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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. They aren't moving. Fans need to quit being afraid.
  2. Look he screwed up. No way in hell do you improve on being the #1 overall pick which he would have been. He lost FOUR 3 year starters on the OL and both of his top WR's. No way in hell does he do as well as he did last year even if healthy. He made a really stupid decision and I hope he goes to James Andrews and gets the shoulder fixed then figures out what he is going to do. I think this season really screwed him and he might need to come back another year.
  3. Yeah I gotta think he is done here. Trade deadline is something like Tuesday I think.
  4. If Bradford is smart he says screw OU, goes down to Georgia and has the shoulder fixed. Then get ready for the pros
  5. It is honestly sickening. He is absolutely clueless and unwilling to take any blame for hurting this franchise with his coaching hire and his horrible free agent signings and questionable draft picks. (Ngata is one of the best DT's in the game. Whitner is an average player at best!) Marv only went to 4 superbowls because he had hall of famers and all pros all over his team. If Jimmy Johnson or someone like Cowher had those players back then, we win 2-3 of those superbowls.
  6. sigh... The Bills aren't moving! they were 12th in operating profit last year!! Christ folks. Look before the NFL owners would ok a move (and YES they have to vote and approve the move) you must have a new owner that will have to try and get more out of a market that sells out consistently when fielding a crappy team! You cannot tell me a new owner brings in a great GM, HC, Staff etc that this fan base wouldn't pay 10-15.00 more per ticket. You bet your ass they would. We haven't sold naming rights either. So until several of those options are explored, no way they let the team move. Next, Where to? The Bills are NOT going to friggin LA. Where in this Economy are you going to find a City that will foot the bill for an 800 million to a billion dollar stadium? Look this team is going no where for a long time IF they are allowed to move at all. If anything I can see the NFL allowing 2-4 teams to fold up tent and go back to 28 teams, before anymore moves are made.
  7. These Crappy uniforms were Tom Donahoe's Idea. Why Ralph still has them is beyond me
  8. The only way this franchise is righted is if We clean house all across the board. Now I am ok with Brandon staying as the marketing guy, but that is it. I fire Guy, Modrak, ALL Scouts, the Strength and Conditioning coaches, ALL coaches minus April. Ralph would then need to just hand over operations to a real GM and get out of the way.
  9. No, we just pick crappy QB's to try and pass off as starters
  10. And fans like you are why Ralph will NEVER field a winning team. He knows he has you guys no matter what so he will never pay to field a winner. And BTW the 'good old days' were in spite of wilson. ONLY because of Polian did the Bills have any success.
  11. The chin will take over the Panthers and make them a yearly superbowl contender. That said...hell no to bringing Fox in here
  12. Exactly. We thought it was going to be bad before? Now that they lost again, they are pissed and want to take it out on someone. Maybe Ralph can visit the sidelines this game?
  13. No QB's from TexASS Tech. They all suck in the NFL. It is a gimmick offense down there.
  14. Fans are voicing their right. Ralph has screwed them over long enough
  15. Not if he wants to win. Trent isn't a starting QB in this league and never will be except under Jauron
  16. Most of the team has no idea how to win. They are soft and will revolt when a REAL HC takes over. We are going to have to make over a ton of this roster
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