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Everything posted by indiragandhi'sthong

  1. He's a lifelong downstater who is a honk for his Jets. He has a Sunday morning radio that he always manages to bring the Jets in as a main topic and he makes Mike Lupica listenable. If you are a journalist and want any shed of credibility, being objective is a must. He is a J-E-S-T-S shill, plain and simple.
  2. I am a Jim Rome listener and I know and respected the Cablinasian's smack in the Jungle. However, I don't think any hayseed from that cattle-lovin', cousin-fu**in, sad excuse for a state should be commenting on any other area in our republic. This is the land of "speed lane" executions and drive-through liquor stores. The state where what happens on the Friday-Night Lights is more important than the learning occurring Monday-Friday. This state of toothless, mullet-wearers elected George W. and Rick Perry. Seany, while our temps dip for a while and we have to "sack up" and drive our as*es to work in snow, sleet, and ice, you have to live in that hot, land of the witless year-round. I'll stay here and enjoy all four seasons. You stay there (away from me) and look for companionship at the family reunion.
  3. A Sir Walter Raleigh reference ... That's why we love to read you, Bill from NYC
  4. Rodak ... Does he look like than annoying sophomore in your HS homeroom, who always shot his mouth off on a variety of subjects, but rarely knew squat about any of them? Or is it just me?
  5. His is the one voice that causes me to change the channel. Bulldog alone or with Sal or Matt Coller would be an enormous improvement.
  6. EJ simply isn't consistent enough or adept enough to be an effective full-time starter in this league. Most college fans could see this and had questions, but it seems to me that Buddy was damn sure going to get a QB before he rode into the sunset. As Dennis Green would say, "HE IS WHIO WE THOUGHT HE WAS." A 3rd to 4th rounder and spot starter at best.
  7. Let's see ... lack of a big-time arm, questionable judgment (see KC game and pick-6), limited mobility ... shall I go on? He had one opportunity a few seasons ago and he blew it. Tuel, like so many other developmental QBs, would really benefit from playing time in a spring league. But the NFL is too boneheaded to realize this and construct such a league. It would also whet the appetite of fans crying out for football year round.
  8. Absolutely LOVE this pic. When I grew up, which pre-dates many of you, the Dolphins used to eat us alive with these type of TE's - guys like Bruce Hardy and Joe Rose - not great at any one thing, but solid at everything and seemingly always open ... Especially when the game was on the line. These are the type of players you need to build toward a winner. Terrific selection.
  9. Watched some tape ... has a live arm and throws a hell of a pass. A bit small, but moves around and makes quick decisions. I wouldn't mind the Bills taking a look.
  10. To me, the NFL is a league growing too big and extending itself too far for its own good. Not only turning its back on the product - the players (current and former) - but also the fans that pay for and fill their stadiums. Their push for globalization and their focus on corporate cash, is killing what once made this league so great. And there is Roger Goodelll leading the way, getting the owners more and more $$$, but watching domestic violence, bullying, drug, brain injuries, etc. pile up and giving a weak-ass response. I love my Buffalo Bills, but in many the NFL is making me sick and turning me off.
  11. Bradford to me has upside. He has had little in the way of support ... lousy line, few receivers, and Steven Jackson a few years back. Change of scenery could work wonders.
  12. Love the spring league idea ... there is a lot of talent overlooked or drafted by a team with the wrong scheme. These guys need practice, coaching, and actual game experience. Plus, America has a thirst for football - I think it makes sense.
  13. He had me at the word BULLY
  14. His persona continues to resemble the buffoon, Greg Williams, and I despised that douchebag.
  15. I think Marrone can be petty and he has a hard on for Mike Williams and Urbik. NEVER should have taken this long. Kind of reminds me of Gregg Williams a bit ... I was a great O-Line coach and these are the guys I want in there. Becoming too much of a blowhard for my taste.
  16. IMO, this is the exact type of guy that needs a change of scenery. For some reason, mostly injuries it seems, Bradford never stayed healthy enough to "get on a roll" ... he'd have a few nice games and then wind up on the rack. Very cerebral QB, more elusive than you'd think, and a solid enough arm. If the price is reasonable, I'd take a shot. The payoff could be big and he is definitely more talented than Orton. It might allow you to bring in a young QB and move him along slowly ... a major issue with EJ.
  17. Sounds like a coaching sandwich ... can anyone say dp?
  18. Hope you know that many of us consider this to be our region's team and that includes our friends and neighbors north of the border. Many of us consider southern ontario to be part of the Niagara Frontier and we appreciate your allegiance to the team and the area. Have a great weekend.
  19. Too long for who? Are we the hair police now? What an obnoxious post. Too long for who? Are we the hair police now? What an obnoxious post.
  20. Too long for who? Are we the hair police now? What an obnoxious post.
  21. JBJ is reminding me of some type of spoiled child (ex. FARUKA IN WILLY WONKA) - "but I want a golden egg now!" I think everyone, except JBJ, is starting to realize this bid is dead and a move to Toronto was inevitable if he purchased the team. Whispers about Robert Kraft and Jerry Jones telling him to "pack it in" were leaked, yet he desperately feels he's somehow entitled ... ""But, I'm Bon Jovi." JBJ you are playing WAY OVER YOUR HEAD." These guys are BILLIONAIRES ... You are out of their league. Millionaires don't cut it at this level, no matter what a great owner JAWS says you'd be. Go back and put out a few more crappy albums, maybe a Christmas one, and try to whore yourself out to another set of investors tracking a new team. THIS ONE STAYS HERE.
  22. Smerlas used to call Ritcher's wife and pretend he was from a landscaping company and tell her they were hired to groom Jim Ritcher's back ... Hairiest guy ever ... Even worse than Smerlas, but ONE HELLUVA GUARD.
  23. Great topic ... My list: Conrad "leg whippet and eye gouge" Dobler Isaiah "fight my own teammates" Robertson Greg "I'm an antisocial prick" Bell Chris "I think I'm a #1, but I'm really a #3" Burkett Willis "they just got a Dave & Buster's" McGahee Coaches: Greg "Bountygate" Williams Hank "Sails in their winds" Bullough
  24. Not sold on this young man as the future. You could hear the hesitancy in Jimbo's voice on the Rome show last week ... There are some things a QB coming from FSU should have already known. Terrific athlete and physical specimen. Seems like a student of the game, too. But aims the ball way too often and seems confused when to tuck it and run or when to throw the ball. Still don't know about his downfield arm strength and accuracy. I would take a flyer on an injured QB dropping, like Murray from Georgia or the Mettenburg kid from LSU. Could be had in 3 to 4 range and have SEC pedigree.
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