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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. Um How about Cody at 20? Pick up McCoy with #9 in the 2nd and a good LT with our 2nd, 2nd round pick.
  2. THANK YOU! I am so sick and tired of hearing how LT is so damn important. None of the guys you listed are probowlers, go figure. Hell Gandy was punt kicked from here and ran on a rail by the fans! Look we can get a good LT in lower rounds, hell Nix has found a stud LT in SD in the 2nd round so it can be done! Until we have a damn good QB all else is moot point
  3. Right there tells me you have no business being a GM. Please keep your day job
  4. There is no game to get back the guy has always !@#$ing sucked.
  5. The guy never has been worthy of #9. He is a major arm tackler and gets caught up in the wash in college. What do you think is gonna happen in the pros?
  6. Well since they can't get a quality QB this year and apperantly are going to go with captain checkdown, doesn't it make sense to get a weapon that can take it all the way after trent throws the 2 yard passes to him?
  7. No he isn't. We have our ILB's. McClain is over rated. We need to address QB, LT, NT then pass rushing OLB's
  8. Ok the line is in place, we are 7-9 that year and have identified our future QB. Do we trade UP then?
  9. In refering to Cleveland he said at what point do you pull the trigger and move up and get your franchise QB? One of the problems with the Bills and even Bills fans is they want their cake and eat it too. For us to get a franchise QB we have to A. Trade up to a top 2 spot and get one. or B. suck so badly we have a top 2 draft pick. But what happens each year is we suck but not bad enough. We just sit there in that spot where we draft anywhere from say 6th to 11th, we won't get a top QB that way. But at the same time fans scream 'no matter what I want them to win' instead of the Bills rightfully tanking it to get a top pick. Now I am not saying start the season like that, but say when Jauron was fired, As the owner I would have told Fewell don't even game plan, play backups, let the starters heal up and get ready for next year. I would want the best pick available. Yeah a couple vets might get upset, but who cares? It is time to redo this franchise. At some point we are going to have to quit going with the Fluties, Johnsons, Losermans and Edwards and find us a great QB to develop. Otherwise this team isn't going to be anything more than a 7-9 to 9-7 tops year in and year out.
  10. Until we address QB we won't be any better than an 8-8 team tops
  11. Trent Williams at #9 or trade down. and before some morons start, McClain isn't a pass rusher. We have our two ILB's now.
  12. 'this organization has a bright future as long as they figure out their QB situation, they need to find a QB.'
  13. The team that went to 4 superbowls, THAT was a team. This **** we see on the field since then....
  14. !@#$ me, are we seriously stilll talking about this worthless POS? Give it up already.
  15. Yeah Jake led the panthers right into the toilet.
  16. Its obvious, those hating on him feel inadiquate. They look at their own pathetic assed lives and wish they were 1/2 what Tebow is. My only knock on the guy is his armstrength/ tight spirals that are needed in Buffalo. If not for that, I take the winner with the 9th pick
  17. They are saying at his pro day his arm is weak and not throwing a tight spiral. That knocks him off our list immediately
  18. Mechanics? You mean like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vf8vud4Ifjs
  19. It should be the QB but we don't have one
  20. they are all bitching and whining we signed these guys and didn't overpay for 'names'
  21. Agreed, If our docs say no go, then I wash my hands of the guy.
  22. Well this is interesting. Ole' Adam S may have egg on his face
  23. Pass on a LB I don't care if we KNEW he was the 2nd coming of LT. We need a LEFT TACKLE. See my projected draft, that would be much better for this team
  24. Normally teams have 3 cornerstones to build a franchise on. QB, LT, RDE. Well if you run a 3-4 that changes. It needs to be QB, LT and NT because NT is much more important than DE in a 3-4. If that draft scenario goes down, we have our 3 franchise cornerstones on this roster for a long time. Now fill in around them and lets win some football games.
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