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Everything posted by indiragandhi'sthong

  1. I didn't, know he had any connections to the browns organization ...does anyone know why he'd take such a gig?
  2. We clearly didn't see the same thing? Well, you'd be the only one on the planet that didn't see it! As a progressive liberal, I winced seeing him grill Democrats on Meet the Press and was delighted to watch him interrogate Republicans. NOW, David Gregory does such a poor imitation I hardly watch. Tim went hard after everyone, but in a fair manner. You are entitled to your opinion, I guess, but its lacking one important element ... facts.
  3. Don't forget he is a biter, too! But, I like Marv as well.
  4. Wow ... wonder why he did it now? I figured it would have been months ago. As far as Dante, who cares? He should close his twitter account in everyone's best interest
  5. Thanks for the read ... Sounds like we'd be lucky and better off to have a quality young msn like that.
  6. Holy moly ... I am not sure my masters thesis was that long and detailed.
  7. I am 43 and I remember that game ... They had an awesome team under Knox for a few years. Thanks for the memory. Jjote name='Bill Cowher' timestamp='1305413500' post='2164422'] watch this youtube.com/watch?v=1mq86lYjgQ0&feature=related
  8. In my mind, the bills loaded up on defense this year and may add to that haul in free agency. Even if Fitzgerald has a terrific year, it will be time to do what it takes to move up and get that qb of the future to groom (ala jets and Sanchez). I don't see The team having a realistic shot at Luck, but I would keep my eye on Landry Jones. I watched a fair amount of OU games last year and he appears to be the real deal
  9. You do sound a bit gay ... You want to rub his bald head? You know how I know you are gay? You like coldplay. uote name='Kevin' timestamp='1304197524' post='2154539'] I'm not gay, but I LOVE Trent Dilfer
  10. Just watched Dareus. Sports Science episode on ESPN ... holy crap, he bested the speed of Lamarr Woodley and the upward strength of Ndamakong Suh ... yeah, I'll take him at 3:
  11. The best opinion I read on this topic deals with the pressure the panthers feel with such quality qbs in division ... Ryan, brees, freeman -and the feeling of need to have someone to build around. I also read that Rivera was is sold on his talent and thinks he can be developed into a top-flight qb.
  12. I am all for the enthusiasm of the draft ... it is Christmas in April for me ... but I laugh at the 3rd, 4th, and 5th round projections people have. I have no idea who many of these college players are and even if I did, how can you possibly project out that far. The closest I can come is seeing players with ties to Chan and Dave Wannstadt ... that is former Ga Tech and Pitt players or guys they coached at the senior bowl. But, hey good luck with that possible 6th round pick from the Colorado School of Mines.
  13. Those who have implied there may be no draft, are smoking dope. It is the number one reason for fan interest after the super bowl and has helped turn football into a year round sport. There is no way the league allow that ... I will eat a poop sandwich if that happens.
  14. Update on Levi Brown??? Yeah - he sucks! Who's next ... Joe Dufek? Bruce Mathison? Matt Kofler? Seriously ...
  15. What site is he on? I would enjoy watching. Thanks
  16. As for the Adolf, it was meant as sarcasm ... or is that an issue on this site as well? Equating the Tea Party and its backing of politicians like Walker in Wisconsin, Rand Paul in Kentucky, Michelle Bachman in Minnesota, etc. With the Third Reich ... well, Hitler did ban unions and collective bargaining in1933 as a way to stifle dissent. Oops, but this is a sports site ... I'd better stop with the politics.
  17. Wow Rob, do you always rescue Nanker? I am relatively new to this board, but I take someone telling me where I should post items that do have to do with union matters (see topic. NFL ... PA) at the very least a misguided recommendation ... point taken on the first amendment. As for my "inferiority complex" perhaps you have diagnosed me after reading my post Dr. Freud ... more likely, I have experienced firsthand throughout my life the benefits of union representation and feel it extends even to athletes. If you don't like my posts, there are plenty of people on here whose views are more inline with yours ... cozy up to them. I for one, enjoy reading those with contrary views ... and I won't ask them to post elsewhere. But, I suppose if you are from the FOX approach to media control, micromanaging other's opinions is the way to go. Wow Rob, do you always rescue Nanker? I am relatively new to this board, but I take someone telling me where I should post items that do have to do with union matters (see topic. NFL ... PA) at the very least a misguided recommendation ... point taken on the first amendment. As for my "inferiority complex" perhaps you have diagnosed me after reading my post Dr. Freud ... more likely, I have experienced firsthand throughout my life the benefits of union representation and feel it extends even to athletes. If you don't like my posts, there are plenty of people on here whose views are more inline with yours ... cozy up to them. I for one, enjoy reading those with contrary views ... and I won't ask them to post elsewhere. But, I suppose if you are from the FOX approach to media control, micromanaging other's opinions is the way to go.
  18. Last time I check, freedom of speech still applies in this country, Adolf, or is the tea party taking that away, too. I'll post where I please. We'll try to approach this in a manner closer to a tea-bagger's heart, if there is such a thing. How about the owners crying poor and threatening to lock the fans out of the stadiums that each community in large part has helped to fund. Ralph paid for the stadium and improvements on his own? He gives away the parking there for free as well? He and the other owners have had the public in these 32 cities bent so far over that you could see our collective colons. Let's not even mention merchandising, new uniforms, so the public needs to buy a new jersey and I am supposed to somehow side with these creeps? In addition, the average player's career is so short and their health often negatively impacted for the rest of their lives ... I would try and get a bigger piece of the pie too - or surely not give more away without proof. Dave Duerson of the bears dies with serious brain damage and age 44 ... Robert Edwards of the pats is at an NFL sanctioned event and blows his knee out and is out of the league by age 28. I'll side with those that work and do the heavy lifting everyday of the week. The caption under your avatar says "stupidly excited" ... Well, you're half right! Love the post ... Keep trying to explain and perhaps some may eventually see past the propaganda.
  19. The owners are crying poor because they signed a shoddy deal the last time (remember Ralph's criticism) ... so they want to make a stand. They are asking the players to trust that they are somehow hurting. Sorry, but when you are asking me to take a cut you need to open your books and prove it. It only makes sense ... if you are, then fine we can negotiate some financial relief. I am surprised at the support for the owners on this board ... as if any one of you share their tax bracket and you think they somehow give a damn about you. It is the same as the issues in Wisconsin and Ohio ... regular people taking up for the exceedingly wealthy to strip hard fought rights away from average folk, as if the Koch Brothers and Wall Street are somehow on their side. Yes, it is the union worker making 50,000 that is hurting you, not the top 400 People in this nation that have the wealth of the bottom 155 m. Sorry, for the rant but the greed of the corporate set and the stupidity of the tea party sympathizers make me want to puke in my suit. Go NFLPA! And before anyone says it ... I know most of the players could care less about average fans as well ... but many of them at least struggled sometime in their lives as opposed to the bulk of owners.
  20. I woul dtake Peterson at #3 ... he may be the best in this draft when all is said and done> 4.32 time in 40; at #34, I wouldt take Phil Taylor - NT from Baylor, he is a beast.
  21. I have two words for you > Leif Larsen ... he was really strong, too ... oh and he sucked Who does this school play ... the Wyoming School for Oil Drillers?
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