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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but the whole approach here of grading them by the percentage of hits is seriously flawed. If a guy hits on only the first round selection one year, you're giving that the same exact grade as someone who hits on only the 7th round pick in another year. I'd be curious to see how they'd rate out if you tried to come up with some sort of weighting based on the round of the pick. 2011 and 2012 would definitely get a bit of a boost from that. It might also clear up some of the log jam you're getting with every single GM right around the same percentage.
  2. It's only worthwhile to watch if they have someone like Eugene or Ezekiel as the guest. Those guys are hilarious.
  3. The problem there though is that St. Cloud is the #1 team in the country and the championship game is the same day as the Sabres last game. So there's a decent shot there won't be any games for him to play in. There could be plenty of time for the Calder Cup playoffs though. That's going to be his best bet. But don't worry too much. St. Cloud are perennial chokers. They'll probably find a way to lose this weekend.
  4. These are the kind of things I don't need to see since I've been driving under a new highway overpass under construction for the last 3 years. It's been a cool process to watch play out slowly over that time though. My father-in-law worked on designing bridges for the NH DOT. I would have had a ton of questions for him about the bridge here if he was still around.
  5. It's funny that you compare the approaches of the two schools because a good portion of the BU fanbase is ready to chase of David Quinn because of the exact opposite structure, too much ice time for his top recruits. It's strange how those things work out as many of those guys struggled with having to carry that load, but then looked completely different after they left. I'm not talking about Eichel and Keller when I say that because those two are in a category all of their own. It's interesting to see this Lucia criticism pop up this year. The guy's been there almost 20 years now and they've always been a talent factory. Maybe time has finally caught up to him. He should share some advice with the patriot coaching staff.
  6. The only thing the ATO deal does is stop his clock of accrued NHL time from beginn No to tick. He would still kiss his NCAA eligibility away by doing it. I’d love to know what Columbus promised to Werensky a few years ago when they did it with him.
  7. From what I’m seeing, the perfect storm for Minnesota to miss the NCAA tourney happened. That would free up Mittlestadt to sign tomorrow.
  8. This all reminds me of a story that I think is a perfect example of how dirty dealerships can be. 5 or so years ago when my car was 1 year old, a dealership was having one of their buyback events with so called great deals. I had free time so I decided to check it out, with absolutely no intention of trading in. When they priced out the cost for the new car, some very simple math showed me that the trade back value they were offering me for the one year old car with less than 10k miles was a nice round $0. Now I guess it’s not robbery if you agree to it, but that’s easentially what they were trying. I walked out the door that second. Yeah, it’s a negotiating game, but that was one hell of a slap in the face as a starting point.
  9. Well that and it was the so called national ranch dressing day. That would be an awkward time to talk about how they go so well with blue cheese. The real story Tory is that these fake national whatever days are getting out of hand.
  10. Am I seeing this right, the bridge crosses over 6 lanes of traffic plus a median, but has no middle support and no suspension? I have absolutely zero engineering knowledge, but that doesn't sound like the best of plans to me (yeah, hindsight, I know).
  11. Yes. Right now it's a 2nd round pick in 2019. If they re-sign him, it becomes a 1st round instead.
  12. I decided to randomly look up Kane's numbers in San Jose so far. He's got 1-5-6 in 7 games out there. Hopefully he can keep that going and they decide to keep him around. Put up numbers like that in the playoffs and I bet he sticks.
  13. That's the first thing that came to mind as I read the thread. I had no idea that channel changed names, but I haven't watched something on it in a while.
  14. That thread was one hell of a ride. We're not going to get that this time though. There's too much going on, so the craziness is going to be divided up between 3 or 4 threads this time around.
  15. I'm not so sure you can rely on playing time. He'll be able to find that somewhere else if he wants. What it would come down to is familiarity with the organization/system and being happy with that. Familiarity with the system is going to be in question, obviously.
  16. It also wouldn't hurt if they figured out a way to rig the lottery machine. You'd have a real nice core of young d-men after that. I do wonder about Nelson though. He can walk after the season very easily. It's tough to build up that depth if those depth guys decide to leave to free agency.
  17. I'm in a hospital so it never closes either. I'm in research though and can work from home when I need to. The weather here is never really all that bad, but I'll gladly use it as an excuse during the 2-3 snow storms a year so I can get that extra hour of sleep.
  18. They absolutely need plenty of changes. These stretches are where you figure out which pieces might actually be worth keeping around.
  19. They're on an 11-10-2 stretch over the last couple months. It's baby steps, but it's growth. There's no intention to tank here.
  20. That whole group was a waste of time. I do wonder if they'll resurface in some form down the road. Simon asked them about the helipad and solar panels and there is that chopper that Rick saw a while back. They have to follow up on that at some point or else the writing really is shot. Then again, it probably already is because after all of this time, each of these groups should be well aware of a chopper flying near them.
  21. They all had guns until the Saviors took them. You must have blacked out during the entire discussion about that.
  22. Looking at the three movies you picked for the thread title, it looks like there's an obvious theme for this month. I'll be sitting out this one, since there's nothing of any interest to me this month. Next month's thread suddenly got a lot more interesting though, didn't it?
  23. I'm at the point where I kind of wish they'd throw a curveball at everyone and have Negan win. He felt like the so called good guy after that episode last night. Hand the show off to him and completely free it from the comics.
  24. Now that it's been a year, can we finally stop hearing about that other failed message board?
  25. It was her birthday after all. I feel like you pretty much have to fall on that sword in hopes that she'll fall on your sword.
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