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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I doubt there's much of anything to that Bruin fan thought. Jack grew up a BC fan but then went to BU after being recruited by both. I don't know how familiar you are with that rivalry, but it's not exactly cordial. He went with the situation that better set himself up moving forward and at this stage, I can't fault any player who thinks they're better moving forward if they're not on this team. The rest of this situation, the way they're playing it out is downright strange. I'm one to point my finger towards the agent when a game like this is being played.
  2. Throw him on the broadcast team instead
  3. That one was creepy from start to finish. They did a nice job of establishing the cult feel very early.
  4. Not a single "how the hell did you get out of there, Daniel" at the end when he was leaving?
  5. So what exactly was Virginia building the army for anyway? She seemed genuinely surprised that certain people were still alive (more than just Dwight and company), so it had to be more than just her castaways returning for blood. I guess we have 5 more episodes to find out.
  6. I think the guy sat down and ordered a burger. Seriously though, I really hate endings like that, if for no reason other than my wife continuously asks me "do you think Tony Soprano died". Hell, she does it with Breaking Bad too, even though that one couldn't have been any more obvious. They even mention the outcome in the El Camino movie but she still asks the damn question.
  7. Yeah, he's fine. I just completely forgot about him. It's kind of like last season with the episode where John was looking for who killed the one ranger (the one we just found out that Virginia's sister killed). The woman they ultimately framed, I had completely forgotten who she was and had to look it up. They need to at least develop the character a bit if they want to use her for meaningful death. So far this half season, they definitely understand that. Also, in talking about the rabbi, I recognize the actor from other roles (House), so I won't forget who he is.
  8. The cast has gotten way too big so they definitely need to thin the herd a bit. Unfortunately they chose the best character on the show as their first kill. That said, it has way more meaning than if they had decided to kill someone completely pointless like Nick's old girlfriend or either of the trucker twins. Hell, I never much cared about June up until the last couple minutes last night. They're definitely bringing it so far this half season with the big time deaths. Hopefully we can get a few more, which bring extra screen time to the better characters and allow them to shine. I can't be the only one who had an "oh yeah, there's a rabbi on this show" moment.
  9. A side note from last week's episode: The Walking Dead may just be the worst possible TV show for a suicide prevention PSA.
  10. Pha and Pgh? I can't say I've ever seen those abbreviations before. Come on Pierre, the common abbreviation for Pittsburgh could not be any more obvious.
  11. And how do the games played work out for the canadian division since it will have one less team? If they play everyone 9 times instead, that would be 54 games. Since everything is played within the division, that doesn't impact the playoffs at all. But are they ok with having less games on tv like that? I'd prefer to leave the schedule balanced within the division, but I'm sure $$$$ will have them adding in the extra 2 games.
  12. I thought her lightsabers looked like fluorescent light bulb tubes.
  13. Directv sent me an email yesterday to let me know that center ice package was about to renew on my account. It's priced at the same number as last year. What a slap in the face. I thought maybe it was just an automated process, but no. If it was, that would have kicked in over a month ago. So I'd love to know who flipped the attempted robbery switch within that company.
  14. They need to kill a couple people in the main cast. It's getting a little too bloated right now. I really don't know who I expect it to be though, maybe June because things never seem to work out well for the medics. And by the way, I can't be the only one who thought "are they seriously going to bring Madison back" when Alicia mentioned going to the stadium.
  15. This implies that Screech ever actually got work outside of this show. I'm not sure "celebrity" boxing counts.
  16. I had absolutely no clue what was done to that first one. Pretty much like you said, it was just random green stuff. I do have to say that I'm a bit sick of them playing out this ambiguity angle with Strand over and over.
  17. You beat me to it. This was my immediate thought.
  18. Ahhh, right. I just assume it was a random ranger sent to kill him. None of them have any character development at this point, so it'll be left at that, no reveal needed.
  19. Bob Barker's name keeps coming to mind when I think of any long running iconic game show hosts. There's a show that was never the same. But fortunately we didn't lose him and he was able to retire.
  20. I'm not sure who you're talking about. Unless they plan on introducing a new character and then later reveal that s/he was the savior, I really don't see any great options. I'd guess the sister at this point, but you pretty much nailed the reason why that one doesn't work all that well. Plus they just did a nuclear fallout story last year. They need to branch out a little more. My one guess for the season as a whole is that they're going to end the half season with the reveal that Morgan's girlfriend is dead, pushing him even further back towards his insanity days. He's going to absolutely massacre Ginny.
  21. I'll give them time to screw it up. I don't trust the writers on this show. So right now we have two main mysteries out there: 1) who saved Morgan and 2) what the key opens. I expect something very cheesy for at least one of those.
  22. Morgan found his balls... that and still no trucker twins
  23. I guess that would work, but I really wish they’d retire the show.
  24. I bet Sherry’s with this new group
  25. Trebek and Sean Connery in the same week. I wonder if SNL can throw together a tribute celebrity jeopardy.
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