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Everything posted by shrader

  1. This is where it pays off that the only people I know around here are my friends who live in the same new construction neighborhood as I do. The biggest complaint you'll ever hear is "I really wish I had gone with that color cabinets in my house instead". We're all pretty much in the same exact place.
  2. It sounds like the team could easily use playing time to persuade a college free agent to sign with the team. I'm not familiar with who is available just yet.
  3. Gregory has to be killed by one of his own people. That's the only way it can end with him.
  4. Gregory was the best part of last night's episode as far as I'm concerned. Xander Berkley plays the weasel really well.
  5. I just need UNC to lose at this point. That loss would cripple the one guy in my bracket who absolutely must not win.
  6. I assumed it was Dwight too. As for Simon, he actually felt much more normal yesterday, like he shaved the mustache or something.
  7. I forget who our Ottawa fan is, but BC is done. So if they're going to add White, they can at any point now (if they haven't already).
  8. I was just about to ask if anyone has started it. I'm hoping it is better than Luke Cage was. For me, that one kind of dragged on a bit after they mixed things up a bit at the midpoint.
  9. For whatever reason, I've had the impression that they have a series of those satellite bases and that's where they base the runs from. I'm sure it's just a cost saving method since they film at multiple locations, but I don't remember ever seeing any of those Kingdom-run guys at the Sanctuary. Also, I feel like it's been the same with Simon (leads the runs to the Hilltop). They may have even mentioned it on the show at some point.
  10. With 8 more points, Eichel will equal his total from last year. He has 12 games left to make that happen. Not too bad considering he missed 2 months this year (missed one game last year). There's another sign of the huge progress towards being a star that he's made this season. I forget who asked about that earlier.
  11. Have you looked at this year's draft much? I haven't, but I always see people saying it is weak. I just wonder if that is due to the lack of a true top guy or if it is across the draft as a whole. We've had an incredible run of top end guys in the draft in recent years, so it had to end sooner or later. This is the first time since 2011 (Nugent-Hopkins) and 2012 (Yakupov) where the top guy isn't hyped through the roof leading up to the draft. Hopefully there is something good there for us. I know we had the best player available talk a week or so back and they should be going that route again. I just hope that BPA just so happens to be a defenseman.
  12. I know it was their inspiration to go that route, but that's the only time the two movies should be mentioned in the same sentence. They're both great, but they could not be any more different.
  13. Even the throwaway part with the woman updating Ezekiel on his royal garden was great. They added in one very brief moment of humor and it worked perfectly.
  14. Maybe we give the guy a little too much credit though. He probably shouldn't have had him there at all given all the past interactions with Richard. I guess it could just be a numbers issue and those are the only people around who actually make that supply run. Maybe I'm making things up in my mind, but I feel like something very similar happened at a previous supply drop this season, whether it was the Kingdom or the Hilltop. That line about "bring exactly this amount" felt very familiar.
  15. And that's a shame too because he's probably the only likeable Savior. He seems like the type that could be redeemed once Rick and co. eventually win. I wish we'd see a little more of that "decent guy doing what he has to in order to live" kind of thing from a few more of them. It's definitely better than his d-bag underling and Simon going after the Hilltop.They can't all be evil caricatures. I guess we may have seen it right before Fat Joey died, but that felt like a last second act to save his life.
  16. I don't know exactly when that commitment to conditioning began, maybe during his stint outside of the NHL. Maybe leaving is exactly why he's still here today, but I can't help but wonder where his numbers would be had he never left. It's amazing to see how he has climbed up the rankings these last few years (I guess he can't climb anymore though). He's one year away from ruining one of the coolest Gretzky stats there is, the one where Wayne has more assists than any other player has points.
  17. I'm doing one of these for the first time in about 10 years. It's charity, so why not. Since I actually put money down, I guess I can't be like the last one I did and pick New Mexico State to win the whole thing.
  18. He also adds in a little Jagr with with sticks that's about 85 feet long. Maybe Lemieux had the same thing, but for whatever reason, I always associated that with Jagr. edit: And college seasons are now starting to end for some teams, so we should start to see the signings of random free agents and draft picks around the league. The expansion draft is always a huge topic right now, but any of these guys would be exempt, so there's no concerns in that department.
  19. It made the movie that much better. The dude has giant metal razors sticking out of his hand and has fits of berzerker rage, it should be super violent. I kind of wish I had never seen a single clip of Laura in any trailers though. She takes it up another notch. I was actually cringing in my seat many times. But at the same time, it's not violence for the sake of violence. The whole thing was very raw and fits with the emotions of the characters perfectly.
  20. I can't wait to see what psycho Morgan decided to do. Is he heading straight to the Sanctuary? Is he just going to pick off random Saviors guerrilla style? Or does he go boring and head back to Alexandria? I'm hoping for the middle option. Was he at Carol's house still when he was sharpening the staff? As for next week, the Kingdom was just pushed over the edge. It's looking like next week it'll be the same with the Hilltop. With three episodes left, that probably leaves the following one as Oceanside and then the finale has the start of the war.
  21. Logan was awesome. That R rating was everything this character should have always been. They even pushed that just about as far as they could.
  22. He's not getting the attention he deserves nationally (internationally?) because he's not Canadian (McDavid) and does not play in Canada (Matthews and to a much lesser extent Laine).
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