool' instead of truly 'rebuild'. We are now rebuilding. It is going to be a 2 year process or so if you do it RIGHT. Again I point to the Redskins...they go out and spend out the ass on Free agency....and they are drafting ahead of us this year. Go figure :-) In all of Danny Snider and Jerruh Jones' big FA spending...how many superbowls have they won since they started doing that? None would be the answer. When Dallas built through the DRAFT they won 3 superbowls. BTW the Patriots starting out doing what Nix is doing right now. AFTER they became a winner did FA's want to flock there. Even then the Pats don't overpay.
  24. And that successful team were more than willing to let both go in an uncapped year. So maybe they thought in order to continue to be successful, they could do so without those two? Hummmm....
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