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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. Well we almost won those games with the same QB's. I just pray Brohm or Brown step up
  2. I am so sick of all of these doom and gloom threads. Where do you guys get this stuff? The Coaching HAS to be better than the crap we have had the last 3 years ESP last year. We should have beat NE and played them tough twice! A handfull of games decided by a total of something like 20 points! Enough of the gloom and doom crap and lets back Gailey and company and lets hope this team does well this year!
  3. I swear Florio is the biggest Tool in media.
  4. I would rather this youthful team learn to fight for every game, not lie down and quit.
  5. No joke lol.
  6. His second sentance sums it up for the Bills approach to Free agency... 'Bad teams can't get that much better because the list of quality free agents was short.' There ya go. Nix wasn't going to be Donahoe, Levy or Brandon and just sign guys to appease fans. The right guys weren't there so we signed who all might help this team with this system that was available.
  7. Hold up! I pulled this link off of a Carolina Panthers messageboard. I didn't go hunt this down. It was there, I saw the rankings and thought I would post it. You guys need to chill.
  8. I can't disagree at this point. We better hope Brohm or Brown show something. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=jc-qbrankings051810
  9. Denial isn't just a river in egypt I see.
  10. Nix values draft picks so he is only going to give up so much. The Ravens said they haven't gotten an offer worth entertaining yet, so.....
  11. No. He signed a deal, got guaranteed money, tough ****. if he doesn't like it, sit out and don't get paid and LOSE money from being fined. I am with the owners, the salaries are out of hand. If NFL players dont' like it then go do something else.
  12. Whitner does nothing that doesn't benifit himself. He did it for his EGO and nothing more. The world is better off without the moron twitting things.
  13. Agreed! There is hope for this team but the hysterics and others that thrive on bad news refuse to see it.
  14. Look in the Next CBA make blood and hair folicle testing manditory, if they don't like it tough ****.
  15. Agreed. The guy has his money and he is set for life if he doesn't blow it. Odds are though we will see him file bankruptcy in 5 years.
  16. Nah 5 years from now he will be bankrupt. Fools like him blow through the money fast
  17. well the assclown is going to have REAL tumors to worry about with all the **** he keeps injecting himself with. I wish the NFL would instate blood and hair folicle testing. No way around that ****. And BTW cushing you pos, you get high levels of HcG from either being on the **** (injecting) or PREGNANT.
  18. The guy is done. Nothing more than a decent #2 at best.
  19. Yeah Behoven, kinda like Bach...
  20. Yep nearly 20 since this org has produced anything worth a damn. I do feel Nix and Gailey will change that though
  21. Nice to see you can cheat and still win huh?
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