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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I was sold from the first teaser trailer they put out. It had nothing but a group of guys in a boat looking up while you heard the sound of some artillery approaching. It was so simple but it left me wanting to see more. I was hoping for some sort of Weekend at Bernie's joke with this one.
  2. And just wait until he shows up with a bomb to take out some rival actor.
  3. I just started Sons of Anarchy on netflix last night. That should keep me busy for a while.
  4. He needs to be better with the direction on that arrow. It could be pointing at either of the two houses in that direction. Now I'll never know who the real a-hole is.
  5. That's a great picture. I know they're big birds, but actually seeing it on the guy's arm really puts into perspective their size. Do they have a picture of the bird dragging that guy off a cliff?
  6. I had no idea that the old HBO shows are available on amazon's streaming service. I always thought that they kept those for HBO go. I never had HBO, so I haven't seen a second of any of their big shows. I'm sure I'll have to check out the Sopranos at some point, but I started watching Curb Your Enthusiasm last night. I know how I'm going to be wasting my free time for a while.
  7. Why? The kid was a marginal prospect when drafted. For that reason, he sticks around in college to get the most of the time there. Once you've hit the point where you've done your 4 years, have developed into a wanted commodity, and can become a free agent, why wouldn't you? At most, he walked away from one year's worth of an AHL salary that he would have earned by signed last summer. Any one of us would prefer to have as many options as possible when starting out. Why do we turn around and hold that against a kid like Petersen. No one likes losing a prospect for nothing, but that's business. As for the thought of Mittelstadt doing the same that people like to throw around, the circumstances are very different. Petersen was a late bloomer who had minimal value when first drafted. It's that crap shoot draft pick that you leave alone and let stew a bit. Mittelstadt is a known commodity at this point. Both the team and the player are aware of their standing. He stands to gain a lot of money by turning pro early. He'll get the maximum allowed deal and be free of the entry level restrictions after 3 years. So if he signs next summer, he no longer has salary restrictions by the time he is 22. Petersen won't be free of those restrictions until he is 24 years old. So if Mittelstadt were to go that route, he's walked away from 3 years worth of that entry level salary, as well as 2 more where he has a multi-million dollar contract. He can if he wants, but that's a hell of a lot to walk away from.
  8. Are they even protected anymore? I didn't look beyond wikipedia so obviously it's questionable, but that had had them removed from the endangered and protected lists years ago. If that's the case, could it be anything more than animal cruelty?
  9. That's going to be a rough transition. I'm still the type that wants to see most things before actually buying them. I can definitely see switching over easily for things like HVAC air filters or batteries though, stuff I'm changing constantly.
  10. Especially with the picture this article paints of him. There was the comment about how he lived with no money before and can do it again. That sounds like the kind of guy who wouldn't spend anything. Then again, it could also be the type who trusts just about everyone and gives money to every hair brained scheme that comes his way. Does anyone get that trust if he dies before 55? That's about the only possible catch I could see with a deal like that. Given the circumstances some of these guys go through in getting here from Cuba, do we even know if he was literate during most of his career?
  11. They already had the guy from the tunnels, didn't they? I thought the guy who helped Travis and Nick break out of the army base in the first season was the main guy from those clips. Speaking of that, I have absolutely no clue how that whole tunnel thing ended. The last couple episodes of the main series, I watched on the DVR. So I fast-forwarded right through them. The same exact thing happened with the whole plane thing for me.
  12. Unless there's some rare occasion getting in the way, pretty much all of the draft picks participate.
  13. I caved and bought an echo. I've always been the type that would sign up for the free trial of prime around Christmas time and then drop it before payments kick in. I decided to stick around this time. I'm behind the curve when it comes to streaming music, but I think that portion alone will pay for itself. The wife also winds up buying a lot of school supplies for her class on amazon, usually while on a free trial of her own. It really was time to just keep prime year round. I looked through some other deals and was tempted occasionally, but I didn't wind up getting anything else. There was really nothing that I need at this point. I came close on clicking on a discounted PS4 controller, but not a single one of my games is two player.
  14. That's so incredibly rare and essentially never happens with the first round picks. You'd be lucky to see more than one in any given offseason and it's always a mid to late round guy.
  15. Minnesota. He'll head that way for his freshman year.
  16. I haven't seen Michael Caine listed as a part of Dunkirk at all. How on earth was Nolan able to make a movie without him?
  17. Even if half of the marriages out there don't make it to 30 years, that still leaves a **** load of marriages that do. But since you never see a young person who is married for 30 years, people will say it never happens. Nevermind the fact that it's mathematically impossible for a young person to be married that long.
  18. I'm too lazy to look up last month's thread, so I'll post it here. The wife and I went to Despicable Me this weekend. It passed the time, but the well has definitely dried up for that series. It's time for them to move on.
  19. Spiderman's a no brainer for anyone who has been following all the Marvel stuff. I'll probably see Dunkirk in theaters because I've liked pretty much everything Nolan has done. For some strange reason, the wife wanted to see the first of this Apes series back when we started dating, so we may actually go to this one if she's interested.
  20. That's been a major issue with him for years now too. How many times did they announce that his back was feeling great and he was ready to get back out there? Stop being an attention whore and focus in on what you really need to do to straighten things out.
  21. If they really want to play the speed game that they keep mentioning, there's no way they walk away from Kane. They may have to do it at the deadline, but for now, it's time to see how this style will work with these guys. As for the trade, I do like the thought of a finisher like pominville being able to take a few passes from eichel occasionally. I'm sure he's destined for the third line role, but he can fill in at spots and also the PP.
  22. I'm at the point with Bogosian where I think he just is what he is at this point. You're never going to have that stud d-man but he can still be serviceable.
  23. With the way he loves doing all the stupid voices, he really should be doing children's movies and cartoons full time. Unfortunately, he's still getting paid to put out all the crap he does.
  24. I'd trade Nick for Travis any day. Travis became worthwhile to the show once he finally snapped.
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