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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Kind of like when you don't remember eating corn the previous day yet the evidence is there staring you in the face?
  2. My personal favorite is how it started off very simple, but then with each day, the conspiracy has grown wider and wider. We're about a week away from him telling us he never actually started this thread.
  3. Shortly after I moved here, I needed new tires for my car. At that point, I didn't know the area and wound up buying them at the local Hyundai dealership while getting an oil change. Fast-forward about 10 months and I caught a nail in one of the tires. At that point I had found a mechanic. But anyway, I took the car to Costco for service on the tire. The nail was in the unpatchable area, so I needed a new tire. Now usually with such young tires they'd be fine with selling just one, but the Costco guy informed me that they would not be allowed to do that and would instead only sell me 4 new ones. As it turned out, when I had bought the new ones from the dealership, they put on tires that were smaller than what was required for the vehicle. The damn Hyundai dealership put the wrong damn tires on a Hyundai car! So as you can imagine, I wasn't too thrilled. I immediately went to the dealership which luckily right down the street from Costco. All they were willing to do was sell me 4 brand new ones at their normal price. They made up a long list of reasons why it was my fault, even trying to claim that they never sold me tires, and then that they only put on the wrong ones because the previous ones were also wrong. I had the paperwork from the previous tires, so that theory was shot down quickly. The mechanic I use now gave me a good tire education and told me exactly how to push them to take care of it. The dealership was one of those big corporate entities and he even gave me the phone number of their CEO's secretary. That woman was awesome and they wound up replacing the tires for free (as they should have). I know next to nothing about cars, but that whole ordeal taught me a good lesson about those weasels. I've always kept all the paperwork for any maintenance, but I now also keep a little notebook in the glove box of each car where I log the date and mileage of every single thing done to both the wife's car and mine. Those places tend to shut up very quickly if you can immediately tell them exactly what they did and when they did it.
  4. I get the feeling that the team didn't have much interest in throwing him into the AHL playoffs. Borgen has three years of college hockey under his belt. That goes a long way in terms of physical development and being ready for the demands of a professional playoff series. Mittelstadt is in a spot where he may very well be better served in getting his quick cup of tea and then getting a full offseason of work within the organization.
  5. Now just wait until they realize that they have both cool white and warm white bulbs. They'll think they have it all figured out once they make the exchange.
  6. And people don't pay good money to see those post-deadline games? Selling off the expiring contracts is the same exact practice as the so called tank. One is just more extreme than the other. Where exactly is the line for when it becomes frowned upon? Yeah, I'm in the same exact camp, they both start out the year with the Amerks next year.
  7. I'm kind of surprised that it took the extra week to get done. But whatever, with this and Borgen, it'll be nice to not have to see any idiotic whining about kids going Vessey on us for a little while... well, at least until after next year's draft.
  8. The whole thing with the kid is really stupid. I probably missed something when I was half paying attention, but didn't Morgan tell him that the guy he (the kid) killed was the one who killed his brother? Why didn't he believe him? But anyway, my real question is why someone wasn't guarding the prisoners at that point. I know they had just gone through the big battle, but without a single eye on those guys, they would have been out of there so quickly even without the kid being a moron. Carol really needs to make that kid look at the flowers. AMC listed the show as 2 hours yesterday so they could trick people into watching that new show. They do something similar every single year.
  9. I've never really understood the need for a lottery. I really don't see much difference between tanking and the age old process of selling off your expiring contracts at the deadline. One practice is condemned as not trying to win while the other is celebrated as trying to stock up for the future.
  10. Which one? I’m trying to figure out how the saviors were able to get that much of a push without a single gun.
  11. Why are we getting so many whack jobs around here lately?
  12. Anyone watching Jessica Jones? I’m around 5 episodes in and I really miss Killgrave
  13. Wow, I got the return on this post so much quicker than I thought I would.
  14. I enjoyed Caddyshack 2 when I was a kid. I can gladly admit now that I was an idiot.
  15. Because commeon since typos/spelling errors are evidence of a tear in the fabric of space time. It’s called the they’re/there/their theorem. The name would have sounded better with only two words, but that too was changed when Tom forgot to call someone an idiot.
  16. Actually, you got 2/10. Add that to the list of things that have changed.
  17. This won't be the first or the last time where thousands of people are just flat out wrong. That might just be the most frequent occurrence in the history of mankind.
  18. Actually, forget about the Avengers. They just released another Deadpool trailer today. That's the movie I can't wait for.
  19. Either way, the guy is in a rush, gets sloppy, and almost immediately gets caught. Have stories of the bomb squad very cautiously searching his house come out yet? You know that's coming at some point, unless they were slow enough to release his name so that they could get to his place quietly.
  20. It sounds like they would be role models for most people around the world.
  21. Michonne is the one that throws me off every time. I knew she was in Black Panther, but after seeing it, I had to pull up the IMDB page just to see which character she was. It's amazing what two very different hairstyles can do.
  22. Is this the same source that said the one that blew up at the FedEx facility was supposed to be mailed to Alex Jones? There was a story on the radio this morning that said there was something on reddit claiming that. Just once I'd like for one of these crazy twists to be true. Azalin's post earlier about there being a connection between the first two targets made me wonder if this guy wound up setting off a few extra bombs to throw people off his track.
  23. A seventh rounder would be worth more only if you are using he same exact standard for a “hit” across all rounds.
  24. I'd just reverse the scoring, 1 point for a 7th round hit and 7 points for a first round hit. Add them all up and then divide by the total number of possible points for that draft year. That way, you also account for having more or less picks in any given year. It's not all that scientific, but it's something.
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