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Everything posted by shrader

  1. The red-eye and the old man Rick stuff were the only time jumping. Other than that, they had their attack on the Sanctuary and then immediately attacked that other outpost after leaving. The next episode looks to pick up right there, that or the Sanctuary cleaning up their immediate mess. Either way, the next episode should be an immediate result of what aired last night. I'll be curious to see if they stick to that approach over the course of the season, with a direct sequence instead of jumping around left and right like they have in the past. Trim out the dreams/hallucinations and I could be down for that.
  2. Any idea how long it'll take for these episodes to be available to us non-HBOers?
  3. This is looking like a season that will be meant for a binge watch. I had heard something about how the whole season will only cover a couple days. So far it looks like they're going to let the episodes flow continuously into the next.
  4. I had a hockey teammate 5 or so years ago who broke his arm during a game. He essentially had a second elbow in his forearm, at a blatantly obvious right angle. One of the guys on the other team skated up to me and asked "do you think he broke it?". I just about died of laughter because the guy was 100% serious with the question.
  5. Some secondary scoring will go a long way. Hopefully we finally saw the start of that in Vegas. I know it's early, but I imagine that no one would have guessed the horrible record if they were told there are 3 players averaging over a point a game. Maybe if they can get those other guys going, it's going to take some pressure off of the crappy team defense. And speaking of those cheapies for friday, I'm just glad to see them back out east. I never have enough gas in the tank to watch much of those west coast road trip games.
  6. What I really want to know is which gay cowboy did that congresswoman steal her hat from.
  7. As a reflex, did he immediately grab the wrong leg after falling?
  8. I hate these things. The + operator is probably the most basic thing in all math. If you're making this so called puzzle that redefines it, just use a different symbol instead.
  9. It's more funny than frustrating, but my iphone always capitalizes the "w" in windows. I wouldn't expect them to constantly be pushing a competitor like that. One that is kind of frustrating is that mine will always capitalize "us" and turn it into "US".
  10. I still can't get over the whole part where the new guy in a wheelchair had a tumor cut out of his back without any sedation, then immediately starts walking and joins in on the assault on the dam. Even if you're willing to suspend disbelief on that one for a second, it still made absolutely no sense to include that in the story. They rushed his whole story ridiculously. They needed to come up with some reason for Alicia to have won him over and be brought to the dam, so they added that absurd story line in there. Maybe the fact that they aired two episodes together makes it feel even more rushed, but it was a horrible idea to introduce this guy and then have the big raid all within one night.
  11. So then they'll be around 5'6 or so, little people by Texas standards.
  12. Probably a group of little people cannibals. It'll be the violent version of the munchkins from the wizard of oz.
  13. For a while there, I was hoping they'd kill off everyone and then the show would transition to whatever Walker was going to do. At this point, once the dust settles, I'd say it's safe to assume that they're headed to Texas.
  14. That had to be the most idiotic introduction to a villain that Ive ever seen. Someone please tell me why they threw that tumor operation throw away scene in there.
  15. I bet that's the case most of the time. When you find the right one, those hole in the wall restaurants almost always seem to wind up as the best bets. I had that same experience in New Orleans a few years back. Most of the food was really damn good, but the one I remember best was a place that was basically just a local diner. Now if only there was an easier way of finding these places. They're hidden gems for a reason. As for Vegas, I went there last year in February for the first time. It was a 3-4 day trip and that was just about perfect. I'd like to go back at some point. Like you, I'm not much of a gambler, but I do think I'd be able to find plenty of things to do with all of the shows in the area. My wife actually got pulled on stage with Penn and Teller and we have a cell phone video to go with it. I'd also like to explore the area around there a bit more than we did. We only managed one trip to the Hoover dam.
  16. And who could forget kick starting the legendary career of Warwick Davis?
  17. My memory says they got to the trading post and then there was no mention of him at all.
  18. What happened with the other guy from the nation? Was I not paying attention or did he just completely disappear after the Ofelia reveal?
  19. They were finally starting to make wannabe-Johnny Depp interesting and then he starts using again. His whole interaction this season with Troy has been a huge head scratcher. I'm kind of at the point where I want them to just kill of the rest of the Clark family so that it can be the Daniel show. That of course means that he won't make it through the finale.
  20. Maybe they're all doing the same thing we just did?
  21. I'm not really sure what it is, but at least they have a name that makes sense. I constantly see ads down here for the hurricanes that say "join the REDvolution". Seriously, what the hell is that?
  22. When I read the news, I had to find a way to log in and check it out. Not one friend online
  23. 3PM, seriously? I guess I'll catch it on the DVR, but this is pretty damn annoying. As for the team, I'd say it's fairly obvious that they're hoping Ullmark can make the leap soon. Until then (next year), hopefully they can cut back on the beautiful drop passes to the opposing team's best player.
  24. They're not going to be slow and plodding, that's for sure. I just hope they're able to keep Moulson and Gorges up in the press box on most nights. Tennyson getting the start over Gorges is very telling there, so hopefully that does in fact mean that he won't play much, especially when Bogosian is back. I wonder if/when they're healthy, they put Gorges on waivers to see if anyone's interested. With Chicago signing Franson, you never can tell what other teams might do. There's definitely a more likely escape from Gorges right now than there is from Moulson.
  25. It's going to be just like last year where if things don't end well, it won't be the goaltending that's the primary issue. I look at that game yesterday and it's the 4% shooting percentage that I focus on. Now maybe the new system is going to add a lot of low probability shots, but they're going to need to score at a better rate than that if they're going to go anywhere this year.
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