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Posts posted by DarthICE

  1. Exactly right and you forgot to add Ralph Wilson specifically also is a cheap, good for nothing, old **** (choose your cheap shot). Last year and I think the year before, there were few to none FA O linemen who could have helped the team.


    Add to that the ones who left the Bills to have a great career were Ruben Brown, Pat Williams, Antoine Winfield (jury is out on Nate Clements) - few and far in between if I may add. Our fundamental problem has been drafting and keeping the pipeline full.


    back to your regularly scheduled venom spewing.....



    So, in short you don't know for sure but the FO sucks anyway ?



    Yes. The Bills are not well thought of period and I do have that from a couple folks that actually play in the league.

  2. I'd like to know what top, marquee free agent refused to come to Buffalo *when* the money offered by Buffalo either matched or exceeded a competing offer from another team.


    Free Agents don't come to Buffalo because the Bills get outbid by other teams. It's about money. If it makes people rationalize it better by comparing cities, weather, winning or losing, that's ok. But it has, and always will be, about the money.



    You aren't going to know what top FA's said No because the Bills won't allow you fans to see how worthless they are. BTW lets say all other teams offered 5 mill per year and the Bills offered 6 mill. They are going somewhere else, we are losers, the owner is old with no succesion plan in place, the cost of living is worse, more taxes etc.

  3. 1) History of losing.


    2) Bad rep of city and area.


    What else do you need?





    To add to and expand, I am willing to bet former players like Bledsoe, Pat Williams, antone Winfield, etal really do not have good things to say about the Bills org. They all love the fans, but to be honest the Org has sucked. Being further honest, there isn't that much to do there and more often than not the weather isn't that great. Add to that WNY is one of the most taxed places in the US and it doesn't make for a very good situation.


    We have a 90 something year old owner who refuses to sell the team or step aside and let someone else run it. There is no succession plan in place, it is a small market team who's owner consistantly cries about how tough it is to make it in the NFL. If you look at the Bills history with Ralph Wilson as owner, outside of the Bill polian era, the team sucks. I have posted the history in great detail before and the proof is undeniable. This team has historically stunk and one man has been the main guy from day one till now. ONLY because of Polian did this team have any real success and respectability.


    Leaving your fandom out of it, why would you go to Buffalo? Sorry but no way in hell would I sign there if I was a quality Free agent. An Unsure future I am dragging my family into with a team that has a history of losing and showing no signs of changing. I would have heard from several of my fellow NFL players that have played there about how crappy it is. Add to that I am going to pay more in taxes IE less in my pocket than I would in most other places.


    Until Ralph is no longer owner, We get a better/ NAME GM and HC in place, we draft crazy well and start building a winning culture again, we aren't going to attract any high end Free agents.

  4. Every player in the NFL ( well minus kickers and punters) has taken steroids at some point in their lives. I bet if you ran a true random blood and hair folicle test on every athlete in the NFL 90% are Juicing right now. Sorry folks it's just how it is. There is no Santa, Easter bunny or Tooth fairy either.


    That said, Bob sanders is always hurt because he is way too small for his type of play. If I were Indy I would look into a trade or just flat cut him. He makes way too much money and is virtually never on the field anymore.

  5. Williams, Mularky, Jauron, now Gailey. A team scared to open it up and get after it. No real pass rush, and not willing to sling the football. And stop with the OLine bull ****.


    Nothing is going to change till Ralph Wilson is no longer the owner. Only when we get a new owner will we be able to attract the right people and maybe turn this damn thing around. I would say the upside is we should have a top 3 pick in the draft this year, but these clowns will screw it up.

  6. So I am watching the replay of the Vikes game earlier and the Vikes GM talks about having to play the AFC East this year. Mike Mayock says ' yeah it used to just be NE, now its NE, Jets and Miami that are really tough'. Rick Spielman (Vikes GM) says 'well don't dismiss Buffalo, I feel they will be improved this year'. He also mentioned Spiller and how he feels he will be a great player/ loved him coming out of college etc.


    So there ya go.

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