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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'll check today and get back to you. I hope I can figure it out. The games have usually started by the time I get home, so I'm always playing the fastforward game until I catch up.
  2. How about the sound when you keep holding the button down but no ice cubes come out?
  3. The stuff in stores is driving me crazy. It's not because I don't like it though. I've been in my first house for a little over two years now. I'm still trying to figure out my best setup for Christmas decorations, so the damn stores keep giving me too many ideas.
  4. They've blown three leads in a row now, scoring first in each game, right? This bet sounds like a no brainer with this team now. Mine has always been able to pull from 635-1. Lately it hasn't recorded any feed though. I'll have to check to see if it was somehow cleared out of my recording manager, but I have no idea how that would have happened.
  5. This is a long shot, but I'll throw it out there. I'm pretty sure I originally learned it here, but for the past two years I've had my directv DVR setup to automatically record all Sabre games, always our broadcast if available. In recent weeks, it has stopped working. Any idea how to fix this (not that I'm missing much)?
  6. With that definition, I'd love to see a stat on how many children are the product of rape. Would that have to be just about every single person born around the start of October?
  7. Someone in the general vicinity of my desk has a very obnoxious cackling laugh. On it's own, it's not the most annoying thing ever, but having to hear it several times every day takes it over the top.
  8. Personally, I'm wondering how any halfway decent lawyer wouldn't be able to shred any case followed the setup of that poster. I can't wait for the day where two people are simultaneously charged for rape. edit: And what school is that? The bottom corner is too blurry for me to make it out.
  9. First we decided to crucify movies before seeing them, based solely off of reviews. Now we're not even waiting for the reviews and instead burying a movie based off of predicted reviews? I don't even want to know the next step on this downward spiral.
  10. How about some sort of warning system that alerts us anytime any other random Bills board shuts down?
  11. I need to try a pork tenderloin again. I've been using mine mostly for chicken since it is so readily available. I did one pork tenderloin that I bought pre-marinated and it worked out really well. I may have to suggest that the next time the wife has no idea what we should make for dinner. I probably need work on my searing too, but I have yet to be disappointed with anything.
  12. It's interesting that they have left them out of all of this so far. It's almost like they realize that group was a dumb addition to the story.
  13. I saw it this weekend. They were at least decent enough to do this one good thing for me.
  14. Everyone should have a "fell for a crayonz post" counter in place of the total reputation number.
  15. Right, that was the only one she surprised. The rest she pretty much just let kill her. You can call it the heroic sacrifice, but it's a damn tiger. It's not going to just sit there and take one for the team while the others escape. Well that and the loss of his entire army. Shiva was just rubbing salt in the wounds.
  16. Which one were you talking about here? But yes, I love how just about everything played out with Ezekiel yesterday. Carol gets to take over now because he is completely broken. I wonder if he'll drop the king routine with the rest of the people now like he did with Jerry. I wish she had put up more of a fight. At least a few walkers should have been thrown around before she was overpowered. It didn't seem like a very large group that took her down.
  17. It's amazing how one accusation can now completely destroy someone's career. I can in no way see someone taking advantage of that. I'm sure a good number are legit, but at the same time, I can guarantee that we are going to have a couple careers that are ruined over a fake accusation. The whole thing is very uncomfortable from just about every angle you look at it.
  18. By translator, you mean something that automatically deletes them, right?
  19. The fish out of water stuff fit well though because that’s exactly what he was. So much of the humor here and with Guardians 2 felt so forced to me. They’ve done well with a lot of their movies in fitting in humor in much more natural ways. Stark gets away with it because it’s in his character. That or they’ll have a minor character who exists solely for the comic relief (Antman’s criminal friends, the guy running the library in Doctor Strange, etc...). With this one, they took characters who were never funny and had them throwing out one liners left and right. It’s an odd change to make 17 movies into their run.
  20. I saw it yesterday. I think just like Guardians 2, they went way overboard with the comedy. It worked in that one, even if it was a bit overboard (Guardians 1 had the perfect balance). It didn't work in this one. The tone was way too different than any movie other movie that included those three main characters up to this point. It felt so forced to me.
  21. Outside of Tampa, there is no one that has separated themselves from the pack. The rest of the division is floating around .500, the definition of mediocre. Every single one of these teams is completely capable of going into the tank for an extended period of time. The math is never going to be easy, but with 60+ games remaining, there's a hell of a lot of juggling in the standings to come. Things are exactly how the league wants it, every single one of these teams is very much alive. If you want a clear look at how a team makes a move in the standings, take a look at the last 10 games column of the standings for each team in the division. Two teams will jump out at you. Those are the same two teams who have moved the most in the standings recently and it is very obvious why. Things can change quickly over a 10 game span. Everyone else has tread water over that time and you can expect mostly the same. The key for this team and any other is to break away from that spot where they're taking 50% of their points. Only one or two will.
  22. There's a whole lot of mediocre in front of them right now. Playing at that .600 mark the rest of the way would almost take care of it on it's own. I doubt they have that in them, but stranger things have happened.
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