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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I won't lie, I was hoping for zombie costumes
  2. I never thought I'd see the day where you'd recommend that someone go watch Power Rangers. Then again, I suppose I never expected the opposite either.
  3. I don't mean to suggest to draft to fill current holes on the big club. That obviously will never work. I'm thinking of it more in terms of systemic or organizational needs. You need to be stocking up with guys on both sides of the ice. Because of that exact crap shoot nature that you described, I don't believe that best player available exists much beyond the second round. It's just a muddled mess of kids who could each head off on completely different paths depending on where and how they develop. I think we're very much on the same place once we get past the meaning of "needs". The draft itself is about spreading those roots and hoping that the tree grows well years from now.
  4. Personally, I lean towards drafting for need once you move beyond the section be or third round. It looks like Murray has actually done that the last two years. But either way, draft day decisions made by Murray couldn't possibly have changed today's situation. None of those guys would be NHL ready right now. The only draft move that would have impacted today's roster would have been winning the lottery back in 2014. I know it's been said that they wanted Reinhart anyway but that's pure BS. They would have taken Ekblad for sure there.
  5. I'm loving the possibilities of Logan now that they're making some R rated comic movies. The little girl looks completely brutal in the trailers/commercials.
  6. You're up in Vermont, right? I wonder how similar the play there was to what I ran into in Boston. It sounds pretty similar. I played for ten years or so around there. The caveman mentality eventually lead me to knee surgery and that completely killed it for me.
  7. On paper that may be the case, but I don't get the impression that anyone within the organization believed that he was a top four d-man on this team. If they don't believe in him and won't play him in that role, the whole thing is moot.
  8. I'm in a new construction so it's an interesting time in terms of yard work. I've only ever dealt with well established landscaping up until now. We've been here about a year and a half and we're still trying to figure out exactly what we want where. The yard care itself is mostly non-existent. The trees are very young so there are almost no leaves. It's pretty much just mowing and weeding until we really figure out what we want to do. The grass is bermuda and has a very short growing season, so even the mowing doesn't happen very much over the course of a year. I pay someone for fertilizer and weed treatments. Other than that, it's all me.
  9. It's a step above beer leagues. This might as well be a video of a pickup basketball game.
  10. I'm kind of curious who the guy manning the penalty box door is. Is that someone from the team or someone from the league? I'm not trying to blame him one bit, but I bet he was kicking himself over it for a bit. I do love the reaction from the ECC teammate at center ice though. Even with his back to the camera you could see him roll his eyes at what his former teammate did. He then immediately went to check on the ref. This definitely didn't look like a case of an entire team turning on a ref and one taking it too far.
  11. Ignoring the trade for a second, I think you're overvaluing Pysyk a bit here. It became fairly clear last year that this team didn't the most glowing view of him as he was up in the press box fairly consistently. Whether it was a system fit or something else, he wasn't a guy that Byslma was going to lean on (whether or not that's a bad decision is a discussion for another day). And he wasn't just a rookie riding the shuttle back and forth to Rochester. He was already on his second contract at that point, so he was no longer entry level and they should have had a better idea for what they had or didn't have in him. I lean more towards him being JAG. As for the trade itself, I really don't mind rolling the dice hoping to turn a 5-7 guy into a 3-4 guy. Unfortunately, it didn't work, but I don't think we lost all that much. Let's just hope that Asplund becomes something in 3 years or so. That's all we have to show now (minus any deadline deal return).
  12. There's really not that much needed to justify it here either. They're treating him really well and feeding him while there is no food left in Alexandria. The only person left who he had real close ties to is Rosita and she's treating him like garbage. Abe did the same right before he died. He has no ties left to anyone.
  13. My neighbor's 5 year old is always riding around on one of those. One day I went for a walk and two identically dressed little girls (not twins though) where also outside. I immediately turned around and went back inside.
  14. It looks like Gionta submits a list of 5 teams he is willing to be traded to. My quick google search listed it as a 24 team no-trade clause. I assume that leaves 5 since he is currently a Sabre (24+5+1=30). That has some flexibility though. Say they reach a deal with a team not on the list. They can talk it over with him and if he's happy, he can modify the list.
  15. It's the exact opposite with him. He's a coward and he'll go along with whatever keeps him alive. He's exactly like Gregory, two guys weaseling their way through the apocalypse. It's kind of refreshing to see a few people like that actually. I'd have to imagine that most people wouldn't be so loyal to their group that they'd march face first into Lucille.
  16. In terms of deadline stuff, you're right. There won't be much value returning, but I'd still take something over nothing. If nothing else, a couple extra second or third round picks are trade fodder for the offseason. Pysyk-Kulikov: I have not watched Florida at all. How has he been? The numbers don't tell much of a story for a defenseman. As for Kane, I'm not convinced that deal is out there. I think you'd wind up getting more of a project player or two as opposed to the guy who steps into that top 4 role right away. That feels like a lateral move at best as opposed to something that helps them now (or next season, given that I think any deal would be made during the offseason).
  17. They need to open some restaurants. And I'll vote for "without fat Joey, skinny Joey is just Joey" as the second best moment.
  18. If nothing else, this will convince them to do what they should have done anyway and ship out the UFAs at the deadline. They're not building for 2017.
  19. And trust goes a long way towards that tightening. "Hey, these guys (linemates) can do a lot more than I realize. It's time to trust them." Personally, when I see this type of change over the course of a single season, I'm going to lean more towards improved chemistry instead of maturity. The latter is a much more long-term development. That said, whatever the cause of this improvement is, hopefully we start to see it from 3 or 4 more guys very soon. That's what is needed for this team to take that next step to perennial playoff contention. I'm probably leaning towards the Baileys and Baptistes of the world as to where I want to see that come from.
  20. It took some young players more than one year to get used to each other. I'm amazed how many people expect people to click from day one and then never turn back. And for these guys, thanks to all the injuries, it probably hasn't even been a full year yet.
  21. I'll try not to tell you the odds of the movie being good.
  22. It looks like the last three episodes don't have titles yet, so maybe that's why they were left off your link.
  23. So they originally wanted the main series to be Christmas and then the spinoff sequels the following summer? At this point, I'd be willing to bet that this one gets delayed to Christmas.
  24. People complained about so many "heroic runs to 9th place", but I think that would be great to see right now... then followed up with a miracle lottery win (yeah, I know, weak draft)
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