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Everything posted by shrader

  1. incoherent rambler (would that make him a congressman?)
  2. Ahhh crap, that’s what I should have watched tonight. I’m about halfway through it. So far, I wish I could get a bit more that’s like he prison fight from daredevil season 2.
  3. Not a cabana boy at an all female retirement community
  4. We head up north for a week to two weeks each Christmas, so we go fake. I have two, a main one downstairs and a smaller one upstairs that lights up a big window really well.
  5. I'd love to know how they determine salaries for this one. Written into the contracts well ahead of time probably?
  6. Foreign diplomats stuck in the country when it hit the fan?
  7. I thought you're supposed to use that settlement to finally create your "Jump to Conclusions" mat.
  8. I'd love to learn a trade, not even for career purposes, but just so that I could get more projects done on my own. As for going back to school, we just made the last payment on the wife's college loans last week. I guess that means she's due to start over now.
  9. The dumpster and the trash people... I’m starting to see potential here
  10. It's entirely possible that they come up with an explanation that makes perfect sense. Until we see it though, there's nothing to do but wonder what the hell they're thinking.
  11. I wonder if they would really have to skip too much time. Have they ever been very specific with how much time has passed at any of their stops on either show? Off the top of my head, I feel like the main show has had longer stays at most locations, specifically the prison and Alexandria. With Fear, I'm not so sure anything but the ranch looks like it could have been a longer term stay. My memory is a bit more fuzzy with that show as I wasn't paying much attention prior to this year.
  12. Yeah, he would have to head from Atlanta to Texas, then back to Atlanta, all before starting to follow the trail to Terminus. There is no way that could work. It's going to have to be present day. We're way past the point where it's just the start of the outbreak on Fear. They went up and down the coast a bit on Fear, so I can see how they may have caught up a bit in the timeline.
  13. It is good to see one of the better actors they have staying on, but it's going to have to be one hell of a head scratcher that keeps him around. Maybe we're in store for a big time jump in Fear. That would be an odd way to follow up the cliff hanger ending they had though. It's going to take a good amount of time for Morgan to get from DC to Texas. How far can a helicopter fly on a single tank of gas? As for the filming in Austin, I bet it would be fun to run into that randomly one day. I would never be one of those people who stalk those filmings looking for spoilers, but one day with a zombie horde could be amazing.
  14. This reveal of the crossover to Fear makes no sense. The only way it works is if that show has actually caught up in the timeline to the main show. Either way, it feels like a major spoiler for the rest of this season.
  15. All I can think of is the scene in Anchorman when he's talking to the dog about eating an entire wheel of cheese. I'm not even mad, that's amazing.
  16. It's funny because it actually does the exact opposite of what they want. Men can be responsible for their drunken decisions but women cannot. Doesn't that just reinforce the thought that women are inferior?
  17. I didn't dig too deeply, but I remember putting in some sort of script that wound up always recording our broadcast when possible. I don't remember actually entering a channel number. But anyway, I've only been on directv for two years now and the games have always been on 635-1 during that time.
  18. I finally got around to checking on this. The Sabres are still in my recording manager queue, maybe about halfway down. I have no idea why it isn't working anymore. Maybe the DVR is trying to save me from wasting my time.
  19. I'm going to see Justice League tomorrow as a little warm up for the thanksgiving festivities. We've got a group of about 6 houses in the neighborhood that go to all of these comic book movies together.
  20. Especially when it sounds like the car is going to fall apart at any second
  21. I have no idea how he was able to look so sick, but he's got to be acting so that he can escape with the doctor. The helicopter was an odd thing to throw in there. It almost felt like another hallucination to me.
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