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Everything posted by shrader

  1. There are 6 episodes left. They do blocks of 8 for each season and we've only had 2 so far.
  2. It's May 2018? I thought they were going for Christmas time ever year. Do they have another movie coming out at that point in 2018?
  3. I'm pretty sure I've read that Kirkman regrets having done that in the comics
  4. Their top two scorers are Cal O'Reilly and Cole Schneider. They're also two of the older forwards on that team. If you're pushing 30 and leading your AHL team in scoring, more times than not, your book is already written. I don't mean to say there's any shame in being that guy though. These are guys who are emergency call ups at best, which is still a role that will keep you employed for a few years.
  5. We need to be very careful about over-valuing our own. Let's face it, outside of Guhle, there is no one in this system right now who is going to step directly from juniors/college into the NHL. They're going to need their development time in the minors. Hell, even with Guhle, he's been able to get his feet wet in the NHL part-time. There's so much more to it than just looking at those stats. Just look at the two guys up top who both have no future at the NHL level.
  6. Where are you getting that from. Pretty much every commentary I hear on Nylander is that he's not ready physically yet. That's going to take time and there's no shame in him being in the AHL again next year. Maybe he winds up being a midseason call up, but I can't see him being anywhere near ready in October. To me, Colorado is a perfect example of why you need to go out and hire the best man for the job instead of just handing a new role to a franchise legend. I don't mean to say that a guy like Joe Sakic can't be successful in that role, but they need to earn it first. They've been an absolute disaster with him at the helm except for year one (was that the team that all the advanced stats had them as incredibly lucky?). Does he start to taint his legacy in that town a bit the longer this goes on? I almost feel like certain teams hire these guys because they believe they're immune to criticism. Hell, we tried it here before the whole thing imploded within weeks.
  7. Ahhh crap. Forgot this was on. Looking at the standings, other team's games in hand are a concern, but you can't worry about that. Go out and win your games. Let the rest handle itself.
  8. I was looking specifically at the block of wild card teams except for the Rags. They don't belong in the same column as the rest of those teams. The Islanders have definitely climbed a bit, but I'm sure they'll fall off a bit as things start to settle out post-firing. And yes, I haven't really thought much about about playoff chances. To me, this whole thing just shows the level of parity in the league right now. At least for the east, you've got a very small block of elite teams (not sure where I want to classify Montreal), and then you've got a jumbled mess of the rest. At least with the west you have a clearly defined set of bottom-feeders. But yeah, it hasn't been about the playoffs for me. It has been about watching for growth. We've seen it in the offensive game and hopefully they can round out the other side of the ice over the next 20+ games. That's going to be your sign for whether or not they can become more in the next year or two.
  9. For a good picture of why it is the way it is right now, take a look at the record over the last 10 games for each of these teams. It might as well be the equivalent 5-5 across the board. No one is gaining/losing ground on each other. And that also should give you a good idea of how tough it will be to close the current gap.
  10. When it comes to ESPN, I miss the days where the shows were actually about sports instead of the hosts/anchors. Sure, you probably liked the Patrick/Olberman combo (or whatever combination you liked best), but you were still watching Sportscenter no matter which of their million combinations was calling the highlights.
  11. https://www.nhl.com/standings It really is the only way to see the games played for everyone.
  12. That said, I don't think any potential deal for this team will be made with a short term point of view. There's absolutely no point to that right now and there's no way that isn't clear to every single person in the organization. If they're adding anyone for a top 6/4 role, they're adding someone they'll have control over for multiple years.
  13. I had to double check that never been in the playoffs stat even though it's kind of obvious. Suddenly I think he should be playing for the Bills instead. Anyway, I don't know how much longer we can kick the can around on this should he/shouldn't he trade topic. I'm not so sure anyone's ever going to budge. Me, I'll still sit in the camp of those who are too cowardly to say anything and stick with the "if the price is right" mentality. I am very happy with where this offense is trending right now, but I still have no idea where the blue line reinforcement is going to come from.
  14. You must have missed one absolutely boneheaded play from ERod than essentially sent Ottawa the other way on a breakaway. The post up thread about Lehner not wondering out of the crease reminded me of it. It's amazing how one bad play has the potential to ruin everything.
  15. Learned a bit from her time with Abe?
  16. The boot guy was shown lurking around while Gabriel was on watch during the previous episode. So it's a pretty safe bet that he's with the boot guy now. But why? Did they offer to fight if given supplies? Did they offer to kill Heath if he didn't hand over supplies? I'm not really sure what other possibilities there could be. Gabriel isn't too closely tied to anyone and Heath is the only unaccounted for person we know of right now.
  17. I enjoyed that episode quite a bit last night. It was a good return for the series. I hate that I wind up nitpicking things like this, but how on earth did it take the Sanctuary so long to realize that Daryl was gone? He was able to: 1. escape 2. meet up with Jesus 3. get back to Alexandria 4. travel to the Hilltop 5. travel to the Kingdom Then the group travels to within sight of the Sanctuary... and only at that point did they discover that he had escaped. I guess that whoever let him out could have covered for him as long as possible, but finding fat Joey's body should have put them on red alert.
  18. Yeah, that was one of the more fun scenarios they've ever went with on this show. I'm not entirely sure how Rick and Michonne got out alive after that though.
  19. Anyone else think it's really stupid for the Sanctuary to leave so many explosives out in the open like that, even if it's meant for herd control?
  20. I saw John Wick at 10:30 last night. Someone brought their 4 or 5 year old to the movie.
  21. I just found out today that my neighbor played in that tourney in Dubai last week that Tiger withdrew from. So I officially have a neighbor that beat Tiger.
  22. I may be seeing John Wick tomorrow because the neighbors want to see it. But let's be serious, this entire month is all about Lego Batman
  23. If nothing else, these are the types of games you build on for the future. I don't think they get anywhere this year, but it is going to help next year and beyond.
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