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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. Can you post a link to an official 4.3 time in pads for young or are you too busy being stupid and making **** up to back your hate for Tebow?
  2. Ummm so some obscure scout says that about kelly. I see...and that 'scout' had drafted who? Oh thats right no one..... he is a scout. How many probowls? None? Superbowl apperances? None? Is the guy a HOF member? No? Then said scout can STFU until he actually does something like kelly has. Until then, Go get the GM a cup of coffee and himself a cup of stfu.
  3. Please ship this overhyped punk out of here. Another horrible pick by a previous GM
  4. I don't think so, it worked out for Steve Young, who I think tebow will compare to in the pros
  5. I can't see him making it past Jacksonville at 10 let alone making it to 41. I will say I bet there is discussion on taking him at 9 by the braintrust, it all depends on if Gailey thinks he can fix his delivery which I think he can. B word and whine all you want, he is a leader, he is a winner and he is the type of player that can will a team to win and THAT is the thing that has been most lacking on this team for a long time. We have read the articles on how the Pistol offense helps young QB's. We have read how Gailey has done more with less of a QB than Tebow. If the delivery can be fixed, then this kid SHOULD be our pick.
  6. I say stick Stevie and Hardy on the outside and put lee in the middle. Make Lees ass run actual routes for a change
  7. The problem is no way he makes it past the Jags and the Bills know it. He would be instant ticket sales to them hense worth their first rounder which I think is just behind us at 10
  8. Thank God, he sucks ass as an attempt at a GM
  9. You guys kill me. You think we MUST get a 'name' first round LT. Lets try this again... The last 4 teams to play in the superbowl, you know that thing we want to win, did NOT have one of those LT's. Teams like Cleveland, Denver have probowl LT's but their QB's suck and they didn't even make the playoffs. next, The stud LT in SanDiego is a SECOND round draft pick that was found by guess who? Buddy Nix. Lastly, we took an undrafted TE and turned him into a top 15 LT in this league. If your scouting is good we can find a quality, starting LT in rounds 2-4. And LT's are NOT as high a priority as QB is in this league anymore.
  10. Yeah I am gonna say it...Tebow. If we can still get a quality LT and NT in the draft and pick up tebow for Gailey to work with, so be it. Look passing mechanics can be fixed if the guy wants to, LEADERSHIP can't be taught. Either you are a leader and a winner or you aren't. T is a winner and a leader, something this team has missed since Kelly retired.
  11. If we stay put, and Nix and Gailey think he is the guy, Tebow WILL be the pick at #9.
  12. in at least 3 of the last 5 years the GM's for us have mentioned they have had calls for our spot. I guarantee teams will be wanting up to #9 for someone. I hope we get a trade or TWO to move down.
  13. I hope he hurries up and does. Overpaid, over hyped. Time to cut his high salary and move on.
  14. Marshawn is, has been and will always be a PUNK! Please trade this clown for whatever you can get for him and lets move on.
  15. As a rotational DE, hell yeah
  16. We need a damn good QB. With the team as is, and a damn good QB we are a 9+ win team. With the **** we have at QB now, we are a 6-10 team, it has been proven.
  17. Yeah and did you watch those superbowls? Esp the one with Emmitt running right up the middle on Wright? We need a fat ass in there.
  18. They all suck. I say cut them all and draft / bring in other guys to compete. We know what these 3 clowns have to offer....nothing.
  19. When the muscles and joints aren't strong, yes other things break.
  20. For those screaming LT in the first, what if they have a guy tabbed in the 3rd or 4th that they feel can play at a quality level for a long time? AGAIN.... go look at the LT's that started in the last couple of superbowls. This whole 'gotta have a all world LT' BS doesn't fly anymore. Get a QB that is worth a ****, get a 'good' LT and the rest takes care of its self. BTW Denver and Cleveland have 'Great' / 'Pro bowl' Left tackles. It really helped them right?
  21. Love...avatar....
  22. Doesn't matter, if you have a limp armed, weak minded kitty at QB, It doesn't matter who your QB is
  23. First and foremost, you aren't an NFL Calibre QB. If this assclown starts, expect 2 wins next year
  24. I am willing to bet it has happened pretty much every year, only we don't take the offers. Hell Cleveland damn near traded out of the first round last year I believe.
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