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Everything posted by shrader

  1. Is it a realistic move though when the rest of your park is all outdoor stuff? Most of that could never be converted, so you'd be left with one or two single indoor rides as you slowly start to introduce indoor stuff. That seems like one hell of an initial loss as you try to start out a very long term project.
  2. The opener ended with him saying something along the lines of "you wanted me to talk more" and then he also said it right after he rips into the lying guy. It came off to me like those two scenes were the same moment. So he's thinking about his son at the same time that his daughter-in-law is telling her story. It was very jarring, but design I'm sure. That fits goes along well with what I just posted above.
  3. That opening scene was ended so abruptly, it made me think something was wrong with my signal. Have they ever had one that short?
  4. Confusion has never been the result of one of your posts. Nope, not ever.
  5. I'd imagine that clip is being used by just about everyone covering this story. I know I heard pieces of it multiple times this morning. It sure does tell you a lot about him. He's not connecting with the other players in any way. Hindsight, I know, but it does fit really well with what he wound up doing.
  6. That picture is probably the only thing out there that shows he has won one of these things before. From that, you can probably get a better understanding for why he might be angry about losing this time around. Obviously that doesn't justify anything he did, but it does help to provide some important details on his background. If people truly want to understand why things like this happened, that picture helps. I haven't gone too in depth on the coverage of this thing, but nothing I've seen/heard is focusing even for a second on what logo he was wearing in a picture from last year.
  7. The whole thing seems so strange to me, to actually label themselves as terrorists. I'd imagine that they've usually have some cause that they've deluded themselves into believing. But here, if they actually did label themselves as terrorists, they just want to watch the world burn.
  8. How long did it take for the Vietnamese to realize who they had? It seems kind of risky to have the son of someone with that high of a rank to be flying in a war.
  9. Having moved from Boston down to NC 4 years ago, I really can't complain about the cost of living anymore. If it wasn't for certain medical expensive we've had this summer, I bet I could have a Scrooge McDuck-style swimming pool of coins (pennies of course).
  10. It is in no way vintage, but I have this one hanging in my garage. I've always liked it.
  11. I like how every so often he's looking off to the side like he's reading from a cue card. I really hope that's intentional because it's a nice little detail to throw in there.
  12. That one's a bit different though. It has changed names 75 times, so at least for me, I just revert to the original name.
  13. The last time I was in the building it was Rich Stadium, so that name still sticks with me.
  14. Or they could have taken any one of the eventual duds who were available at the time of those picks. If we're going to assume that they would have taken who would up being the best player out of those available, we also need to consider the just as likely scenario where they missed on those guys. It pretty much comes down to a coin toss as to whether or not the system would be any better than it currently is. -The Lehner trade, there's no debate. That pick was completely thrown away. -With the other two picks, there is at least still something remaining from it or returns from later trades. So would you rather have those prospects you listed or would you rather have some combination of Thompson/the St. Louis 1st/Sobotka/Berglund/the San Jose 1st/O'Regan? That seems like a pretty decent return for two first round picks and a 2nd, especially when compared to the uncertainty of who they may have drafted.
  15. Yeah, I saw that. Thanks. There's still no better example of killing off the expandable guy than the guy who was supposed to be watching Walt and Jessie in the meth lab. That had to be one of the most cold-hearted moments in the entire show.
  16. At first I was thinking it was mostly a case of instability after everything with Chuck. Making the call about the hummels hurts that thought a bit, but it's possible that he thought about that well after he left.
  17. Can someone remind me what Mike did to wind up on Madrigal's payroll?
  18. Both shows are perfect for binge watching. I never watched Breaking Bad until it was already off the air because I didn't have cable when it started. I flew through all of it and I bet it would have been the same with this show. The wife loved Breaking Bad but hasn't watched any of this one so far. I think that's a cheap excuse for me to go back and start the whole thing all over again. It'll be worth it just to see the episode that gave Mike's back story.
  19. That was the first golf I've watched for more than 5 minutes in a long time. I turned it on right as he left that putt on the edge of the cup. I figured he'd lose by 1 stroke after that. But anyway, this next generation of golfers is about to get so much more exposure if Tiger can keep this going. This is going to be a very good thing for all of them.
  20. Same here. I was stuck with one hell of a light show from that storm instead.
  21. Ahhhh, there it is. I get an incredibly long list of options now. The old ones are all the way at the bottom.
  22. I worked at an ice cream place in the summer during my college days. One day while cashing out a woman, for no reason whatsoever she said "now don't look at the register, how much change do I get?". I immediately answered. She then, over and over, kept asking "what if I gave you this much, what if I gave you that much...". Each time I answered immediately. I have no idea why she was doing it, but she then followed up with "well I bet my 10 year old daughter is better at math than you." I then informed her that I was one semester away from a masters in statistics. She then stormed off all angry. I have no idea what that lady's deal was, but I have no problem calling her an idiot. It's nice when attempts to shame a young kid like that and it blows up in their face.
  23. I read the thread title and immediately saw that you were the most recent post. It's one of those moments where things are going exactly the way they're supposed to.
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