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Everything posted by ThePebble19

  1. Having Brett Favre still doesn't change the fact that they have ZERO run defense, and they are thin at corner. Their defense will be the huge downfall.
  2. I just love this guy's fire. He never gives up on a play, always full speed ahead (no pun intended with his legal issues). It's like if he makes a 15 yard run and gets tripped up, he has a chip on his shoulder that it wasn't a 16 yard run. Amazing player.
  3. LOL...I never even thought about that. That's pretty damn funny.
  4. For those that are interested, UB just started selling replica jerseys on their website...any number you want in white (they will have the blue in September) for 49.00...not a bad deal if you ask me. Ill probably pick up a white one, and maybe a blue one as well. Luckily, my favorite # is 19, and James Starks looks like he could be a beast this year.... http://www.shopubbulls.com/
  5. I have to agree about this possibly being a special season... To me, Drew Willy has the opportunity to shine this year. They have capable receivers, and a good RB to switch it up with...I really didn't like James Starks, but last year, he did look very good. I look for a big year for Namaan Roosevelt, though. No chance of this happening, but how awesome would it be to go into Heinze Field and knock off Pitt? Like I said though, no chance of that happening.
  6. I've been considering the UB-Army game...plus its homecoming that weekend too, which makes it also cool. Have to wait until I see if I have the extra cash to drop on another ticket that weekend.
  7. Followed both teams for a long time...almost 20 years. Been through a lot of bad seasons, a lot of bad coaches with both teams, but last year was the breaking point for me as a Jets fan. Horrible Front office moves, not great coaching decisions, the whole mess with going with ANOTHER shared stadium and one of the biggest things was watching all of the fans cheer pennington when he got hurt...made me ashamed to say I was a fan, and that says a lot considering I lived through the Kotite era. I'll still follow them but it won't be as much. Most of last year made me realize that most of their fans represent some of the worst fans in football.
  8. So, I was looking over my ticket brochure yesterday, and noticed that the parking is 5 bucks cheaper per game if you have a prepaid parking pass to park in lots A, D and E I think... How do you go about getting this pass, and is it really worth getting one to save the 35 bucks?
  9. Their AA team, Harrisburg is right near here. They are actually decent this year, seen a few games. I like that Roger Bernadina (sp?) kid...I think he is up with the Nats now.
  10. Yep, it's almost a given that if you can't go to those games, you pretty much are going to give them away. When my parents had season tix, it was the same way. When do they start actually mailing out the tickets?
  11. man, all of these sold out games...if this keeps up, i might actually be able to sell my preseason game against detroit instead of having to give it away.
  12. sounds good. I am reading choke now, and it is also good. I LOVED Invisible Monsters...that was definitely in the top 5 books I have read.
  13. So, I talked to my rep this morning, and got some great customer service...he assured me that the views of the field and scoreboard would be unobstructed, and even went the extra mile...got my cell phone number, and walked over to the stadium to sit in my seats, and then called me back to report the good news. I am satisfied. GO BILLS!
  14. I shall answer! Actually, I have sat there twice. Once was 5 rows from the field, the other was about 10 or so...not bad seats, great when the action is at your end. I love the EZ crowd, but seeing the action at the other end is a strain...sometimes you end up watching more of the scoreboard than the action.
  15. Yep, that is what I was thinking. It's a tough call, because the seats might be perfectly fine...but spending 600 bucks on them, I'm not really into could be's...
  16. Yeah, I've seen that view, but that is from row 10, in the middle of the section...if you see the below pic, the box cuts in around row 14, and my seats will be where the arrow is... http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r51/thepebble19/seats.jpg
  17. So, I am a first time season ticket holder this year. The tickets that I got last month are in section 204, row 18, on the aisle near 205...so it's the last row in the section. Upon further review today of the seats, I think I may be a little disappointed. When I got them, I asked the rep if I had an un-obstructed view of the scoreboard, and he said yes, I would just have to look to the right to see it. Now that I see where the seats are, the Boxes that wrap around the end zone cut into that section, and I think are going to not only block a view of the s/b, but possibly part of the EZ as well. Can anyone shed a little better light on this for me, before I call back in tomorrow morning?
  18. I am a first timer this year too...I'll make the drive for 3 games from Harrisburg, PA. My parents and sister are huge Bills fans too, so they will be making the other games. It was one of those things that we always have trouble getting tickets to the games we want to...So I said, screw it, bought the tickets, and now we have them to enjoy. Section 204, Row 18, aisle seats...they look pretty decent, and even if they aren't, Ill just be happy to be there.
  19. For the NFL, It's a no-brainer, really. Steeler fans travel the best of anyone, it puts butts in the seats and dollars in the pockets. Television exposure for an otherwise meaningless pre-season game.
  20. Not an option. Coming from a Jets fan, you do not want any part of Kevan Barlow...he is an overpaid goalline back.
  21. Great Show. And if you are in the NYC area, stop in and see Avenue Q as well...Equally as funny.
  22. I think this is a good pickup for the Bills...however, getting rid of their only true "veteran" at LB is tough to swallow, even though Spikes is on his last year or two in this league. Darwin Walker should fill in the rotation nicely with the rest of their guys. This will make it interesting to see how it all plays out on Draft day....Do the Bills go after Willis at 12, shore up the LB position, or do they draft a RB high? Or a CB? To be honest, I would not be surprised to see them trade down about 5 or 6 spots if they feel that they can get someone a little later, plus pick up a draft pick. Maybe trade down and get Posluszny plus a pick or two later on....
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