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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Maybe she did something stupid and wound up being relocated to a Cinabun in Saskatoon.
  2. His name looks like a legal case. Is that what happens when you leave espn?
  3. Is there an actual list of layoffs anywhere? Everything I see that says "list" winds up having name followed by twitter post. Does everything have to include twitter now? I just want to see a list and not have to waste my time scrolling through 90% of the crap on the screen.
  4. I'm too lazy to look it up, but I'd imagine that they've been an older team than most so far. Bring in those older guys who are guaranteed to use their full four years of eligibility and may not have gotten a shot somewhere else and you're going to have a physical edge over the teams with younger high draft picks. I may dig into their roster later when I have some free time to see if that's the case.
  5. I haven't watched Breaking Bad in a while. Was/Is Jimmy's new receptionist there during the Saul days?
  6. I've never been to one where Denver played, so I can't really say. They were always a bit more of a vocal fanbase online, but that's my only encounter with them. I'd imagine there were more Notre Dame fans in Chicago thanks to the location, but that's a pure guess. I've had no encounters with Penn State hockey. They didn't exist when I was going to games. With their quick build, I bet they'll have a very good following. I used to play beer league hockey with a guy who went to school there and I know he was very excited when they decided to go D1. Don't get me wrong, I love taking shots at Boston, but I think this one is more about the school than the city itself. They've won 4 national championships over the last 17 years and are in the frozen four essentially every year. If that can't draw the attention of their student base, nothing will.
  7. Even if they go with that "czar" approach, he's still going to have to be the one that hires that person. If the GM is going to be the one in that role, then so be it, but he (the GM) then needs to be the one to hire a coach.
  8. That was a very paint by numbers press conference when it comes to Pegula. He didn't bring the trainwreck element at all. This thing was coming for a few days now because he was clearly prepared. This is probably the first time he feels like an owner to me. Now let's just hope things progress from here and he finds the right person.
  9. I'll throw this one out there for those who think David Quinn from BU might be an option here for coach. This comment was posted last week. I just read a very good comparison for Quinn, saying that he is essentially the John Calipari of the college hockey world right now. I can't see him having any interest in leaving that.
  10. At some basic level, he's going to need someone with a much better feel for the NHL world to help him weed through those picks. I don't think you have the luxury of time to first find that first guy. You'll then have to go through that same process again for the GM and then for the coach. Lombardi is the obvious guy right now. I don't know who else is out there, but the organization is going to need a head of hockey ops type person as soon as possible. It's all going to flow from there. Coach can definitely wait. They've got plenty of time there.
  11. I'm going to have to listen to this one this morning. It's got the potential for trainwreck given Pegula's past talks in public. If he doesn't have a big time hockey mind lined up already, it will get ugly fast.
  12. No one travels quite like the west does. North Dakota blows everyone out of the water though. The Big Ten schools generally do too, I've seen very good showings from Michigan State, Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin (granted that one was in Milwaukee). Maine, of all places, used to travel really well. Unfortunately their program has fallen off the face of the earth over the past 10 years. If you want to see a big time program that travels ridiculously poorly, it's BC.
  13. This was one of my first thoughts. I can't imagine there was too much in place there though.
  14. I'm 4 or 5 episodes into Iron Fist. I'm not seeing all the hate for the character that I've seen so often. It makes sense to me. He left the real world when he was a kid and now he has no idea how it works. He's still very much the kid he was before the crash... except for the crazy ninja skills.
  15. Quinn would be crazy to leave. He's got a lifetime gig at BU if he wants it. His biggest strength of all is recruiting and that doesn't do anything for you at the NHL level. He keeps bringing in class after class of high end draft picks and that will never change as long as he is there. He really doesn't have that much of an overlap with Eichel either, just that one season. He did not recruit him to BU and he did not coach him in the US developmental program.
  16. 2003. I haven't gone to one of these since 2010, but what you described fit a bunch of them, especially when it's played in a non-college hockey hotbed. Those might actually be the best ones though for the people who really want to see the games. You've got fans practically giving the tickets away outside, those who got 4 seats in the lottery but only needed two. Even with all the improvements in Buffalo, it could very well happen again at this one. If you don't get the traveling fanbase in the game (North Dakota), attendance will be lacking.
  17. Has anyone reading this been to any of these games in those larger venues? I can't imagine how difficult it is to watch when you're too far away. I was at the Detroit Frozen Four in Ford Field and it was a complete disaster. The building was way to big for hockey. It was also way too empty, which, I assume doesn't wind up being a problem for the basketball games.
  18. The stand-alone movies do tend to be better. You're bashing all of the latest ones as soulless and/or unoriginal. Are you including movies like Guardians, Ant-Man, and Dr. Strange when you say that? The first two in particular were very fun movies that felt much different than a lot of their other stuff. They get so much more time to focus and develop the characters in the smaller cast of these stand-alones. edit: Looks like Mark beat me to it.
  19. That might finally be a good time to head back for a visit. It's been a while.
  20. The timing seems very odd/suspicious to me too, but I'm not going to waste time trying to explore reasons for what may or may not have happened. At the end of the day, we've got one less waste of a human being to deal with.
  21. They couldn't have done it without that, which is why I don't really get why they decided to run with this movie as their choice.
  22. Well that should make for some fun new internet fan theories. edit: So what's the deal? Who made that one which very clearly doesn't fit with their typical style for these movies?
  23. I took the wife to Beauty and the Beast last night. I don't really understand why Disney chose this one for their first push into live action versions of their past movies. It relies way too heavily on CGI characters. The visuals in the dinner scene were way too over the top and fake for me. It felt like the big battle scenes in the Star Wars prequels. The movie was significantly better when there were more actual people on the screen. The villagers attacking the castle at the end worked so much better because it wasn't 100% relying on CGI.
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