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Everything posted by shrader

  1. And they both had fairly big villain roles in Agents of Shield recently. Kind of an odd coincidence there.
  2. This one is so different though since he made it to 52. Still very young, but it's a lifetime older than Kurt and Layne. Andy Wood's death fits in with those ones long before Cornell does. Oh, but now I see that No Saint also included Scott Weiland in there. Now there's a guy who was a trainwreck for such a long time. I have no idea how he lasted so long.
  3. He seemed to be a big family man at this stage in his life. I know I've seen constant references to his daughter in recent years on facebook. Whether that's actually him or just someone running his page, it was definitely a constant. They were right at the top of my list of favorite bands, so this one stings a bit, much more than so many of the other recent deaths. I'm glad I got the chance to see them when they initially got back together 5 or 6 years ago. And while we're posting songs, I might as well include the best Bond theme song there is:
  4. That's a crazy return. I have no idea how people make ends meet out there at those prices. Boston was very similar before I got the hell out of there (plus they have all those !@#$ pats fans). My nextdoor neighbors downsized from the San Diego area two years ago now that all their kids are out of college. It's not something I'll ever ask, but I'd love to know how much of a cushion they're sitting on now that they're in a ranch that probably went for around 250. Their San Diego house was over 3000 square feet, so I'm sure it went for a ton of money.
  5. I like the way things are working in the new construction market around here. We got in early in our neighborhood and next month will be our 2 year mark. The starting price on the same model we have is $50k more than it was for us even though they're now getting stuck with the crappy tiny lots that are left.
  6. I know I'm sick of hearing about that place. A bunch of people have raided our house and are trying to convert it into their condemned house. Get over it and stop trying to ruin someone else's stuff.
  7. I wonder how motivated some guys can be in a meaningless tournament like this when they're about to be able to sign a new contract.
  8. I heard something on the radio the other day saying that ABC is bringing back american idol and Perry will be the main judge. So this might be a rare case where something (the show) goes from "things that need to go away", actually does go away, but then comes back.
  9. That and he still has 16 years to catch up with Magic Johnson.
  10. Neve Campbell was on the most recent season of House of Cards.
  11. I know it's been on for two years, but has the timeline moved that much? I don't really get a feel for how much time has passed since the first episode. It feels like ages thanks to the way AMC schedules their shows.
  12. We're better off getting rid of anyone who actually needs that type of training. That and many times, the people who are really good at something are unable to teach it. Think of the incredible coaching career of Wayne Gretzky.
  13. And then there's some of the parents who are trying to show their kids stuff. I've seen this one father a few times getting his kid to use a leg press machine. Every single rep, the kid locks his knees as the father watches. Maybe at that age, they can get away with it, but it makes me cringe each time.
  14. What if she's a couple of years removed from being 400 lbs. Would you listen more closely to her advice?
  15. I hate the internet I want boyst's laser so I can take out my neighbor's drone. I'm not crazy about him always taking pictures of the neighborhood.
  16. And they might as well be three conferences within one bigger league. Their champions and a host team play for the memorial cup, Canadian junior hockey's Stanley cup.
  17. Actually, I'd say one looks like a football player and the other looks like he never played any sport.
  18. I'm picturing the consistency in something like a snickers, but I guess they could go harder than that. I'll just have to buy the things and find out.
  19. If you're worried about missing a lot of things, that kind of commute could hurt. I'm around 30 miles from my office and wind up away from the house for about 12 hours. That includes around an hour and a half at the gym and some bad traffic, so you could definitely trim down that number a bit. What kind of traffic would you expect?
  20. Any chance they can throw these things or something similar on the roof of any future dome built for the Bills? Seems like a great marketing opportunity for them.
  21. If we're going to talk about a single game, I think there's a much bigger factor than giving up home ice. I'd be more concerned about playing a game under completely different conditions than the other 81. Weather, sun, ice conditions... there are so many variables in place with these outdoor games where they're not really a regulation NHL game anymore. I still think they need to scrape the whole outdoor regular season game and instead use that for the all star game. But yes, I know this idea has no chance because there's way too much money to be made.
  22. My brother killed a canada goose years ago with his tee shot. It wasn't as crazy as this one though. The bird was on the ground and the ball got it square in the head during its descent. So a lot less speed on the ball at that point, but it still did the job. I consider it a victory for all as it was one less bird to crap all over the course.
  23. I don't think it's a big deal to most of the fans to lose one game at home. The crazy thing is playing a "home game" deep in the heart of another team's market.
  24. It feels like Jessica Jones has been lost in the shuffle thanks to that process. Daredevil got his second season. Cage was introduced in her show and then got his season. So far, she hasn't been seen since and it has been a long time. Her show was so good, I wish they could have found a way to include her a bit more prior to this point.
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