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Everything posted by DarthICE

  1. Ron wolf, Charlie Casserly or the ol boy that was fired wrongly from Tampa are my choices.
  2. Like NFLN said last night, we now have the jump on the rest of the league to start courting a new HC. Even the Browns still have a HC which would detur some from wanting to talk with them. I pray Ralph and Russ jump on this FAST and get a guy under wraps before the season ends.
  3. My God wake up! Trent would have NEVER been a starter in this league if not for Jauron. He SUCKS. He is nothing more than a one to two game manager if a real starter goes down.
  4. Jim the HOF QB and Best in Bills history is saying Trent isn't the QB we need to get where we want to go. What else needs to be said?
  5. Um fans are way too scared of wilson.
  6. LMAO I love it. Even Adams knows how crappy this team is.
  7. Another bad Marv Levy draft pick. Whats new?
  8. No ****. We should have the guys you listed and Orakpo as well!
  9. It figures, this team is not only worthless on the field but worthless in the fact they can't screw up enough to get a top 3 pick and hopefully a QB worth a damn.
  10. Humm no real 'proof' other than the sigs themselfs. Damn...
  11. It is a game ball from the 93'. The Saturday before the Raiders game that December, Jerry Crafts got me in the locker room and I got the signatures of most all of that 93' team in silver sharpie on a game ball. Any ideas on how much I should ask for it?
  12. Ralph is too cheap to pay what it takes. He also won't get the hell out of the way and give up the power it would take to get one of the top guys
  13. No one wants to pay those guaranteed salaries. Also when you fire a HC you also pretty much put an end to many assistant coaches and their families
  14. Vikings V Saints, but we know that can't happen
  15. As long as ralph owns the team they will suck
  16. Lerner isn't cheap like Ralph is. He will eat the GM and HC's contracts. Ralph will never do that
  17. I agree he needs to play, then when he gets his ass kicked and put out, maybe it will be for good this time and we can quit wasting our time trying to develop another BACKUP to be our starter
  18. Turk is laughing his ass off right now collecting his paycheck for the year.
  19. Buffalo is 12th in profit, they are going no where. Even with crap teams they still sell out. a New owner can increase ticket prices, sell naming rights and STILL sell out and make a decent profit. This team is going NO WHERE!
  20. Ah back when we had a GM worth a damn
  21. I hope they boo his ass out of the stadium
  22. Hell no there wasnt' a reply from us, that would take away some of that money Ralph gained from cutting Walker etal
  23. Honestly I think it is going to get to a point that players are going to intentionally take him out. Hey if you are going to get flagged then do something to really get flagged for.
  24. Typical Buffalo in the last 13 years. We have two backups on our team and a 3rd stringer. We haven't had a good QB since Kelly
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