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Everything posted by shrader

  1. The main rule for the entire training camp/preseason should be that Eichel and Girgensons are never on the ice at the same time.
  2. I can't wait until the random youtube links start showing up here. He's the greatest WWF manager of all time, him and Mr. Fuji.
  3. I feel like people haven't been too crazy about it, but I like the thought of Pominville with Eichel. He was always a smart player who found the right places and had a shot to match that. He seems like the type that could be perfect at finally putting some of those perfect Eichel passes in the net.
  4. I don't think you can read much of anything into that. The pairing are pretty random and it's reasonable to think that the most seasoned guy is going to see less time in camp.
  5. I'm 4 or 5 episodes into the Defenders and I'm enjoying it. Cage and Jones are kind of placed into the whole thing randomly, but I can deal with that.
  6. I'm still trying to figure out why they keep giving him more shows. Even if they have completely different writing teams, he has to be stretched beyond thin at this point.
  7. A 2 year development track for a prospect? Most are just starting at the AHL level two years after being drafted. Right now, you're writing off a teenager because he's not NHL-ready yet. It's ridiculous.
  8. So do we consider this to be a remake since the original was a mini-series? I wonder if there are any other plans in the work to covert some popular mini-series into movies.
  9. And those ones had a three year gap between releases. I guess that's not too far off of the two year gap between the new trilogy films. I'm clueless on how much directors actually do and the work involved on a movie as a whole, but why is it that some decide to film two movies back to back? The first one that always comes to mind for that is Back to the Future 2 and 3, and I'm pretty sure they're doing it with the Avengers right now. For Star Wars, would it mostly be a concern about spoilers leaking out, especially since they plan on a two year gap between release dates?
  10. Are you suggesting that equifax has killed the breachers?
  11. I watched that season very recently and it felt extra strange because I thought he had died in real life. Google's not helping me out too much on what his real life situation was. I know there were alcohol issues, so I'm sure it all goes from there (it was a kidney transplant on the show). As for the Seinfeld stuff, I'm going to try to skip past those comments as much as possible. I want to go into it without any expectations.
  12. I do wonder how much places gain from that during each of these breaches as people flock to their temporarily free services.
  13. I wonder when I'll be able to get my hands on these episodes. I'm currently going through the series on Amazon and loving every second. I'm up to the Seinfeld reunion right now. And I just had a creepy moment while watching that trailer. For some reason, I thought Richard Lewis died at some point in the last year or two. Now it's driving me crazy who I'm mixing him up with. The only one who makes any sense to me would be Gary Shandling.
  14. Why do they get a different director for each movie? Is there a downside to having the same person do each one?
  15. But has anyone actually been told they weren't impacted by the breach?
  16. If I was one of the reporters who have to stand outside during all of this, I'd find a way to throw a baseball. Yeah, I know it's next to impossible to stand and they'd fall flat on their face, but damnit, I'd try to throw the fastest pitch of my life.
  17. Does anyone not get the "may have been impacted" message? I get the feeling they're just telling that to everyone.
  18. My brother is in Boca and is headed up here to Raleigh today.
  19. Do they limit each of those stats only to the white portion of the population? Yes, I'm overanalyzing this topic even though its there mostly for laughs.
  20. It depends on the movie though. I was thinking specifically of the Hangover when I posted that. A comedy of that quality is so much better in a packed theater, getting to hear the entire room's reaction.
  21. I saw the police explanation of the Bennett thing over in the closed thread and got a good laugh out of this line: I like the implication there that racial profiling is something that only a white person could do. It's right up there with the mentality that since it happened to a black man it has to be racial profiling.
  22. Yes, I realize that things change. If everything was in the right place at the right time though, which way would that cold front send it?
  23. So if it "bounces off the blue line" across Florida in that map, does it head up into the Atlantic/east coast or does it head to Mexico?
  24. So wait, you're saying some guy can't just make up random categories on twitter? I thought that place was great for everything.
  25. He said knots and you're saying mph. His numbers still don't exactly match what's on your link, but that's at least part of the confusion here.
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