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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. Honestly even if I lived next door to the stadium I wouldn't go. No way in hell does Ralph get one more direct dime from me.
  2. http://www.wellsvilledaily.com/sports/x1722970432/Wilson-s-words-ring-hollow So when is Ralph going to clean house? He got rid of John Guy and that was it. I will say this again, he blames Tom Donahoe for setting this franchise back but keeps the guy that did his college scouting for him (TD) in Modrak. At what point does Ralph and his bean counters take a long hard look at the FACT there has been one constent as for as our horrible drafts have gone...Modrak.
  3. 17th overall is the first one according to Kiper. That said, nothing else gets addressed till QB does. We have tried all these different ways of doing things except the RIGHT Thing, address QB then fill in around him.
  4. I love how most are just coming clean but others decline to comment. They are busted and I really hope this guy blows the whole thing wide open
  5. Bull. You wouldl take the money and run. As for as the draft, this will all be decided by March 1st I believe a full 6 weeks or so before the draft. I have a feeling the Owners will make a final take it or leave it offer and either the players strike (which means we will draft and they willl play with scrubs because the games WILL go on) OR the players will wise up and take the deal.
  6. The NFL doesn't want the Bills to move? What? that can't be right. The hysterical posters have bashed me and others for saying there was no way in hell the NFL allows a team to move in this economy with the outstanding fan base we have. Right now its guranteed money and the Bills were what 8th in profit last year or something like that? Must be a mistake...
  7. Exactly. Stop going to the games and hit his ass in the wallet and I bet you see a significant turn around next year.
  8. If they have it and they don't take a QB Ralph will lose 80% of the fanbase right then and there.
  9. As for Wilson, pure bull ****. I know a certain person here keeps saying the guy is a good guy, wants to win etc, when in fact his history proves otherwise. Two words? His real two words are Pay Me. So its ANOTHER 3 years? No sir it doesn't have to be if you are willing to PAY to get things turned around. Kelsay? I don't give a rats ass he is a good guy, or a locker room guy, I want a guy that produces on the friggin field, something we have been lacking for 11 friggin years now.
  10. I don't know what the man is going to say and honestly I don't care. YES it is 100% his fault the team has sucked. Sucked before polian, sucked since. Why? Ralph is a cheap ass when it comes to the front office and coaching. Draft picks have been horrible and he keeps the one constent thing here in Tom Modrak that has been here for all of the botched Draft picks. QB, Hell yeah we need a QB we have since 1996! He says it is our #1 priority? I'l beleve it when I see it, but when will the old man break out the money to get a coach that can develop the kid? when is he going to fork over Free agent money to get talent around him? Sorry JW etal, its all the same old bull **** we have heard before, it is past time to see ACTION.
  11. LMAO the old man is a real piece of work isn't he? Hey it will take 3 more years, but you keep paying me money to line my pockets the next 3. I say !@#$ that. Next year if there is a season there are a TON of free agents due to hit the market and Ralph better !@#$ing well open up the pocket book. I love how he says we must go get a QB, no **** Ralph? Fans have been saying that for years now.
  12. Ralph Wilson no longer being owner and Littman, Overdorf, Modrak and company all being fired would be the only thing that should get fans back in the seats
  13. Who was the owner 25 years ago? Who is the owner now. There is all you ever need to know
  14. Yep you are a relative.
  15. Wrong again. This is RALPH WILSON'S mess! Always has been, and will be till the old man is gone.
  16. Agreed. We need the #1 overall pick in each round. I really want to see Ralph have to pay that high ass salary :-)
  17. Well so far luck looks the best. Ponder looked like absolute **** when playing OU. Locker was touted by some to be better than bradford, uh no. Not sure which way to go with our pick on this one. All have risks
  18. The bad news is they look worse than us. The good news is they took their QB this year.
  19. Thats dumber than hell. Wilson wants the most money he can get.
  20. Seriously? What are you a relative? That is the only way anyone could defend this worthless clown any longer.
  21. OMFG the talent on that team was vastly better than this one!!! Come on, someone go ahead and still defend the drafting of the last decade. Ego and cheapness. Ego in he felt he could replace Polian easilly that GM's were a dime a dozen. Cheap because Polian knew he had to spend money in this new thing called free agency and Wilsons puppet Litman disagreed.
  22. He is a rookie on a crappy team.
  23. 2-14 that season I believe. I can see it this year as well.
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