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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I haven't watched in years. I think I pretty much stopped when Angle left. I was a huge fan. But now that I hear he's back (is he playing his old comedy role too?), I may have to check that out a couple times.
  2. I'm good with it too. I just don't see the league gaining enough from the Olympics to shut things down for a couple weeks. It was big when it was in places like Salt Lake City and Vancouver, but once these things go overseas, we're left with crazy viewing hours that do very little for the average hockey fan in North America. I know they want to expand their brand as far as possible, but I've always felt that these games in Russia or South Korea only hurt the NHL's base. And that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the injury issues you mentioned. I am very curious to see where the US and Canada draw their rosters from now. Are the NCAA teams going to lose players for a full season like they did in the old days? I started college right after the NHL jumped in on the Olympics, so I just missed out on seeing the impact of that system on a big time hockey school like BU. Things have changed a lot since then, with far more players having the incentive to leave earlier. Having that additional flight risk could really hurt those programs, granted that it is just a once every four years thing (IF the NHL doesn't come back).
  3. I'd put Jessica Jones right up there with Daredevil. Both of those shows really brought their A game with the main villains. Cage definitely lacked there and I'm starting to get the impression that Iron Fist is similar. I haven't started it yet though.
  4. The tiger shots were short and sweet. They didn't focus on it long enough to get too distracted by tv budget effects. Yeah, I liked Richard too. The kingdom as a hole has worked really well. Casting and story, it actually makes sense. Their quirks are so much more explainable than the junk yard people.
  5. Exactly. He was completely on board with Negan up until the uprising. But since he's stuck with them now, he has to play it very smart, pretty much the only thing he is capable of doing. He'll be very careful moving forward thanks to what he saw with the doctor. No matter how useful he is, Negan will not hesitate to eliminate him if he even suspects anything.
  6. They came around pretty quickly on Dwight's intentions, so if they can trust him, they can definitely trust Eugene again after he sabotages something.
  7. Let's not pretend that Toronto's approach was a one year plan. They've been in rebuild practically since the 2006 lockout. This will be only the second time they've made the playoffs during that time. There's been a couple different resets during that time, but they've definitely been acquiring this current group of players for several years now. The main difference between their tank and Buffalo's is that it came at the end of their retooling. Ours was the start.
  8. Given his interaction with Negan at the end, I completely expect him to team up with Dwight to take down the Sanctuary from the inside. After what he saw with the doctor and now that interaction, Eugene has to know what he's dealing with. That and he absolutely has to team up with Dwight given that they've been intimate.
  9. Well at least the kingdomers are easy to pick out of a crowd. If anything, I'd imagine it's the Saviors in the middle with the three groups converging around them. The dumpster people screw with that one though, since they were scattered around Alexandria.
  10. I can understand the initial penalty, but the scorecard thing is completely ridiculous (apparently that's not an automatic DQ anymore, luckily). If you assess a penalty AFTER the card has been signed, the card was not wrong. Absolute worst case, she should have only been penalized two strokes. I have a new neighbor who plays on the european tour and I really need to seek out his opinion on this one.
  11. I'm just waiting for the inevitable complaints about how Shiva somehow knows who is a Savior and who isn't.
  12. The whole kingdom thing should be so cheesey, but it works. The three main players there are such damn good actors, they make it great. For one night anyway, the slow boring season is forgotten. 14 episodes sandwiched between two great ones.
  13. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law let their kids bring every toy imaginable to the dinner table. Inevitable they wind up running around the table and one falls down and hits his face on the floor. They then yell at the kids asking why they fool around so much at the table. Do they really not know the answer to that question?
  14. Strangely enough, that's not something I've ever done. I'm not a coffee guy.
  15. If we're lucky, he turns into another Brian Flynn. No one should be expecting a scoring line boost with this type of signing. These guys are typically pretty close to their ceiling already.
  16. This sounds eerily similar to my experiences, except I'm currently in that first 4-5 years you described. It's nowhere near as harsh as your story, but the similarities are definitely there. One major difference, and something that is the root of a lot of issues here, is that my FIL died less than a year after we got married.
  17. I used to get my skates sharpened religiously at a specific shop in Boston. Every time I was there, typically wearing a Sabres hat, the owner would tell me the same story. It was probably around the same time frame as what you just said. When he was in the Coast Guard, all of the guys would listen to WKBW while they were out in the Atlantic. It was pretty much the best signal they got out there. So he had fond memories of a bunch of their staff during that time.
  18. I really want to see Rick have this interaction with the kingdom: It's all I can think about when I see them lately.
  19. Even if they're spot on, the stereotypes are what kill that show for me. It's stereotype overload.
  20. Stat question: If you are dressed and on the bench but never set foot on the ice, does it count as a game played?
  21. Hopefully he can share a beer at some point with the flag bearing walker.
  22. That'll be Eichel's goal. They start with a zero out there in MA, so he only needs to put up Gretzky-like numbers. Totally realistic.
  23. But he completely ruined the zipcode thing, unless he plans on moving to Michigan.
  24. I wouldn't say it's because he's bad, it's just that he's not a top 3 guy. I'm not going to say he'd make us so much better, but this team could use one or two more 3-6 guys back there.
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