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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. Outstanding. If you listen to Nix and Gailey it seems they have significant plans for Brown. We will see. I do agree now with Mort and you that it seems this is Brohm's job to lose. Not much more the kid can ask than that.
  2. If I had been asked that, I would be in Jail and his worthless ass still wouldn't be out of a hospital.
  3. He wasn't that good before then. Jesus folks come on already. The TEAM went 4-0 and Edwards was average as a QB. The guys is a flat out kitty. He won't throw with anticipation, he always waits till a WR is wide open before pushing the ball to him. This guy never should have started an NFL game but unfortunately we are going to keep him around for some reason. I guess every team needs a 3rd stringer with playing time.
  4. You can't be serious? Edwards has the weakest arm of the bunch. Bounces 15 yard outs off the turf, anything over 25 yards flutters. He pushes the ball instead of slinging it with authority. If you honestly believe this kitty has an NFL calibre arm you gotta be a relative of his.
  5. We had a kid pop his ACL in October, had surgery, then ran track in March. ACL's by themselfs aren't that bad anymore.
  6. Go Bills we are your fans so true... With Victory in sight, we'll cheer with all our might.... GO Bills Fight Bills Go.... Come on lets' win for Buffalo! Everybody sing! Go Bills.....
  7. I still feel Wang can be the starter down the road. Now if we do this trade somehow, then WOO HOOO! If not, then its Everybody Wang Chung tonight!
  8. He has learned to be an assclown just like his boyfriend Mort.
  9. You do realize most all of his picks were rated higher by most draftnicks than where we got them? Brown for example was a 4-5 that we got later.
  10. Aww they didn't pick someone you wanted so the Bills suck? Go back to looking over mock drafts so you can be ready for Madden and draft the guys you want.
  11. I see so two guys that lost their jobs with TWO different HC's are all of a sudden going to start? Over guys that have already beat them out? right....
  12. Edwards sucks ass so YES I am against him even being on the roster. It is a waste of time. he is a POS that never should have started one game in the NFL if not for that !@#$ up Jauron.
  13. Jackson isn't a wart on Spillers assand if you dont' think the kid is going to end up starting, you are on crack
  14. Does the average player run a 4.27 40? I ask because Spiller does.
  15. Zone blocking = Spiller getting 1500+ rushing and a trip to the probowl
  16. Both lost their jobs to better people. In the QB case maybe not that much better, but Edwards rightfully lost his job. so that means if Edwards is the automatic starter then so is marshawn. (*) BTW I haven't heard nor read anything saying OBD Gives edwards this mysterious vote of confidence I have seen being slung around here. I have read where they are open to BROHM winning the job and I have heard and read where they plan on developing Brown. Edwards lovers need to understand, your boy is done. Nix has seen how badly he sucks, he flat out said we need a guy with a strong arm which kitty doesn't have. Also, do you really expect Ralph, Russ and Nix to parade out a loser and try to sell tickets? No. Edwards time came and passed. He has had enough time for anyone with a brain to see he isn't the answer.
  17. I caught that as well. Seems lee's free pass of not running but two routes and dropping balls is over. I bet he is asked to take a paycut.
  18. Ok then I guess Marshawn starts right? I mean Marshawn, just like Trent, flat out lost his job to a better player. So by your reasoning Marshawn is the starter. Not one but TWO head coaches benched Trent. the guy lost his job because he sucks, no other reason. he will NOT be the starter because he sucks and because there is no way in hell the fanbase buys tickets with Edwards as the starter.
  19. I still think we can break even but here is the deal, if we go 7-9 but are making progress at the end of the season, I will be damn happy and so should every Bills fans.
  20. Ok I gotta now think its his job to lose. I still can't get the taste outta my mouth about this guy not even cracking the lineup in Green Bay when some thought when he came out he would challenge Rogers for the starting job. (saw an ESPN deal on that). I have read conflicting reports on arm strength. Some said great, some say not so good. He had good college stats but so does every QB from Texas Tech, so that means nothing. Mort reported just over a month ago that apperantly the Bills staff is really open to this guy being the man. On the other hand if you WATCH and LISTEN to how they talk about Brown, I can't help but he is their plan to be a long range QB. So help me here, what is the real deal with Brohm?
  21. Let me add a few things... First, It was reported to Mort (bastard) that this staff is going to give Brohm a real shot at becoming the man. Second, Nix was here to see how bad Edwards sucked. He watched two coaches bench his ass. He has seen him in practice, he has all the film on him, he knows he isn't what we need. I would really like to know what rating Nix had on Brohm coming out. I can't help but feel this staff wants Brohm to win this job and is going to be given every opportunity to win it. That said I really think from watching gailey and nix talk about Brown, he is their long term guy. Either way, Edwards is done.
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