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Everything posted by shrader

  1. That's not ringing a bell. Either I haven't gotten to it yet, or I've watched through them so fast that I don't remember. I'm up to the season with the Seinfeld reunion right now.
  2. The actual MovieFone voice or Kramer's version of it? Why don't you just tell me which movie you want to see? Anyway, I'll be sitting out this month. Nothing really sticks out to me. It seems like it has been a few months now since anything has caught my eye.Hopefully we're due for a surprise comedy hit soon. I couldn't even tell you the last comedy I saw in theaters.
  3. The only ending I'll accept is an usher walking into the theater and giving me my money back.
  4. 3 of his 5 are guys on new teams. What are they going to do, immediately trade away the guy they just picked up due to a bad start?
  5. Not really the 8th though, just near it. I'm not quite sure how that works either.
  6. I've been absolutely flying through Curb Your Enthusiasm on amazon lately. I've probably gone through about 6 seasons in a couple weeks. I've never had HBO, so I hadn't seen a single episode up until now. It's such a great mindless time killer.
  7. The best posters are the ones who take crayonz seriously.
  8. I'd say the better question is what can he do when the opposing team is actually trying. No one is going to even attempt to lay him out in a summer league game.
  9. So you're suggesting that he didn't want to get the sun pregnant?
  10. You should probably get that checked on.
  11. I watched it at Duke and it was pretty uneventful. Was that really 95%? The change to the sky was only noticeable if I turned around and looked away from the sun. I guess I was expecting it to be slightly darker. It just goes to show you how much of the sun really needs to be blocked out in order for it to get dark.
  12. My work is having a big event in this courtyard out front. I can never turn down something like this when it is happening during work hours on their dime. And yeah, my commute was much slower this morning. You could tell that it was the people not used to being on the highway at that hour. All of the congestion was at every single on ramp merge. They really have no idea how to do that out here.
  13. Has anyone started the Defenders yet?
  14. He actually jumped over to sabrespace. Can you please take him back?
  15. That's the end goal for a weekday meal after work. I think a few more dinners cooked in the anova will fully win her over. I think we'll wind up sticking with thawed out meat that we can season however we'd like right before dropping it in the water.
  16. I'm still waiting for the day where the people reporting on this stuff will actually figure out the difference between the words "gender" and "sex". I have no idea whether or not they've read it, but when the report starts with "manifesto about biological differences" and then ends with "gender discrimination", they confirm to me that they have no idea what they're talking about.
  17. It's a good option if you need something fairly quickly. It was a one hour process. I'm not sure how that timing stacks up against anything else yet. I've had chicken with that texture, but only at restaurants. I get the feeling I'll still grill chicken more often if that's the meal of the night. I'm typically getting home at around 7, so I really don't want to wait until after 8 to eat. The wife gets home much earlier, but she's reluctant to try using the anova. I'm guessing that mindset changes after the steak on sunday though.
  18. I took my anova on it's maiden voyage on monday. I didn't have much time for much beyond a basic test, so I went with some chicken breasts. I need to work on the seasoning a bit, but the chicken itself was awesome. I used the first thing I could find for that, so I'm sure I'll find something better in the future (my chavetta's stash maybe). We will finally be getting our cuts of the cow on saturday, so I know what's for dinner on sunday night!
  19. If you burn a year of an ELC in exchange for a handful of games in the AHL, it can pay off pretty quickly.
  20. Sweet, my neighbor is 600 or so spots ahead of him.
  21. I don't know if I'd say it's all than guaranteed. With this team not quite being there yet, I could see that late season signing actually getting him a handful of games in the AHL as opposed to that playoff rush. I'll be curious to see how quickly he adds that weight you're talking about though. I'm much more familiar with which training staffs out east have good reputations, but I imagine that being a big money Big 10 school means Minnesota is strong in that department.
  22. I wanted to say two years of college, but it seems like lately the truly elite NCAA guys have been jumping one year after being drafted. Either way, we won't be waiting very long to see him in the Sabres system. As for that contract, he'll wind up with a ton of bonuses, so he'll get more than that $850k. I've never really seen much detail on what those are, but I'd imagine that he'd be cashing in on a few of them even if he was in the AHL. So there's definitely potential to increase that money significantly.
  23. I'm getting a smaller share than the others. It's just the wife and me. Everyone else has multiple kids. I have no idea how much I'll end up with though but I get the feeling I'll be eating beef every single day.
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