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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. This comment sums up everything we need to know “Coach Edwards really understands what we have to do in terms of downs and situations " that is what has been lacking coaching wise for years!
  2. TV's ARE BAD! Look when you hit the weight room it is time to get pumped, focused, pissed off and get stronger than ****! There is no time for foo foo bull **** and there sure as hell isn't time for TV. You are there for a greater purpose and that is to get nasty strong!!!!
  3. Personally I feel the Deadlift is the best, same muscle groups in a more natural motion. But for someone to still pull this 'Squats are bad for the knees' stuff is someone that has not read the research nor put tons of plates on the bar, chalked up and SQUATTED!
  4. I agree. I am not high at all on letting athletes put together or monitor themselfs. The Jerry Rice's of the world are very few and far between. Give these kids tons of money and let them do their own thing, no way in hell they work as hard as having someone make them work their asses off.
  5. bull ****. Squats are NOT bad for the knees or back. Just like anything if you do it stupidly then you are gonna get hurt. And Olympic style lifts are now the thing to be doing.
  6. And it explains why the OL keeps getting pushed on their asses as well.
  7. http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/05/27/1064...work-under.html Are you !@#$ing kidding me? No cleans, No squats? No wonder our guys legs were getting blown out and our linemen sucked....no !@#$ing leg strength! In all seriousness, if this team wasn't doing squats as the baseline for their leg strength....Holy **** that explains a LOT! Man most high school football teams use the Squat, hang clean and bench as the baselines to their programs. BTW I love the fact the coaches monitor ever rep in the squat to ensure both safety and effectiveness. I like the part if they can't do it they lighten it some. That is SMART strength training. Im sorry but an NFL team not squatting just blows me away.
  8. Marshawn is an above average to good RB at best. He isn't that fast, can't catch that well, doesn't pick up blitz assignments that great and when he has the ball he dances. He is what he is and that is an 'ok' back that acts like a thug. This guy is killing his own self by his childish actions. So let him stay away and hopefully we can get a box of tape in a trade for him this preseason some time.
  10. No. No one can make you feel better about anything. You will have to watch the games and let it play out as it plays out.
  11. And when has that hurt his performance. Lets see he walks in off the street with the Vikings and puts up the best numbers of his career. Bottom line, favre can wait till the first regular season game if he wants, he has EARNED it.
  12. WOW sure fire first ballot HOF'er that hasn't missed a game in nearly two decades vs the thug Lynch. Yeah I can really see the comparisons
  13. Edwards hasn't earned the right so suck the sweat off of Jims smelly Jock. Jim was right Trent has has more than enough time.
  14. Yeah that movie is definately !@#$ed up
  15. I don't feel for him at all. He is a thug and I hope they ship his ass outta here.
  16. I believe Russell has surpassed tony mandarich as the top bust of all time.
  17. He was so good he was forced out of the league....twice.
  18. I guess he shoulda went and got treatments from the good Doctor.
  19. LOL we are already there, fans are just willingly blind to the fact
  20. This team can only have so much added in one offseason. I for one am excited to see what this new talent does under the new coaching. The only thing I want to see is improvment this year over last. I don't care about the record. We can be 3-13 but if this team doesn't quit, and shows improvement going into next offseason where this staff now knows who will be here and who can play and who cant, then I will be happy. I for one am giving Nix, Gailey and co 3 offseasons (including this one) to get the guys into place we need.
  21. He is being sarcastic and making fun of those that want us to lose out in hopes of getting a potential 'franchise' QB
  22. We have sucked for 10 years WAAAAAH! Get over it already.
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