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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Sorry, I thought your original stance is that there would be no market for him, thanks in part to the contract. Now that we do know there's interest out there, I'll be very curious to see how this chatter changes once Buffalo has paid that July 1st bonus. I really don't have any expectation for what will happen with him, but as you're suggesting, it's going to come down to what exactly this team wants in return. If I'm the one calling those shots, there needs to be a player or two that can step in right now, more than likely some young prospects (25 or younger) about to step up to the NHL level.
  2. I love reading through the daily thoughts people have for our prospects. They're all supposed to be 30 goal scorers or top pair defensemen by now. They're all so good that they could even beat a team full of mini-Ditkas.
  3. I'm not talking about realism. I'm completely ok with the suspension of belief as long as the story makes sense. This whole thing expanding to what we're suggesting here (trying to stay somewhat vague for the sake of spoilers) just does not make any sense. They're going to chase people off quickly if they start trying to make too many leaps. I kind of wish they left the last one as a standalone because it's all going to go downhill from here. The fear of being confined in small spaces is what makes these kind of stories go.
  4. Not against a competent military. I hope they pull the plug on the series at this point because if not, it's about to go down a very stupid path.
  5. There are maybe 20 dinosaurs that are unable to reproduce, mostly herbivores. That’s not exactly a recipe for Armageddon.
  6. I was worried that Jurassic world would be an incredibly stupid movie and it was. They hastily threw together a lame storyline and it showed. Nothing about that movie made any sense.
  7. Mae could really use some rain here. It’s tough to keep the grass green at this point.
  8. What if it was a cruise missile mocked up to look like an airplane, complete with Otto sitting up front? How about a cruise missile inside an airplane? Actually, Tom mentioned L Ron Hubbard earlier. I think he was onto something: DC Tom ---> Cruise missile ---> Tom Cruise
  9. Apparently Trotz didn't think he owed that GM too much since he decided to beat him in the Stanley Cup finals. On a side note, just imagine how good that Craps team would look if McPhee hadn't decided to trade for Martin Erat.
  10. I chose the right day to check in on PPP. The new dance moves I've learned will take me far in life.
  11. I'm still hoping for Samuel Jackson as Picard in that rumored Tarantino Star Trek movie from earlier in the year.
  12. At least you can see outside. I'm stuck in the middle of the building under an AC vent that I would swear is putting out 50 degree air. So I freeze all day while sitting under artificial light. When I get home and hear about how hot the day was, I'm caught completely off guard because I only got outside for about 5 minutes of that weather.
  13. It's really no different. The coach wants more than the team is willing to pay him, so they part ways. We will never stop seeing this happen. It won't always be a coach who just won some hardware, but we'll see many more forms of this over time.
  14. I distinctly remember him playing tight end
  15. Being shamed for success has to be one of the most self-destructive behaviors you'll ever see. The sooner people stop giving a damn about what others thing of them, the better we will all be.
  16. Is the idea that they were previously posted here at some point? I'm not sure it was posted here, but it's a classic. Unfortunately it won't let me embed it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzgAjjuqZM
  17. Actually one has been bothering me for a while now. I'm pretty sure facebook is up to something. All these girls I went to school with are showing up on there, but they have different last names than I remember. Has this happened to anyone else?
  18. I haven't read your link, but I was wondering why she called it MacDonalds at first and then later switched to McDonalds. But anyway, the video is hilarious either way.
  19. What's the monthly charge for online play on the PS4? I know it's nothing that will break the bank, but it just doesn't seem worth it for the limited amount of use I would have.
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