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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I never have any clue what to say when I read stuff like this. Best wishes to you and your family with everything you're going to go through in the upcoming days/weeks/years.
  2. I don't want to work in any office that doesn't support turtle sex.
  3. It's tough to tell when a thread is all over the place. I'd add in a question about someone's manhood next time. That always works. No, you must post every single thought on twitter immediately. I realize that it's crazy to post it here on an internet message board, but lately I've been missing the much more calm living that was the pre-internet days.
  4. Why would the guy even make the tweet in the first place? There is absolutely nothing he can possibly gain from it other than unwanted attention during preparations for the next playoff game. It's another classic case of the "think before you hit submit" mentality that is badly needed. Even if he's 100% correct (or even 70%), nothing comes of it.
  5. Why did they even bother responding? That wasn't a shot at the Bills. All they did was list all of the possible sources of returned tickets.
  6. Given their recent approach, it'll probably be Lebatard's dad.
  7. I'd say that anyone who has worked a desk job for at least 6 months has gone through it. The most basic one that comes to mind is the thousand different versions of Word that we've all gone through.
  8. Brady is fully complicit with the whole thing. That's the only way you ever get that cult up and running.
  9. I'd really love to hear commentary on this from the two guys who were fired after the whole deflation saga. Those guy's thoughts on Brady were comedy gold... Ok, I don't want to actually hear them, you know, accent and all. Just give me more texts. It's too bad they were given a bunch of money so that they'd never be heard from again.
  10. The Guerrero-Brady stuff has always scared the crap out of me and this article just reaffirms that. It really does have cult written all over it. I had to read the quick description of his background about 5 times before I could continue reading the rest.
  11. Why would someone actually take that picture. It's downright creepy.
  12. There is nothing more entertaining than the pure levels of rage that somehow certain people have reached. Don has killed at least 5 people's dogs so far. I just hope he stays away from your sisters.
  13. There is no better place to be than in a spot where bandwagoners want to jump on board with your team.
  14. If we're allowed to cross over to Off The Wall posts, I'd throw Mark Vader up there for some sort of lifetime achievement award for his monthly movie threads.
  15. Do you really think there's much dignity to be lost by a guy posting under the "milfhunter" handle? You went counter-clockwise with the windmill, didn't you? Rookie mistake.
  16. It's not quite the same game, but I just realized that when I met my wife in 2011, it was a week or so after the Sabres got bounced from the playoffs. So this is the first time since I've known her that a Buffalo team is in the playoffs. She has no idea what she's in for.
  17. I must have seen that one much earlier than I thought I did. Maybe because the big spoiler from that one was all over the place very early. I guess I saw it much quicker than I thought.
  18. I wonder how much of a spike the force awakens got after Christmas. I’m hearing plenty of stories of people taking the kids as a Christmas gift. I feel like awakens opened a week or two earlier than this one, so maybe it didn’t get that same bump that we are about to see here.
  19. Just thinking out loud here... There's gravity on the ship. So if they're dropped from inside the ship, wouldn't they keep their trajectory once they exit the ship? Of course, this makes the assumption that there's some magic line where the gravity just stops and there's no other forces at play outside the ship. Seriously though, they should have dropped anvils.
  20. I just can't buy that guy as a serious threat. He doesn't have the look of big time general. Tarkin had it. This guy looks and sounds like he's been on the receiving end of far too many wedgies throughout his entire life.
  21. I'm pretty sure Disney attached a trailer to this movie for every single project they have planned for the next 5 years. I got 30 minutes of previews when I saw it.
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