Actually no they wouldn't have. When Kelly came to Buffalo they lined the streets for him, they fillled seats for him. They knew he could save the franchise, turn it around.
Edwards has NO !@#$ING PRAYER of doing that. Edwards doesn't have 1/10th the talent, leadership, arm, etc that Kelly had and anyone thinking so is a moron plain and simple.
Has it honestly got this bad that fans want to go back and try and nit pick the greatest QB of all time for the Bills? Guess what? Independant voters elected Kelly to the HOF on his first time available to be enshrined. That means he was GREAT, not good GREAT.
Bottom line this team has sucked for one main reason, and one main reason only....they NEVER REPLACED KELLY! Not Thurman, not Reed, KELLY! And until they get a stud gunslinger like him behind the center, this team will continue to suck.