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Posts posted by DarthICE

  1. A couple of things have me less than optimistic that Spiller simply falls in with the slotting and gets signed soon:


    - As already stated, he was the first RB taken - he's going to argue that because he plays a different position the strict slotting shouldn't apply


    - You've got to believe Spiller and his agent are going to demand to be paid as if he's the clear-cut #1 RB on the team and the workhorse back who will see 25+ carries a game and the Bills know this won't be his role. Big difference in how you place a value on a guy - how much do you actually need/expect him to do for you - be a role player or carry the team.


    If you are the #9 pick and getting paid what spiller will be paid, you better become the workhorse back.

  2. My opinion of Kelly's memoirs?


    Haven't read them, and don't plan to. Celebrity lives hold zero interest for me. He was a good QB for the Bills. He's no longer their QB, so I don't think about him much anymore.



    LMAO it amazes me the incorrect take fans had on Kelly. If not for Kelly this team continued to suck till this day, no 4 superbowls. He was THE single most reason this team ever did ****.


    Look at the record before Kelly, look at the record after Kelly.


    Just a GOOD QB? Only Bills fans can be so dumb as to think their greatest player ever was just 'good'

  3. They will have to do a Chris Johnson thing with him, give him some bonus money now to keep him happy.


    He has outperformed his rookie contract and I agree with him holding out.


    Jets better not let this thing get ugly but it still early.



    Screw him. Out performed his rookie contract? Bull ****. If that is the case add some incentives for performance to the contract.


    to hell with him, fine his ass the maximum.

  4. :ph34r: We are about to see whether Spiller is a class act or a puppet on the string of his agent ... the parameters are set. The Bills just have to plug in the numbers because that's the way this system works ... Mr. MAY-BE showed his lack of committment last year and now we are watching the game of agent versus player ...


    If Spiller and his agent think they deserve more than what they are slotted to receive then I think the Bills should just stand strong ... with next season in limbo Mr. Spiller just might be waiting a long time before he sees any guaranteed monies ...


    CJ call home and say 'GET IT DONE'



    Bull ****. they are not set. He is the top RB in the draft, he is the top non QB specialist in the draft.


    And on another note, Spiller has been a success for years at the college level. Maybin should NEVER have been on the field if not for the rightful starter not being able to play at penn st.

  5. Its outstanding. It shows Jim was human as well as hands down the greatest Bill of all time. Before Jim the team sucked, after him it has sucked. Till we get another QB like him, it will suck.


    I have no problem with her putting out her book. It shows the problems families can go through and come out better on the other end.

  6. I see, so where in these really bad economic times are the funds going to come from for a 700 mill to 1 Billion stadium? I mean the Bills have to constantly have the cheapest tickets, no stadium naming rights and cheapest luxury suites just so the folks can come to the game.


    You do realize that ticket prices much to up drastically to support the new stadium right? Bottom line WNY cant afford it.

  7. I think he is a complete ass, that said I would be taking the same approach with Free agents/ people wanting new contracts as he does. All 3 would be sitting out for the team as well if I owned it.


    I can tell you now I extend NO contracts till the CBA is fixed. I am not going to put the future of my team at risk not knowing what the new cap will be or it's rules.

  8. $179 divided by 17 weeks is about $10/week.


    Now granted you have to buy DirecTV so the cost also includes the difference in cost between DirecTV and what you paying for your TV service (cable?, Dishnetwork?) right now but bottom line, at the $179 price, The NFL Sunday Ticket is a BARGAIN.


    Then you can buy a 6 pack for just a bit more than a beer costs at the sports bar costs…food is cheaper at home…


    There's no math in this universe that would show that going to the sports bar is cheaper than buying The NFL Sunday Ticket.


    Again, The NFL Sunday Ticket is a bargain.


    I was going on the fact the OP said 315.00

  9. Firstly, Promo was NOT writing about "what the market will bear." His post is much more a comment about how the top 5 rookie contracts are ridiculous in terms of HUGE money for an unproven player.


    Secondly, it IS actually our money. At least a lot of it is. Every game we attend, every game we watch, every NFL show we watch, every football magazine we buy, any NFL merchandise we buy….these are all revenue streams for the league that are distributed to all the teams. We the fans, pay most of the players' salaries. And it violates the sense of fairness that most people have that unproven players are getting contracts like this, while good, proven professionals will most likely not. So in answer to your last question, many people care.




    Darth, your passion is always admirable. But CB is right. If the new CBA curbs ridiculous spending on rookie salaries, the trade off will be that players will not have to wait as long to enjoy the right of becoming free agents. These careers are very short. What you (Darth) are saying with your comment about 6-7 year rookie deals would mean that 90% of the players in the NFL would never reach free agency. Regardless of your feelings about this, it will never happen. Four years is a very likely outcome of the negotiations.



    Yeah I know but I look at my mom at American Airlines in their union getting paid **** to keep planes flying, you know a REAL JOB!


    I am about to the point the NFL can go breasts up for all I care. It has become nothing but greed. Paying kids millions of dollars to play a friggin GAME! Go work a !@#$ing JOB for a few years then see if you are willing to play a game for a few hundred thousand or maybe a couple million.


    I am sick of the average fan not being able to afford to take their families to games anymore. Even if the economy wasnt so ****ty, ticket prices, parking, concessions etal are WAY out of hand to suppport these stupid salaries.

  10. if they go to a slotted system then there is No way the NFLPA will agree to 7 yr rookie contract, if anything the deals will drop to 4 yr deals across the board, its only fair.



    Fair? Lets see you are the #1 overall pick, you sign a 6 year deal worth 12 million. Now please go tell all the out of work people in the US how 'unfair' it is you were forced to ONLY make 2 milllion per year over the next 6 years.


    It is past time for some REALITY to hit these players.

  11. Boy, do I want the owners to win this CBA fight by a mile.


    There should be a predetermined contract amount for each pick in the draft and the players can either take it or go put their college degree to use in another industry.



    Exactly. If it were the real world being a union then each position would have a cap regardless of time in the league. But that will never happen

  12. They said this will likely be the last year where you see enormous paydays for rookies like this as the next collective bargaining agreement will have a slotted rookie pay scale.



    It needs to have a rookie CAP. No matter what, no matter where you are drafted, no matter what position you play you can only make X amount period.


    I would also say nothing less than 5-7 year contracts for first rounders, also cap the guranteed money as well.

  13. It's the mechanics that allow Trent to have a faster release. Trent brings the ball straight up to his ear and pushes the ball forward like a shotputter. Brohm actually has a windup like every other person who throws footballs. This being said, yes Trents release is faster but not necessarily better.


    Try it yourself in your backyard, throw like Trent and you will see it is faster and more accurate short, as the target gets further away it takes more to get it to that target and thus not as accurate and a lot less velocity on the ball. Then do a windup (like everyone else) and, yes the release point is slower but there is no drop off on anything as the target gets further away.


    Trent has bad throwing mechanics (Toronto Blue Jays guest opening pitch) and they are not conducive to being an NFL QB.


    Everyone wants to ignore that fact

  14. Well let's remember that the late Bill Walsh thought Trent was going to be a good one. Dick(less) Jauron could f**k up a wet dream. It's entirely reasonable to think Chan sees what Bill saw and thinks he can develop Trent.





    Yeah Bill Walsh also talked San Fran into thinking Drunkenmiller would be great too. How did that work out?

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