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Everything posted by shrader

  1. We had a bus driver who would take us there on the last day of the school year. There was nothing more horrible than waiting for the bus on the first day of school only to find out that she had been switched to a different route.
  2. The place was insanely busy the couple times I was there. I have no idea how they grow from ice cream to that.
  3. I'd have to imagine there are plenty out there who have no social media presence at all. I'm not on twitter, so I have no idea who they would be, but they have to be out there.
  4. I still want to know why celebrities even bother with twitter. One wrong comment destroys everything. Sometimes it's deserved (here), other times it's not. They have to walk a tight rope that's thinner than dental floss on there. It's not worth it.
  5. What I think winds up working for Rogue One was that they were working with completely new characters who needed to be developed from scratch. It makes for better story telling. Sure there were a few people with some history, but they were such minor characters in the overall picture of that movie. I wish they could find a way to make more stand alone stories like Rouge One instead of the prequel origin stories. It doesn't look like they have any plans for that though. There were a bunch of new people in Force Awakens, but they've still got the shadow of all of the original characters looming largely over them. That movie felt like it was more about the big 3 than it was about the new cast. Maybe they'll be able to get away from that in the third movie given what they've done in the past two. I'm not so sure that's possible at this point though.
  6. I think they're trying to play to both sides with these droids. On one hand, they can see "see, we're being more inclusive", but at the same time in response to those who complain "hey, it's just a robot".
  7. I've been in the place far too often lately, thanks to the annual surge in yard work. I've never really had to ask their people for anything though since I'm usually looking for basic stuff.. At this time of year, it's really easy to find the dirt and mulch yourself.
  8. I saw it on Saturday. It was decent, but nothing special. My one big issue was that I wish they had went with a different idea for the main scenes with the Falcon flying around. It was next to impossible to see anything in that scene.
  9. I'm going to Pearl Jam at Fenway Park on Labor Day weekend. Does that count as summer (calendar-wise it definitely does)?
  10. -Yard work -Got roped into going to see Solo -neighborhood boozefest
  11. Now I'm picturing a glow in the dark face tattoo. You're really freaking me out right now.
  12. But what if the tattoo itself says "come closer"? Now I'm just confused.
  13. I hope you followed up by immediately sitting down and watching Alien with her.
  14. There are two more who could potentially be available for the 32nd pick.
  15. A half billion dollar seat at the table. Forget the winning part.
  16. I heard this story on the radio but somehow they didn't mention the tattoos. I don't know, I'd say it's an important detail.
  17. The first link I pulled up on google for this story showed that comparison. I think it was dead on, at least with the picture that twitter poster used.
  18. He definitely was. He just sounded like a brainless goof the whole time. I still can't place it though, maybe it was a random dunce character from Looney Tunes or something.
  19. The guy filming sounds like a real winner too. He reminds me of someone, but I can't place it right now, some random tv simpleton. Why did she need a baseball bat to TP the house?
  20. It's a product of them jumping around way too much. We know absolutely nothing about these guys. Hell, even the brother killing Nick felt so incredibly awkward because of how they've decided to tell this story. Just so they can mess with me, constantly having him show back up after I talk about how he must be dead? If he ever comes back, he needs a giant piercing in that gunshot hole in his face.
  21. I would have thought you were joking, but that last part really does prove that you got forced out of the theater. Vision wound up getting killed twice, once by Wanda, and then again by Thanos after he rewound time. You wound up seeing all of the non-evaporating deaths other than Vision. After that, the only name characters who didn't fade away were the original Avengers, Rocket, War Machine, Nebula, and Okoye (I think that's her name, Michonne from Walking Dead). Black Panther's sister was off camera so there's no word on her.
  22. They have adult protective services? What's that called, the police?
  23. They knew ahead of time that the computer flagged it but then brought the cake home anyway without checking it? The box has the standard see through window on it that all cake boxes have. This is another case of someone intentionally trying to drum up fake controversy.
  24. Yeah, I'm pretty sure those were the two red band trailers I got too. That's the first time I've seen one of those in a theater.
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