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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Both last year and this year, Eichel has gotten much better as he's gotten deeper into the season. That's the kind of guy you need to get into a playoff series.
  2. I thought Mead mead was the good old fashioned Tide in its liquid form.
  3. I saw it two weeks ago. I got stuck next to a woman who over the top laughed at just about everything in the movie. The wife and I continuously rolled our eyes at each other constantly. I have no idea what movie that lady was watching. As for critics, I've long since stopped listening to them. All too often, they're looking for something completely different out of a movie than I am. I really don't care if 90% of critics don't like a movie because there's still a chance that I have the same mindset as one of them in that remaining 10%. I'm also not going to put much weight into an audience score either because people are stupid. We're talking about many of the same people who drool over seeing what the Kardasians are going to do next.
  4. Every single damn wedding I've been to in the Boston area. I've gone out of my way to ruin that song for as many people as possible. The crazy guy in my group of friends up there (he's our Alan from the Hangover) is named Klein. I've managed to convince a few people that the lyric is "I've been in Klein". It did the job, they can't listen to it anymore. But anyway, Parkinson's is a B word. My dad got the absolute worst of it. His dad had it too, so I can't wait until it's my turn.
  5. Just like every other story like this, I’m sure it took off a bit more after the news started running these “look what your kids are doing” stories.
  6. I'm slightly concerned. That looks just like my kitchen counter and the wife was off from school most of last week due to snow.
  7. Was the inspiration for the Buffalo Bill character in Silence of the Lambs. Go ahead, ask him for some lotion.
  8. Instead of digging up the thread from the summer, I'll just post it here. I finally got around to seeing Dunkirk this weekend. Man, I wish I had seen that in a theater.
  9. One of the plows I've seen around here looks like it's straight from the 60s. I'm fortunate that I can work from home when I want, so I don't bother messing with the poorly treated roads. I saw a perfect example today of why I just stay at home even though I could easily drive around. The weather is fine now and any roads close to my house are completely cleared. I drove out to the store today and I had a pickup truck behind me that had his entire windshield covered with snow, except for a 1 foot wide spot in front of the driver's seat. The rest of his truck was completely clear. That kind of idiot is the exact reason why I decide to lay low.
  10. Watch what so many will do under ideal conditions. That is the perfect explanation of why they suck so much in the snow. If someone can't even read at a third grade level, they sure as hell aren't reading a novel.
  11. So many people don't know how to drive in general. Why would you expect them to be able to drive in snow?
  12. They should never speak ill of MXC. That show was amazing. Guy LeDouche should be covering the sidelines for ESPN.
  13. Well he did say sheep and goats
  14. The wife and I will be making a weekend trip there at some point in the spring. The mother-in-law gave us a gift card to a fancy hotel there (I can look up the name later) for Christmas. I'm going to have to keep an eye on this thread.
  15. That's the big question. The problem is widespread throughout the entire neighborhood. Maybe that winds up working in my favor, they're may want to take care of things to keep people quiet. If it was just me, I'm sure they'd tell me to F off. I'd be curious to see if anyone else in the south has seen these problems. I understand why it's happening, but it does seem to be a bit extreme.
  16. Safety is an interesting angle. I'm paranoid about my wallet, so I'm definitely not taking it out on a public street.
  17. I really haven't seen very many since I moved away from Boston. I never gave to any up there because there's really no way of knowing whether or not you can trust them. So many of the one's you would see regularly were so blatantly trying to take advantage of the situation, like they guy who was all over the place every single day, always sitting right next to his brand new bike. As has been said in here, I'd much rather give to a source where you know it will be used to help someone. There was one guy in Boston that I was very tempted to give to though. I saw him a couple times and he was always wearing a pirate hat. If he had gone the extra mile and played the part, I would have given him some money. I wanted to hear tons of arrrrr's and see him going around stealing from other beggars.
  18. The hospital I work out sends out very similar stuff any time the word "cold" is even mentioned in the forecast. Strangely, they didn't send out anything last week. This is only my 4th winter in this area, but that was definitely the most snowfall we've had in that time (not that it was very much). I wonder if they've modified a lot of the policies. Anyway, the lengthy freeze here has cracked just about every concrete surface around my house. It's only two years, so it's frustrating that it's more than likely not covered by any warranty. My driveway is currently two inches higher than the garage floor and portions of the garage floor that they patched pretty poorly have broken off. Now I get to wait and see if it settles back anywhere close to where it was before. Then, unless some warranty miracle comes through, I get to replace a lot of two year old concrete.
  19. I don't think I would ever ask a ref about the things they have heard. Between the crap that goes on out there on the field and the pure venom directed at refs by just about everyone, it's likely to turn into a never-ending therapy session.
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