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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I just finished the Punisher last night. I was wondering how they'd do it, but man was that painful to watch.
  2. It's really a minor issue, but I think they messed up with that hug. It should have been Chewie and Leia. Those two always had a great bond.
  3. I will say that they advanced Ben significantly. He's still just a whiny kid though who falls victim to fits of rage. I completely agree with your other comment about his struggle with his parents. He hesitated to pull the trigger on mom, but then there was no follow-up on that. Everything bit of doubt about him switching sides after that was solely about his connection to Rey. Maybe he assumed she died when the other ships fired and moved on. He would have felt that in the force though. Now that I'm a few more hours removed from seeing it, I was probably a bit harsh. I did enjoy the second half, but it took way too long to get there. I really wish they had found a way to tighten things up significantly.
  4. Condescending much? Different people are going to view movies differently. This one didn't work for me, but the two of you liked it. That's fine by me. Personally, that whole subplot didn't add enough to the movie in exchange for the amount of time it took. One other thing that I didn't really like was giving the heroic sacrifice to a character no one really cared about. With the amount of death's they included, they could have given that role to someone far more meaningful than Laura Dern's character. It should have been either Ackbar or Leia. Then again, I will readily admit that I say Leia there in hindsight knowing that Carrie Fisher is no longer with us.
  5. Just got back and I thought it sucked. They could have salvaged it if they completely cut out the whole casino planet subplot. It would have been passable if it was shorter. The ending really didn’t make much sense either. They setup Finn for a very big moment late but then threw it away for no good reason. I guess they figured they had killed too many people already. And damnit, Ackbar deserved better. He should have at least died in a trap.
  6. Do they still use this one? I haven't been there in ages.
  7. Ahhh, don’t get me started on that cliffhanger again. End that season by killing Abe, then kill Glenn in the premiere. Problem solved and no one is pissed
  8. From the sound of things, it's certainly a review that is likely to generate a bunch of clicks...
  9. I'd love to know how much money go fund me has made because of stupid causes like this one. They must wet themselves when the nightly tug at the heart strings story airs on the national news.
  10. I hope we can get a little more from Carol and Ezekiel. I feel like that's one of the few spots at this point where they're actually attempting some story telling.
  11. All I could think when I saw the original video was to ask why the mother was filming that. I haven't seen anything beyond that. I'm not so sure I can call him the best Batman though. He just never seemed physically imposing enough for the part.
  12. Sam Jackson has to be Picard, right? im looking forward to learning all slurs for the other planets
  13. I don't remember anything specific, but if that did happen, there are plenty of other women there as well.
  14. I'm not sure if you're talking about Tara (her character is worthless) or Rosita (not quite as worthless). Either way, each actress had a baby recently, which is why they haven't had as much screen time over the last two seasons. The whole season the saviors have been talking about taking Rick, the king, and the widow alive if possible. I doubt they even know she's pregnant. Eugene is probably the only one who could share that info and I just don't see him doing it.
  15. They want a public execution of all of the leaders. So it at least makes sense that they don't kill her right there. The real question should be why they don't capture her and then march directly to the hilltop to kill her there.
  16. I guess I should have actually been watching the show during the first 15 minutes or so.
  17. I had another question on everything that lead up to that. I wasn't paying much attention at the start, but weren't Carol, Rick, and Jerry all in the same car as they were t-boned? Fast-forward to your encounter and the saviors have Jerry captured but Carol and Rick are off roaming free. It's possible I just skipped a scene or two, but I have no idea how it got to that point. The one thing that I think they dropped the ball on in a big was was the clearing out of the herd at the sanctuary. They said Eugene figured it out and implied that it was related to loud music, but the specifics weren't clear at all. His remote control plane was shot down by Dwight. The saviors huge speaker truck was destroyed by Daryl. What other big sound devices did they have that Eugene had to dream up?
  18. Yeah it was very obvious from the start of the episode. What I posted earlier and then deleted was that I thought Carl was already dead before any of this fight happened. I was wrong but I was right. Kid actors are always tough tough for any show that runs this long. Judith probably winds up filling his role. Keeping her around was a smart move.
  19. So much for my thought. I deleted it.
  20. They're trying to save the dinosaurs from an exploding island? What exactly do they plan on doing with them?
  21. Based on the trailer for Pitch Perfect, are those movies nothing but a series of fat jokes? But anyway, hmmmm, I wonder which one on this list most people will be seeing.
  22. He had a great ongoing theory that all players need to wear giant padded helmets. Another gem was his vehement defense of his belief that going face first into a tackle/hit was far more dangerous than leading with your head down. I miss that discussion.
  23. How serious is the talk of Disney acquiring Fox's movie/tv properties? If they were seriously considering tying the X-Men into all of this, some sort of reality warping caused by Thanos over the two Avenger movies is probably the only way to ever make that happen. I suppose they could just do another hard reboot of the X-Men universe, but it would be tough to have Wolverine just suddenly come on the scene even though he's been alive for 100s of years.
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