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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Tom Hardy is in it, right? I'm. Has he hit A-list status yet?
  2. Ambitious, the cow? My neighbors dad raises cattle and he gets one every year. I think he used to split it with former neighbors but now it's ours.
  3. I would guess that Nolan's prior work winds up being at least a small draw for that demographic.
  4. We are about to split an entire cow between a handful of houses in the neighborhood. It was the perfect time to finally cave and order an ANOVA. It should be delivered today, well before the first steak gets to my house. I'm only a few pages in, but I'll be scanning through the entire thread looking for ideas.
  5. It was really good. I'm with Tom on the whole thing about how Serkis needs to get some awards for what he has done throughout this series. One of my favorite characters from movies in recent years and one that I find myself pulling for more than most... and it's a CGI ape (Maurice has been a great sidekick too). I find that stuff distracting most of the time with how cartoony it feels, but that thought never once crossed my mind with these movies. They're a great example of how good these graphics can be when used properly and not to excess. On a side note, I haven't seen the original in ages and I was never really much of a fan. Still, I'm amazed how many of the references to that series that I caught from this movie and the earlier ones. I couldn't tell you much of anything beyond the basic plot of Planet of the Apes, yet I immediately recognize certain names when they're dropped. I have no idea why.
  6. What's the bar for success for either of these guys, just making the team? I suppose Cardale has a shot at future playing time, but not EJ.
  7. That had to have been absolutely brutal for teams like LA and Vancouver. The league was almost 75% in the northeast during those days. Their travel costs must have dwarfed those of teams like Buffalo.
  8. The closet case to a balanced schedule can be found within the division. And that's why when determining the playoffs, you are first compared against those other teams in the division. There will never be an ideal system as long as schedules aren't balanced, and schedules will never be balanced.
  9. This structure is the only way it could ever work to not have divisions. The only way you can fairly seed teams is if they all play the same schedule. That's obviously pretty tough with only a 16 game season, thus the need to at least divide the teams in half. The costs of travel are always going to get in the way of everyone playing each other once though. No matter what people say, the structure with divisions is never going to go away. No matter what system anyone comes up with to determine playoff seeding, there is going to be flaws.
  10. We can still avoid them if we really want to and it really doesn't take too much effort. I've dodged every single McCarthy movie since Bridesmaids. I've heard Dunham's name, but I don't have the slightest clue who she is. So I can't guarantee that I haven't seen anything she's done, but I'm guessing it's a safe bet.
  11. Yes he will still be restricted and arb eligible. He has one year after this contract until he would be unrestricted.
  12. My mom is up there for the first time since she moved away 3 years ago. Great timing on her part. She's in the Boston area, so practically ground zero.
  13. Interesting. I didn't think about it that way with HHM. The viewers will probably also get to play out the battle between the two, trying to decide who has more of that personal liability. I'd say it's definitely more on HHM, but Chuck's last words to Jimmy are going to torture him forever.
  14. I'm not sure what these people stand to gain from it other than looking like asses. Then again, that's been at least one of the poster's MO in his brief time here.
  15. And it would give him the bankroll to start his operation. I'd imagine he'll get just enough to get things going. If he got too much, there'd be no reason to go down Saul's shady path.
  16. Spiderman was really good. I'm amazed at how well Marvel is able to weave this huge world together in these solo films. The team ups tend to be a bit bloated, but the solo films have been really well done. They give you just a little hint towards the rest of the world, while still focusing heavily on the main character. Originally I was really worried that there would be too much Ironman, but I think they found just about the perfect amount of screen time for him. On a side note, it's been fun watching this little resurgence Michael Keaton has had in recent years.
  17. I was never a fan of theirs, but its crazy to see another hanging like this so soon after Chris Cornell.
  18. Unless he's under the influence of something. It's tough to tell given his instability, but he didn't look right even for him during that scene.
  19. Finally seeing Spider-Man toniight. I think Apes will be next weekend.
  20. Sorry, I'm way behind on this. I wonder if Jimmy will get Chuck's estate, or if he's already been cut out of that. His money issues could very well be a thing of the past now, but I could see the Chuck's ex-wife coming back into the picture too.
  21. We won't know for sure until every other line from Snoke is "MFer this" or "MFer that".
  22. I get the feeling that every single place in NC is the fast food capital of NC. My town has nothing but fast food joints, at least one of every single chain that is in the area. They're all within a couple miles of each other too. They recently put out this news letter that ranked the top places for lunch, apps, pizza, etc... It was the most depressing list I've ever seen. Half the list was the one non-fast food place in the entire town and the rest was a random assortment of chains.
  23. I was a big fan of the Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich in high school. I'm sure it has a lot to do with these chains lowering their standards over the years, but if I buy one now it's borderline awful.
  24. I don't know what I'm expecting, but it feels like it has had a pretty slow start. I'm at most 4 episodes in though, so I'm sure it'll pick up.
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