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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Good point about Thanos. It feels like the first time where there was actually a reason for the villain wanting to destroy everything. Here’s my random moment of overthinking something. If he kills half of all life, doesn’t that remove half the animals and plants, leading to the same lack of available resources, at least when it comes to food? And yes, I was very worried about character overload going into this movie, but they dealt with that really well. I never felt like one person was given more attention than anyone else (I’m looking at you, Robert Downey Jr). I’ve got that same concern for Deadpool next month. Hopefully that one proves me wrong too.
  2. Whats the past tense version of foreshadowing?
  3. So was he saying to pick up those guys as undrafted free agents, signing guys with a few extra years of development but still fall under entry level money restrictions? You’re not working with all that many options there and they do seem to be lower ceiling players at that point. They can’t hope for much more than bottom 6 or 6-7 defenseman guys from that pool of talent. It can help, but there still needs to be more.
  4. It was tough to tell, but the scenes for next week made it look like Madison is still alive. All of Nick's action were definitely hinting at her being dead, but nothing from Alicia says the same. But anyway, I'm not too crazy about the way they're letting this play out so far. After a big time jump where you're already wondering how they got that far, they add another layer of timeline madness. I bet we don't find out a thing until the 8th episode, right in time for the next break.
  5. So they have to bring back some of them, but I hope a few actually stay dead. I feel like anyone who was legitimately killed (Loki, Heimdall, Gamora) should stay dead while anyone who faded away should eventually be brought back. There needs to be some sort of repercussions after all of this is done. So other than the original cast of Avengers (including Hawkeye, who I bet resurfaces in the next one), did anyone else beyond Rocket, War Machine, and Nebula survive? I'm guessing Antman will be there next time too. Those extra throw-ins seem like odd choices.
  6. I hope that we don't have to read too many posts about them trading away the top pick, but it does seem to come up every year. It's not something that happens in the NHL anymore. The Fleury pick in 2003 was the last time the #1 was traded. Those top picks have become way too valuable both with the salary cap post-lockout and with huge boost in player development we've seen in the last 10 or so years. I'm starting to get the feeling that we'll never see that pick moved ever again. It's going to take something like how Boston wound up landing the 2nd pick they used on Seguin, a team trading away a pick and then falling apart after the deal (look out, Ottawa!).
  7. Do they focus much on the guys who are winning out over them? I would have guessed that there would be even more negativity directed towards them.
  8. I just hope it isn't the same situation for a lot of the other dealers. I'm going to be in the sedan market for the foreseeable future, so this move would eliminate them from my consideration. It's a real shame too since a guy in my neighborhood manages a Ford dealership. Goodbye to at least one car buying experience where the salesman wouldn't attempt to screw me over every possible way.
  9. I feel like I see a ton of Fusions on the road. I would have thought they were doing really well with that car.
  10. I decided last second to grab an Avengers ticket for 10:15 tonight.
  11. Even if the miracle happens and all of the winners are revealed in those first 10, you're still left not knowing the order of the top 3. But whatever, it isn't happening. I'm too lazy to figure it out, but if I'm thinking this through correctly, there's a 4.3% chance of this happening.
  12. Yeah, I'm completely on board with that one. But they'll do it this way so that a few extra viewers decide to watch through the first period of the game they're showing that night. It's such a pointless move though. The people who want to know lottery results are more than likely the same people who want to watch hockey anyway.
  13. There is nothing exciting about the process. 4 balls popping out of the machine and then a guy going over to a massive chart to see who won? It doesn't make for good tv. And then they do that whole process 2 more times. Instead they want to focus on the actual entertainment, the games going on out there on the ice.
  14. I have to say, one of my finest drunken moments was yelling out "May Day! May Day!" while standing right next to a table where Ray Bourque was sitting. It was mid-2000s, so 5 or so years after he retired.
  15. I think that's a big part of why people want to credit the 90s. You have major expansion in sports right around that time, but the talent pool hadn't yet caught up. You had more jobs to fill, but with a bigger talent gap. Later as the talent gap shrinks, there are more good players who are much closer together in terms of skill. It becomes that much harder for someone to excel beyond the rest of the field.
  16. Just to put Gretzky in perspective a bit. He score 985 total points from the 1980-81 season through to the 1984-85 season. From 1990-91 to 1998-99, he scored 875 points. I realize I'm missing part of the 90s thanks to the 89-90 season, but that takes more digging around than I'm willing to do. But anyway, 80s Gretzky blows away the 90s version. I chose my cutoff of 1985 intentionally. Those insane point totals I added up? They do not include the following season (85-86), which just happened to be the season where he put up the most points all-time. His better playoff runs were in the 80s as well. But then again, this is the same thread where 12 years old as of 1/1/1980 Barry Sanders and retired in 1965 Jim Brown are credited to the 70s.
  17. Gretzky's dominance was in the mid 80s. Tyson’s major moment in the 90s were going to jail and biting Holyfield’s ear. That are just just two glaring cases of you crediting the 90s for the previous decade’s moments. And then there’s your list of the 70s...
  18. It felt like they were trying to end the series. They probably should have. The show needs to clear out a lot of dead weight if they want to move forward. Unfortunately they blew their chance at that. I'm with eball when it comes to Daryl. He's been pushed so far into the background now, they probably would have been better killing him off along with so much of the other dead weight. Anyway, I caught the last 10-15 minutes last night. I know I saw some talk upthread not understanding why Jesus would go along with Maggie and Daryl's thoughts of lashing out a bit. I don't think he ever actually said he agreed with any of it. I thought he was just feeling them out a bit to see where they were.
  19. Ha, en entire community of red shirts. Did anyone beyond Ezikiel, Jerry, the kid, and the farmer woman even get a name at any point? I know there's also the other woman in the hockey pads who is still out there fighting, but I don't have the slightest clue what her name is. Oh, but I will say it is now 2 main characters who died this year. Forgot about Shiva. She got way more character development than anyone who was killed last night.
  20. And I'm guessing a lot of people associate the black and red with Adelphia and the Regis family. That's not something many will want to revisit.
  21. They had a chance to clear out some of the glut of characters, but if I'm tallying this up correctly in my mind, we only lost one main character this entire season. I'm not going to count Simon even though he was one of the better characters on the show since he was still nothing more than a more developed red shirt. You have a show where they like to claim that no one is safe, then you add in a war. Somehow that equals killing absolutely no one of value?
  22. I was hoping it was enough time for at least something interesting. It cut out immediately after “save him”. edit: but at least we got the walking deadpool
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