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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I'm not ready to call it better, but it was very good. I'm really not sure if I could pick one right now.
  2. My wife's family does this thing at Christmas every year where they write down memories of that Christmas in the same notebook. If you look back about 15 years, there's a note from her cousin that says "this year my mom told me I was an accident".
  3. I'd imagine that he has multiple videos and someone in the back gets plenty of time to cue up the right ones. He did find one incredible way to tug at the heart strings though. I'd be curious to see how it translates to a full length show. You can only go with the tear jerker once per show. Well, that and once you see the trick for a second time and the results are completely different.
  4. I'm going to give it a chance at some point, but I may wait a while. I cannot escape from this view of the movie for now. The last time someone replaced Ford it was, what, Ben Affleck? That didn't work out so well. Then there was the attempt to replace him with Shia Labouf. We're not off to a great start here.
  5. Is this anything like how my wife always hears "yes" no matter what I say after she asks "does this make me look fat?"
  6. I hope it delivers, but right now, any time I see an ad, all I see is some kids in halloween costumes. Obviously it had to be done, but I don't know how you replace Harrison Ford.
  7. They must be from out of town. They need to remove the "Buffalo" from those jerseys immediately.
  8. He was talking to Tavares while still technically a Toronto employee? I’d love a tampering charge as a parting gift. Yeah, I’m really stretching it with this one, but it’s worth a shot.
  9. There were two. The first I have absolutely no idea what it was, completely incoherent with every other word being an f-bomb. The second was an R rated muppet spoof. I think the last scene in that trailer could wind up pushing the rating limit. Disturbing.
  10. Morgan is the kiss of death. At this point, I hope they do exactly what you're suggesting but leave crazy Morgan out there roaming around by himself.
  11. No spoilers: best mid-credit scenes ever! edit: Did anyone else get a couple red band trailers before the movie?
  12. They missed an opportunity with this one. They should have had Laura/Naomi reveal at that point that she had John’s revolver by shooting that walker. That would have been the perfect explanation for why they were all over the car. On top of that, it would have emphasized John’s message about gunshots attracting more walkers.
  13. I know you've questioned the possible return for O'Reilly, but if you could move him for some prospects and/or depth guys and replace him with Tavares, I feel like that actually fits with that top to bottom approach. It's a completely different story when you have to trade for that top level guy, but this situation is very unique. It won't be easy, but there's a chance here to help the team on both fronts. We can talk the Pittsburgh model all we want, but we're already missing the most important part of that system, the two hall of fame centers.
  14. I can't believe the got Alex Winter for this. He's been incredibly busy over the years.
  15. Deadpool on saturday! I don't know why, but the promotion for Solo has done absolutely nothing for me. I don't have much desire to see that one.
  16. Luckily she actually knows all about Deadpool. There's no way the kids could trick her into going to that movie. The two of us are seeing it Saturday.
  17. Fortunately they chose a different movie for the charity thing with the kids. All I could picture was some crying kid asking my wife “why did they kill Spider-Man?” Her response would be “which one was Spider-Man?” instead, she’s taking them to see Deadpool. ?
  18. I'm still waiting to hear his opinion of Tim Murray and Robin Lehner.
  19. I'm pretty sure they had someone back in the Superbowl days. I want to say it was a guy from a place near the corner of South Abbott and Armor Duells.
  20. I didn't mean to suggest that any of that is happening next year. I'd expect at least 3 years before Mittelstadt could be a true impact player. It's nice to have both him and Dahlin joining the team at the same time and then hopefully hitting their prime together. So at that point, that is when you hopefully can get to a plug and play scenario with many of the future young players.
  21. They absolutely need Mittelstadt to come close to his ceiling. It becomes so much easier if you have those two stud centers. I hate making the Pittsburgh comparison because those two are other worldly, but if you find yourself in a spot with two stud centers, they make everyone else better. The forward core is going to look a hell of a lot better if he pans out.
  22. He is. But still, I wish they'd pick one time point and stick to it. This thing is dancing around way too much.
  23. I haven't used mine in a little while now. Thanks for the reminder. Wednesday sounds like the perfect day for a steak. I still haven't tried anything fancy, but I'm more than happy using it just for steak and chicken, maybe the occasional pork tenderloin.
  24. And that's exactly where Murray went wrong. He tried for that one shot fix, all while dealing off those picks which would have helped to replenish the depth significantly. So he didn't address depth concerns and then also missed on his swing for the fences. It was the perfect storm of screwups. As for Bogosian, at 27, I'd say he is what he is at this point. I hate that I'm saying it, but he's practically a senior citizen already at that age in today's NHL. He also happens to have the fragility of a senior citizen as well. Looking over his career stats, they look very consistent. He's never going to change. Nylander, you're right. There's still time there, with two years left on his entry level contract. This year really feels like it could be a make or break year though. If there's little progress, I won't expect a thing from him beyond that.
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