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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I think those acquisitions look a bit different if he had made any attempt to work on the blue line. I know there usually isn't too much available at that position, but shopping at the bargain bin for the likes of Franson and Colaiacovo was never going to fix that issue. He did make two serious attempts at adding actual NHL level d-men and failed miserably with them (Bogosian and Kulikov).
  2. He has essentially done nothing but lose during his entire time in the NHL. Now I know it's not fair to blame that on him, but at the same time, you can't help but wonder how much of a role in it that he plays. This is his second stop where he was on a team that was supposed to be making that big step forward, but stalled out. He didn't put those teams in that crappy position, but he also didn't help them get out.
  3. I still have a 716 number even though I haven't lived up there for at least 15 years. It works really well for weeding out the scams and garbage calls. Most of the time they mask the number with an area code to match yours. So if I ever get a call from a 716 number, I know it's fake. If I get a call from an NC area code, it pretty much always is legit, so I can answer them when I get them.
  4. That's not how math works. Dropping from 532,000 to 256,000 is just over a 50% decline.
  5. It's amazing how much things have changed and how quickly it has happened. There are so many more top end players who are NHL ready almost immediately and they're coming from everywhere now. This will be the third year in a row where a non-Canadian goes first overall. Finland and Sweden have become factories for top end talent. Over that same time, Canada will probably wind up with only 3 total picks in the top 5 of each of those drafts combined. It has to drive them crazy.
  6. What's going on with different colors? Has there been more than the flower stuff? But anyway, one thing I did like was the scenery at the end of the episode last night. That was one hell of a creepy looking shot.
  7. Do we even know that the place doesn't hand out that card with every single menu?
  8. It's moving a bit too slow for me. I wish I had just let the episodes pile up on the DVR and then just fly through them all together. I'm just not crazy about the way they have set up this entire season. They had the huge time jump which leaves us wondering what happened after the dam collapse. But instead of explaining that, they then add in another time jump and build up to slowly explaining that much shorter window of time. For the second time, it looks like the most interesting character on the show has been killed off, but with no acknowledgement whatsoever. I kind of assumed that Daniel wouldn't be back seeing as how he shot a giant hole in his face, but it would be nice to know for sure. I'd much rather learn this whole story instead of the supposed fall of the ballpark that we know absolutely nothing about. But hey, they had to shoehorn Morgan into the show somehow. The other decision that feels really strange to me is bringing back Nick's girlfriend even though they knew they were killing him off. It's not really a big deal, just kind of a strange move.
  9. They were a little loose on the rules for when he could use the gauntlet. Weren't they trying to stop him from making a fist at some point because that was when he could use it? The whole scene on Titan where they were trying to remove it, that's where they played up that angle. So if Cap is holding his hand open there, he may not be able to use the gauntlet at that moment. But then, when he does ultimately snap his fingers, was it the gauntlet hand?
  10. I had no issue with anything between Thanos and Gamora. Looking back, they planted the seeds for that really well in Guardians 2. She never realized it, but Nebula sure as hell did.
  11. It's minor in the big picture, but we lost half of monday due to our internet being down and then half of wednesday due to a server being down. This just happens to be the one week where I did what I never do and told someone I'd have something finished by a specific date.
  12. I've got no problem with at as long as there is someone with them who actually knows what is going on. The wife would have been even more confused than the kids. On a side note, I don't know what a heart bear is, but I feel like I should be scared of it.
  13. Do you by any chance know how often someone that age does make that jump over there?
  14. Another teacher at work tried to convince my wife that they should take a couple kids to see it as a part of this school fundraiser they have each year. She hasn't seen anything but the first two Captain America movies, and even then she barely paid attention. I was trying to think up a way of giving her a crash course of character backgrounds to help her stay awake through the whole thing. I quickly realized that there is no possible way I could do that. Now after having seen the movie, I really hope they decide against this movie. They're second grade and I think the story line could be a bit much for kids that age. If nothing else, they need to see it with someone who can actually explain it to them after it is over.
  15. It's amazing how much easier expansion can be now that we are in the salary cap era. Vegas doesn't walk away with even half of the roster they have right now without it.
  16. I think I’d throw guardians 2 in there for Nebula’s role in the whole thing, no matter how small that wound up being.
  17. They have to slow play it. Of course they're using the pick on Dahlin, but it's in their best interest to let people call them with offers. If nothing else, it kick starts conversations for some other deals they may wind up making.
  18. They essentially wiped out everyone but the original Avengers, with a couple extras thrown in. It’s fitting that they’ll be the ones to save the day and them marvel will move forward to the newer characters. So the first one you saw was the 18th or 19th in a series of movies. Don’t you think that might have a lot to do with not understanding what is drawing in viewers?
  19. Especially since his money guy wound up in prison. That would have gotten ugly really fast.
  20. I hate all time player rankings, but I have absolutely no problem considering Lidstrom one of the greatest d-men of all time. The thing about his career that never ceases to amaze me is that he never won a Norris until he was 31... and then he wound up with 7.
  21. I keep seeing the name mentioned in comparisons all the time. All I know is if Dahlin winds up as even half the player that Nik Lidstrom was, I'll be very happy.
  22. It all falls back on whether or not they would consider moving O’Reilly. After that, Moulson and Bogosian are the big money black holes. It would take some creativity and movement, but I think they can make a play for Tavares if they really want to.
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