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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. the guy is worse than the friggin crypt keeper on ESPN. It is amazing how wrong you can be and keep a job
  2. Nevergive up says the Bills only like Williams and Okung for #9 and NO QB in the first round.
  3. Kiper is a !@#$ing idiot.
  4. Not really, Gailey runs a spread offense. Think Thurman in our passing KGun offense. That is what Spiller would do for us.
  5. How dare you! I mean us take an impact player at #9 instead of reaching for the 4th Best OL? lol
  6. So Williams or Okung. Well LT is ruled out no way in hell do the top 2 make it to us. That said it looks like a trade down or NT
  7. No but the LT's he has drafted have done well so I am fine with a lower round pick. Now ESPN etal will fry him, but I say !@#$ ESPN.
  8. Alright damn it, IF they stay at 9 I say Dan Williams.
  9. I like your first 4 picks on your sig line. I admit I don't know much about the OT though so I need to go read on him
  10. Oh yeah its gonna happen. If they funnel all the complaints to this thread I bet it hits a couple thousand posts tonight
  11. I can't gripe with Williams at all. The 3-4 MUST have a big NT or you don't even attempt to run the 3-4
  12. First off, I was addressing the !@#$ that accused me of being a rapist if I ever had Ben's money. Secondly YES BOTH are at blame. The easy prey (because she allowed her self to be easy prey) and the Rapist !@#$. Don't get that **** faced and don't go off to a bathroom with any guy. He isn't taking you to the bathroom to hold your hair while you puke or hold your hand and wisper sweet nothings. and I am with you though on the fact the bastard wouldn't be alive today if he raped my daughter, no charges brought against him or not. There is the legal system then there is reality and we know in reality what happened.
  13. Interesting... http://blogs.nfl.com/2010/04/21/casserly-r...ams-over-okung/
  14. Notice how her story changed after the incident got leaked to the press? And didn't survailance video mysteriously dissapear/ get erased from that night? Hummm....can you say he, his agents and lawyer helped spread a little of his millions around?
  15. that's not right. Even I can't say that about Bulaga, I mean at least Bulaga isn't going to blow an ACL jumping around like a ree ree waiting on his first ride on the short bus.
  16. No. He will be a RAM tonight. If not then the owner should walk into the Draft room and flat out fire everyone's ass even the person serving food and drinks, just for good measure.
  17. Are you really this !@#$ing stupid? I said I COULD, not WOULD moron. And Considering I have a 21 year old daughter that gave me a now 8 month old Grandson, an 18 year old son about to go in the military and an 11 year old son, I think your future daughter is safe dumb ass. Oh and I raised my daughter not to get **** faced and go into a bathroom at a bar/ club and !@#$ some jock. Maybe this girls parents should have instilled the same values and class in her? I also taught my 18 year old son that when a woman says no, its no and if she is incapacitated then its NO regardless of what she may or may not say. Guess Ben's mom and dad shoulda done the same.
  18. Things Nix doesnt want to hear from so called fans.... WAAAAAAAH..........WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH..........WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
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